In this document, a state of the art of diffusion and
texture synthesis methods has first been presented.
Some chosen algorithms have been described in more
detail and their results analysed. From this analy-
sis, it appeared judicious to combine a texture syn-
thesis method with a diffusion algorithm. Therefore,
we have proposed an algorithm that combines these
two types of approaches. It decomposes the origi-
nal image into the sum of a texture and a structure
image and inpaints each image independently. The
inpainted of the structure image is directly obtained
with the algorithm from (Tschumperl´e, 2006) while
for the completion of the texture image we have pro-
posed some extensions of the algorithm from (Crim-
inisi et al., 2004).
Some promising results have been shown. How-
ever, the quality of the results may still be improved,
as they depend on the diffusion method. Another
drawback is the influence of the parameters. The re-
sults presented were all obtained with the same pa-
rameters. Nevertheless, tuning them automatically
taking into account the type of data, would probably
improve the quality of our method. This will be the
topic of our future research.
This work was supported by the Torres Quevedo Pro-
gram of the Ministerio de Educaci´on y Ciencia of
Spain and partially founded by Mediapro through the
Spanish project CENIT-2007-1012 i3media.
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