Peijiang Yuan, Bo Zhang and Jianmin Li
State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology and Systems
Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Content-Based Medical Video Retrieval (CBMVR), Artificial Potential Field (APF), Multimodal Information
Image based medical diagnosis plays an important role in improving the quality of health-care industry. Con-
tent based image retrieval (CBIR) has been successfully implemented in medical fields to help physicians in
training and surgery. Many radiological and pathological images and videos are generated by hospitals, uni-
versities and medical centers with sophisticated image acquisition devices. Images and Videos that help senior
or junior physician to practice medical surgery become more and more popular and easier to access through
different ways. To help learn the process of a surgery or even make decisions is one of the main objectives
of the content based image and video retrieval system. In this paper, a contented-based multimodal medical
video retrieval system (CBMVR) for medical image and video databases is addressed. Some key issues are
discussed. A new feature representation method named Artificial Potential Field (APF) is addressed which is
specially useful in symmetrical imaging feature extraction. Experimental results show that, with this CBMVR,
both the senior and junior physicians can benefit from the mass data of medical images and videos.
Content-based Video and Image Retrieval (CBVIR)
has been an exciting and fastest growing research area
in the last few decades (Smeulders et al., 2000),(Liu
et al., 2001). Many approaches for visual represen-
tation and vision systems have been addressed (Pog-
gio and Bizzi, 2004),(Taylor et al., 2002). Medi-
cal images and videos can provide not only a view
of internal structures of patients, but also a direct
view for physicians to evaluate the patient’s diag-
nosis and monitor the effects of the treatment, and
for researchers to understand the underlying diseases.
Currently, many PACS contain terabytes of image
data on-line, thereby requiring high quality Content-
Based-Medical-Video-Retrieval (CBMVR) technol-
ogy. However, medicalimages and videos have dif-
ferent characteristics for each imaging system. CB-
MVR is much different from traditional video re-
trieval systems. Due to this reason, practical CB-
MVR applications have not been widely used in med-
ical surgery and education so far. In most cases, pro-
fessional physicians examine images and videos in
conventional ways based on their individual experi-
ences and knowledge. As a result, the increasing de-
mand for efficient management of such data is mak-
ing CBMVR a very active area of research. Some
efforts have already been made in the area of medi-
cal image retrieval research. In general, CBMVR is
an important technique in medical domain. It can be
used in monitoring multiple image modalities, veri-
fying changes or evolution of a certain disease and
specially useful in video-guided-surgery.
This paper will focus on some new medical video
retrieval techniques to analyze medical imaging and
video data from real clinical studies. The main con-
tribution of this paper can be described as follows:
1. In this paper, a new approach for CBMVR sys-
tem will be presented. Much of current research
mainly focus on medical image retrieval.
2. A new method of artificial potential field (APF)
based feature extraction will be proposed. This
method works well with medical images.
3. A multi-modality keyframe sequences matching
algorithm which integrates text, video and au-
dio will be addressed. Late-fusion techniques are
used to improve the performance.
Yuan P., Zhang B. and Li J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Imaging Theory and Applications, pages 83-86
DOI: 10.5220/0001774200830086
The main purpose of this work is to design a multi-
modality CBMVR system by integrating the text,
video and audio that realizes the greatest possible
benefit from gathering, indexing, communicating,
managing, and archiving multimedia data to provide
a reliable health-care delivery, medical education, and
medical research platform. Medical video retrieval
can be useful as a training tool for medical students
and physicians in education for detecting the evolu-
tion of diseases and for research purposes. For in-
stance. Given a CBMVR system, the senior or ju-
nior physicians can benefit from the system both in
decision-making and surgery training.
Most current CBMVR methodologies are based
on a specific image modality, for example, global fea-
tures such as color and texture and regional features or
local features. To build a practical computer aided di-
agnostic system, all the relevant technologies, multi-
modality technologies especially the most successful
text retrieval, audio and video technologies need to be
integrated in an inter-operable manner. Fig. 1 gave
a lymphoma surgery example where the physicians
need to know the current status of the lymphoma dis-
ease from thousands of CT and MRI images. From
Fig.1, we can see that, medical images share some
unified features and quite different from everyday im-
ages and videos.
Some projects for the use of content-based image re-
trieval methods in the medical domain in general have
been addressed from the literature (Orphanoudakis
et al., 1994). In (Bucci et al., 1996), CBIR is proposed
in the context of a case database containing images
and attached case descriptions. A medical reference
database was described within a teaching file assistant
in (Squire et al., 1999). However, the used visual fea-
tures are not well defined. An on-line pathology atlas
uses the search-by-similarity paradigm in (Cord et al.,
2003), (Cai et al., 2001), (Muller et al., 2004), (Kim
and Vasudev, 2005), (Tagare et al., 1997).
In general, there are two major approaches of im-
age data description and retrieval in the literature:
the metadata oriented and the content-based oriented.
However, these known systems mainly focus on re-
trieval by image and give less or no emphasis to the
role of medical video retrieval. CBMVR has not been
well addressed.
Figure 1: Different evolution status of lymphoma with
grayscale and color CT and MRI images.
Figure 2: The architecture of the CBMVR system (ASR:
Automatic Speech Recognition).
We aim at building a multi-modality CBMVR system
that can benefit from gathering, indexing, communi-
cating, managing, and archiving multimedia data to
provide a reliable healthcare solution, medical educa-
tion, and medical research platform that can be used
for surgery and training. The fundamental features of
this CBMVR can be listed as follows:
The feature description of the image contents
should be strong, robust and scalable for different
sizes of images and videos.
The system should be fast or even real-time since
some applications need immediate response.
In this case, low-level features like color, texture fea-
tures are suitable in CBMVR. Use of automatic video
retrieval techniques such as text, images, concepts,
audio and other modes respectively, the ultimate re-
sult of retrieval sequence can be achieved by inte-
gration of all the modalities. In addition, by us-
ing weighted configuration, automatic classification
based on the results of the different modal integration
can bring very good results performance. Fig. 2 gives
the architecture of the CBMVR system.
The system mainly has three parts: the query, the
database and the fusion results. As mentioned above,
IMAGAPP 2009 - International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Features of an Ultrasound image (a) the 3*3 ma-
trix representation(b) the average values of each block).
Figure 4: Feature space in artificial potential field.
the features of each keyframe should be robust and
not dependent on the image style, for instance, the
features can be used in CT, MRI, PET and Ultrasound
respectively. Here we choose low-level feature.
The above features are easily to use and robust.
The performance, however, sometimes is not very
good since the feature space is not salient in many sit-
uations. For instance, in an Ultrasound video or MRI
video, the grayscale feature space is usually flat. The
MAP (minimum average precision) can be low. To
solve this problem, we propose a new method which
has been successfully implemented in robotics: the
artificial potential field.
Potential field methods were addressed for obsta-
cle avoidance in (Khatib and Maitre, 1978). The
obstacles were represented as zero level surfaces of
scalar valued analytic functions, i.e. f (x;y;z) = 0. In
this case, we can define an arbitrary cutoff value f
which corresponds to the distance where the influence
of the potential is no longer important. The potential
field can be mathematically described in the following
P(x,y,z) =
α/ f (x,y,z)
f (x,y,z) f
0 f (x,y,z) > f
As depicted in Fig. 4, many medical images are sym-
metrical and center based. If we adopt potential field
as the feature space with the center in the middle of
the medical image, the segmentation based Ordinal
Measure values might be more precise and robust. We
Table 1: The average performance using the average values
under Trecvid and medical dataset.
Precision Recall
489,655 keyframes 76.9% 85.5%
choose the feature vector as:
F = {P
} (2)
where P
is the potential field value of the medical
image. This potential based medical image features
may impose challenges for efficient processing and
indexing. Thus the features, the keyframes, and the
video sequences are known. By implementing ANN
or LSH method, we can build a CBMVR to find the
exact or near-duplicate medical videos and images.
To test the performance of the given CBMVR, we
build two experiments. Our system is based on a
Pentium IV PC with 3.4G Hz, 1G memory and 120G
hard disk. First, to test the efficiency, TRECVID 2006
database was used.
5.1 Experiment I
First Trecvid videos and some CT and MRI images
from Tianjin Medical University, Department of Med-
ical Imaging, are used in this experiment. From 2003
to 2006, about 918 video files, about 530 hours of
videos with 485,655 keyframes were used and the
medical images are about 4000 keyframes. The Pre-
cision and Recall of the experimental results are listed
in Table 1: Here we assume that, given a query image,
the exact or similar images in the fist m results (Pre-
cision @ m) is defined as the percentage of Precision.
From the results, we can see that, the precision and
the recall is not very good and the time complexity in-
creases dramatically with the growth of the database
(with K=30). Therefore, we give another method.
5.2 Experiment II
From experiment I, we can see that, the CBMVR sys-
tem works fine with the Trecvid data. The perfor-
mance, however, is not very good (both the precision
and recall are not good enough). To solve this prob-
lem, while keeping the scalability of the time com-
plexity and the memory usage, we inspired by the text
retrieval method and the potential field features. In
this experiment, we use potential field features and
include the Trecvid data and data from the MRI and
Table 2: The performance using multi-modality integration
under both Trecvid and medical dataset.
Precision Recall
489,655 keyframes 94.6% 96.4%
CT images. The images are all grayscale, 512*512
pixels. The experiments showed that the accuracy of
this algorithm has been greatly improved (Precision
94.6% Recall 96.4%. (See Table 2).
In this paper, a new approach for medical image and
video retrieval system is presented. A new method
based on keyframe matching and partial sequence
alignment is proposed. An extensive evaluation of
different methods for multi-modality automatic cate-
gorization of medical images is presented. A new fea-
ture space expression named artificial potential field
based feature extraction method is discussed. The
experimental results show that it is feasible and per-
forms well. The average performance and precision
is pretty promising. It is shown that the addressed ap-
proaches are promising to offer new possibilities for
content-based access to medical images as an accu-
racy of 94% within the thirty best matches is sufficient
for most applications. Content-based image retrieval
systems that are no longer limited to a special context
are becoming possible. Our future work will focus
on the dataset collection and the multi-modality data
This research was supported in part by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China under the grant
No. 60621062 and 60605003, and the National
Key Foundation R&D Projects under the grant No.
2003CB317007 and 2004CB318108 and China Post-
doctoral Science Foundation 20080430422.
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IMAGAPP 2009 - International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications