M. T. Segarra
IT / TELECOM Bretagne, Technopˆole Brest-Iroise, Brest Cedex 3, France
F. Andr´e
IRISA / INRIA Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique, Campus de Beaulieu, Rennes, France
Distributed adaptation model, Adaptive software, Ambient assistive living application.
Ambient assistive living applications are generally intended to allow older people to easily access medical
and emergency services, and maintain social and relatives contacts. In order to improve performance, elderly
related data may be distributed among the medical staff and/or the relatives. However, access to such data
may require different properties such as confidentiality or urgency depending on the actor accessing data, the
computing environment used to access them, and their nature. Therefore, ambient assistive living applications
should be designed as adaptive software and include the necessary mechanisms to dynamically modify their
behavior. In this paper, we propose a model for dynamic adaptation that clearly separates adaptation from
business logic and that can be customized by applications designers in order to satisfy adaptation needs. The
model is based on a set of mandatory functionalities that manage basic adaptation operations and an optional
functionality that can be used to distribute adaptation mechanisms.
Ambient assistive living applications are generally in-
tended to allow older people to stay at home in a
familiar environment while connected to the family
and medical staff. Such applications include sev-
eral types of services such as health care services,
communication between the elderly and their fam-
ily, information-oriented services, etc. all of them al-
lowing the concerned people to access elderly-related
data. Access to such data may require different prop-
erties depending on the nature of the data or even the
actor accessing them. The computing environment
(fixed or wireless network, portable or fixed work-
station...) may also influence access conditions. We
consider such applications as a set of logical envi-
ronments: the medical environment, the family mem-
bers environment, etc. Each environment may be dis-
tributed and has different adaptation needs (emergen-
cies, security, etc). Therefore, ambient assistive living
applications should be designed as adaptive software
and include the necessary mechanisms to dynamically
modify their behavior.
Dynamic adaptation has recently become an im-
portant issue when designing and developing appli-
cations. Indeed, applications may execute on differ-
ent heterogeneous environments which available re-
sources vary over time. Research efforts are mainly
focused on the proposal of basic tools for dynamic
adaptation. These tools allow applications to spec-
ify adaptation policies (interesting changes on re-
sources and required adaptation actions) and accord-
ing to them include all the necessary machinery for
deciding, planning and executing adaptation actions.
However, the proposed tools do not take into account
distribution neither of components nor of adaptation
mechanisms themselves which limits their scope.
Our current research work focus on extending
adaptation mechanisms so that adaptation designers
are able to choose a distributed architecture for their
system. In this sense, we aim at proposing a generic
adaptation model that offers a wide set of functional-
ities that can be customized by adaptation designers.
The paper is organized as follows. Nextsection in-
troduces the application we have considered in order
to propose our adaptation model. Section 3 presents
the terms we use concerning adaptation and intro-
duces the basic functionalities that should be imple-
T. Segarra M. and André F. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 363-368
DOI: 10.5220/0001774403630368
mented to make a software adaptive. Section 4 ex-
tends the basic functionalities in order to add flexibil-
ity when building an adaptive distributed architecture.
Finally, sections 5 and 6 position our work in the re-
search results concerning adaptation and discuss fu-
ture work, respectively.
The growth in population ageing in most industri-
alized nations is posing several problems at differ-
ent levels of our society (political, social, and famil-
iar/personal levels). Statistics data provide a clear pic-
ture of the problem dimensions. According to recent
results of a survey funded by the European Commis-
sion (B¨orsch-Supan and J¨urges, 2005), in 2050 the
share of the above 60 age group will be around 37 in
Europe and even more in Japan, and slightly lower in
North America (27%).
Improving the quality of life of such a population
depends on the efficiency, comfort and cosiness of the
place an individual calls “home”. Indeed, the preva-
lence of disability increases with age at a significant
rate (Commission, 2007). As a result of the shifting
age profile, the size of the impaired population will
increase significantly in future years. For the elderly,
home is a place of memories where they spend a lot of
their time. Their demands on their home environment
will increase and change with growing age, especially
when their state of health starts to worsen. Yet the
ability to perform the activities of daily life with no
or little help from other, is essential to older people’s
well-being and self-esteem. And active participation
in society, through social contacts and activities, daily
economic activities such as shopping, and democratic
decision-making are key to well-being.
Therefore, an assistive living application has to of-
fer a set of services that allow older people to live
longer at the place they like most, while ensuring their
autonomy and high quality of life. We consider this
application as composed of a set of services that can
be grouped into three categories:
health-oriented services that allow the elderly to
access to medical services, and facilitate collabo-
ration among medical staff,
communication-oriented services that allow the
elderly to maintain social contacts,
information-oriented services that allow the el-
derly to access information to which they are in-
terested in.
Services on different categories do not require the
same properties of the execution environment such as
security, confidentiality or urgency. For example, an
alert may require a general practitioner to urgently es-
tablish a high-quality video conference contact with
the elderly in a secure manner while a less-secured,
lower-quality link may be establish between the fam-
ily and the elderly. Therefore, changes on the ex-
ecution environment (e.g. bandwidth), should lead
the application to perform adaptation actions so that
the required properties are maintained. Moreover,
urgency and preferences must be taken into account
when deciding adaptation actions. For example, an
urgent situation may need the utilization of all avail-
able bandwidth resources leading all other services to
be stopped.
On the other hand, disease(s) of an elderly person
evolve over time. Time scale of this evolution varies
from several minutes (e.g. an older person reading lo-
cal news) to several years (e.g. Alzeihmer’s disease).
An ambient assistive living application has to adapt to
the elderly capacities and dynamically change avail-
able services according to them. For example, a vocal
synthesis service may be used when the older is ex-
hausted so that she is able to continue be informed
about local news.
Therefore, adaptation of an ambient assistive liv-
ing application should cope with resources variability
in order to ensure quality of service, and elderly capa-
bilities that may vary over time. Traditionally, adap-
tation has been included in an ad-hoc manner leading
to specific development efforts and limiting the inter-
est of the provided services. Our approach is to pro-
pose a generic model for adaptation mechanisms that
can be customized to particular adaptation needs. It
is structured as a set of functionalities that allows for
monitoring execution context, deciding about adapta-
tion, planning adaptation actions and executing them.
We have been using our model for adapting central-
ized applications and we are currently considering the
ambient assistive living application and its distributed
services in order to analyze the impact of distribution
on our model.
3.1 Vocabulary
In order for a software to be adapted, one may decide
where adaptation mechanisms are associated to: the
whole application, processes, services, components,
or data. We consider each of them, that we call en-
tity, as composed of a set of, potentially distributed,
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
components that may manage data. Therefore, a site
may execute a whole entity or part of it. For exam-
ple, our ambient assistive living application may offer
a health care service that 1) manages patients medi-
cal record and 2) includes a prescription sub-service.
The whole health care service, each patient record as
well as the prescription sub-service are called entities.
Therefore, an adaptation designer may choose to as-
sociate adaptation mechanisms to the whole service,
to each patient record, to the prescription sub-service
or to all three, leading to a hierarchical organization
of adaptation mechanisms.
Adaptation system
content (e.g. patient medical record) content (e.g. prescription service)
Adaptation system Adaptation system
Adaptive primitive entity Adaptive primitive entity
Adaptive composite entity (e.g. health−care service)
Figure 1: Adaptive composite entities, adaptive primitive
An entity may include adaptation mechanisms
while an adaptive (or self-adaptive entity) should in-
clude them. As depicted in Figure 1, adaptive entities
may be primitive or composite. Adaptation mecha-
nisms of primitive adaptive entities implement adap-
tation functionalities for the entity. Adaptation mech-
anisms of composite adaptive entities coordinate the
adaptation of the included adaptive entities.
We call adaptation model the set of generic func-
tionalities and their relation that ensure adaptation of
an adaptive entity. Some of them will be manda-
tory but others will not. Specializing a functionality
leads to a particular adaptation service. Finally, the
set of adaptation services that implement adaptation
of a particular entity is called an adaptation system.
3.2 Mandatory Adaptation Model: The
DYNACO Framework
Previous work on adaptation have lead to DY-
NACO (Buisson, 2006)
, a framework that aims
at helping developers designing and implementing
A set of computers managed by the same administra-
The DYNACO framework is available at the following
web site:
adaptation into their own applications. The frame-
work is expressed as an assembly of abstract FRAC-
TAL (Bruneton et al., 2006) components. Develop-
ers are expected to specialize them in order to build a
framework instance specific to each application.
As Figure 2 shows, DYNACO decomposes adap-
tation mechanisms into four sub-functionalities:
observe: DYNACO has to monitor execution
conditions; the detection of any relevant change
triggers adaptation;
decide: given that something has changed in the
execution environment, the framework has to find
out the best strategy the entity should use to en-
sure that QoS properties of the service are ob-
plan: once a strategy has been decided, it has to
be implemented into a plan, which orders the ac-
tions to change the behavior that will make the
adaptive entity achieve the strategy;
execute: at last, planned actions have to be sched-
uled and executed, taking care of the synchroniza-
tion with the execution of the entity code.
Figure 2: Overview of the DYNACO component assembly.
In order to foster effective code reuse, DYNACO
encourages that those sub-functionalities are imple-
mented thanks to existing generic engines, which are
specialized specifically to the adaptive entity. DY-
NACO does not restrict to any particular engine,
and we have already experimented several of them.
For instance, the decide component has been imple-
mented as a delegation to a Java virtual machine, a
wrapper of the Jess (jes, ) rule-based expert system,
and a genetic algorithm.
Similarly, the plan component can be imple-
mented either as a straightforward mapping from
strategies to plans or as a logic-based planning algo-
rithm such as STRIPS (Fikes and Nilsson, 1971).
The execute component depends on the applica-
tion programming model. For example, we have pro-
posed AFPAC (Buisson et al., 2006) as an implemen-
tation for SPMD applications but others can be used
as well.
Finally, the observer component mainly depends
on the execution environment, rather than on the ap-
plication or the adaptation. Consequently, we con-
sider that it is provided by the execution environment.
As the framework does not depend on the adapta-
tion actions, and as the dependency to the program-
Adaptation system
Adaptive primitive entity
Adaptation Coordination
Coordination Level
Meta−Coordination Level
Adaptation Level
Adaptive composite entity
Adaptive composite entity
Figure 3: Distributed adaptation model.
ming model of the application is captured into the
single implementation of the execute component, the
DYNACO framework is highly generic. We therefore
consider functionalities of DYNACO and their rela-
tions as our mandatory model. Each adaptive entity
should include a specialization of DYNACO in order
to implement adaptation.
As mentioned in section 3.1, adaptation mechanisms
may be associated to different entity levels lead-
ing to the primitive and composite adaptive enti-
ties. When associating adaptation mechanisms to the
whole application, an adaptation designer must pro-
pose a holistic adaptation policy. This approach may
be interesting for applications that do not need much
adaptation and leads to a centralized adaptation archi-
tecture. However, for highly adaptive or distributed
applications a better approach would be to partition
the adaptation policy by considering adaptation for
each entity separately and then coordinate adaptation
performed on different entities.
Separation between adaptation and adaptation co-
ordination may be applied at different levels depend-
ing on the complexity of the adaptation policy to be
implemented. According to this, Figure 3 presents
our model for distributed adaptation. Each adaptive
primitive entity has an adaptation system associated
to it that decides, plans, and executes adaptation for it.
On the other hand, adaptive composite entities encap-
sulate an adaptation coordination system that coordi-
nates adaptation of different adaptive primitive enti-
ties and dialogues with other systems so that global
adaptation is performed. Alternatively, communica-
tion among adaptation coordination systems may be
governed by a meta-coordination system. Although
the tower for coordination may have infinite layers, a
pragmatic approach may limit it to two or three.
4.1 Adaptation for Data Management
In order to validate our distributed adaptation model,
we have considered a (highly) simplified version of
our ambient assistive living application and in partic-
ular a data consistency management service (CMS).
This service may be used by medical staff in the same
or different hospitals, mobile or not, to maintain con-
sistency among replicas of patients’ records. De-
pending on the execution context
, different consis-
tency protocols may be used. For example, when high
network bandwidth is available, a strong consistency
protocol is well suited as it ensures that all replicas are
consistent anytime and the user will not observe de-
lays on reading or writing. On the other hand, when
low network bandwidth is available, a weak consis-
tency protocol is better suited as it allows replicas to
be accessed even if network partitions exist.
For scalability and fault tolerance reasons, the
CMS has been implemented as a distributed service.
An update entity is associated to each replica that al-
lows accessing (reading and writing) the local replica
and notifying other replicas about local updates. The
adaptation policy to be implemented advocates the
use of the strong consistency protocol when possible
(high bandwidth availability).
Traditionally, consistency management services
provide a single protocol to manage different repli-
cas. Indeed, they assume the environment
as a whole
and propose the protocol that better suits the context
offered by it, i.e. the “worst case”. For example,
even if several replicas are well-connected, the Bayou
replicated database will use a weak consistency pro-
tocol for all replicas if one of them is weakly con-
nected (Terry et al., 1998). In order to avoid such a
problem, we consider the environment as a set of sub-
environments each of which 1) offers a context, and
2) does not overlap other sub-environments, i.e. de-
vices on two sub-environments do not share network
connections with the same properties.
Figure 4 shows our CMS and the adaptation archi-
tecture associated to it. For simplicity reasons, the fig-
ure shows replicas (four) of one particular data. The
environment is divided into two sub-environments.
Available memory, CPU, bandwidth, etc.
Set of devices and network connections that use the ser-
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Adaptation System
Weak consistency
Adaptive update entity
Adaptation System
Weak consistency
Adaptive update entity
Adaptation Coordination
Adaptation System
Strong consistency
Adaptive update entity
Adaptation System
Strong consistency
Adaptive update entity
Adaptation Coordination
Sub−environment A
Sub−environment B
Figure 4: Distributed adaptation architecture for consis-
tency management.
Sub-environment A offers high network bandwidth;
replicas on it are managed using a strong consis-
tency protocol. On the other hand, replicas on sub-
environment B are managed by a weak consistency
protocol as bandwidth availability is low.
As shown in the figure, the adaptation architec-
ture is two-layered. Each update entity has an adapta-
tion system associated to it that changes from strong
to weak consistency and vice-versa on bandwidth
availability changes. Coordination is performed at
the sub-environment level; adaptation on each sub-
environment is managed by an adaptation coordina-
tion system that dialogues with its counterpart on the
other environment in order to perform global adapta-
tion. The architecture respects our adaptation model.
Each update entity is modeled as an adaptive primi-
tive entity. Update entities on an environment are en-
capsulated in an adaptive composite entity and their
adaptation is coordinated by the Adaptation Coordi-
nation System.
Several architectures and frameworks have been pre-
viously proposed to implement dynamic adaptation.
These architectures usually emphasize the require-
ment for reflective programming support in order to
implement the adaptation actions, such as in (Amano
and Watanabe, 1999), (Keeney and Cahil, 2003),
and (Capra et al., 2001). Indeed, reflexivity provides
means to modify application behavior, in the underly-
ing runtime environment or in the adaptation frame-
work itself. In our approach, the need for reflexivity is
captured within adaptation actions. In fact, our model
does not specify how actions are implemented; never-
theless, parametrability, reflexivity and runtime code
modification are the major tools. Moreover, neither
of these works takes into account distribution of the
adaptation mechanisms which limits their interest.
Other approaches such as (Lapayre and Renard,
2005) and (Vadhiyar and Dongarra, 2005) are based
on the runtime environment and/or compilers to make
applications adaptive. Therefore, the set of possible
adaptation strategies is restricted by the developers
of the runtime environment and/or compilers. In our
approach, the adaptation developer is responsible for
customizing the framework according to application
In (Yan and Sere, 2004) formalizations of dy-
namic adaptation are proposed to verify correctness
of adaptation. However, they do not provide help in
designing the adaptation itself. This approach is com-
plementary to ours, which focuses on helps for de-
signing the adaptation while dismissing the problem
of the verification.
Only few studies have been conducted about the
methodology of dynamic adaptation. In (McIlhagga
et al., 1998), authors list relevant questions that de-
velopers should answer to design adaptive software.
However, this work does not provide a clear structure
of an adaptive application, potentially leading to ad-
hoc implementations and poor reusability. Moreover,
distribution of adaptation is not taken into account.
In this paper we have presented a model for structur-
ing dynamic adaptation mechanisms intended to be
used in a distributed environment and its utilization
for a consistency service used in an ambient assistive
living application. The model assumes applications as
a set of “entities” (components, services) which may
include adaptation mechanisms as a set of functional-
ities. Some of these functionalities are mandatory and
relate to decide, plan and execute adaptation actions;
others are optional and relate to coordinate adaptation
actions on different entities. Indeed, depending on the
complexity of the adaptation policy, designers are free
to partition the policy so that several entities encapsu-
late their own one. Coordination may be necessary to
ensure a consistent global adaptation.
We have already implemented and tested a cen-
tralized version of our model, without coordination
mechanisms (Buisson et al., 2006). Ongoing work
concerns the implementation of a first prototype of
our model applied to the consistency service as de-
scribed in section 4. The prototype is based on the
Fractal component model and its Java implementa-
tion Julia (Jul, ) as its hierarchical model fits well
into our primitive/composite entities. The prototype
will allow us to better understand how to propagate
and coordinate changes through the system, evaluate
costs and benefits of distribution, and to precise how
to structure an environment (or an adaptation frame-
work) in face of overall dynamic properties. More-
over, new functionalities may be identified and the
coordination/meta-coordination should be refined in
order to clearly separate decision, planning, and exe-
cution coordination.
Jess, the rule engine for the java platform.
Julia home page. fractal.objectweb.org/julia/index.html.
Amano, N. and Watanabe, T. (1999). An approach for
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HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics