Note that testing was carried out on a random set
of 100 images, belonging to all classes. Note that by
using Adaboost based feature selection we have
been able to reduce the number of feature points
used in classification by 75%. Thus we have
achieved similar classification accuracy at a
significant reduction of computational cost during
testing. The matching accuracy can be further
improved to 91% by applying the matching scheme
of (Zafar, Edirisinghe and Acar, 2007). It is noted
that this scheme is more appropriate to be used
within the proposed approach as the selected
keypoints of the training image set now consists
25% of the most representative keypoints of the
model, thus decreasing the use of keypoints from the
background and from non-representative areas of the
model concerned, in training.
In this paper we have proposed the use of adaptive
boosting in selecting the most representative SIFT
features of a given car in vehicle MMR. We have
shown that the proposed selection of the most
appropriate SIFT features allows a significant gain
in the computational cost of previous SIFT based
approaches to vehicle MMR at negligible cost to the
algorithmic accuracy. We have further shown that
the adaptation of more relevant feature matching
techniques allows significant relative gains in
accuracy. The algorithm has been tested on a
publically available database of car frontal views to
enable easy comparison with existing and future
vehicle MMR algorithms.
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Figure 4: Matching results.