The block diagram of the measurement arrangement
used is shown in Fig. 2.
HP 8643A
Signal Generator
ENI 3100LA
RF Power Amp.
Bipolar Coder
HP 54810A
Figure 2: Diagram of experimental setup.
The Golay sequences with different lengths 8, 16,
32 and 64-bits at frequencies 3.7 MHz were synthe-
sized in the following way. The Signal Generator
HP8643A produced a sine wave at 0 dB level at a
given frequency. This signal was fed to the bipo-
lar modulator driven by the -1,1 sequences from the
custom-designed coder. The coder circuitry based
on the programmed logic EPM7064 allowed gener-
ating switched pair of single 64-bits Golay sequences
and combined sequences of other shorter Golay codes
separated in time as well as single coded sequences
transmitted for later comparison. The coded signals
were then amplified via the power RF amplifier ENI
3100LA and the transmitted coded burst excited the
ultrasonic transducer which scanned the tissue phan-
tom model 525 Danish Phantom Design. The uncom-
pressed RF echoes data were acquired using a digi-
tal storage 12-bits oscilloscope Infinium HP 54810A
with a sampling rate of 100 MHz. All processing and
display were done on the computer using Matlab rou-
tines. The processing included amplification, pulse
compression, sum of Golay sequences, envelope de-
tection and the obtained results were in few seconds
displayed on the monitors.
Figure 3 shows the comparison of transmitting 32-
bits Golay coded sequences at nominal frequency
3.7 MHz and time duration 8.64 µs and proposed
method of the double transmission of 16-bits Golay
coded sequences with shorter time duration that is
equal 4.32 µs. The start time of the second sequence
depends on penetration depth that is examined. In the
given case, the plot illustrates the examined environ-
ment on penetration depth up to 8 cm. The starting
time of the second sequence can be calculated from:
t = 2d/c = 100 µs (1)
where d is the depth, and c is the speed of the ul-
trasound wave in examined environment and is equal
to 1540 m/s. In the second case the RF echo sig-
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time [µs]
Traditional transmission
Double transmission
Figure 3: Transmission of the 32-bits Golay sequence with
time duration 8.64 µs (top) and double transmission of the
16-bits Golay sequences with time duration 4.32 µs (bot-
nals split into two sequences, next compressed and
summed. The amplitude of main-lobe in the resulted
compressed signal will be equal to 64 for both cases.
This is because for single 32-bits coded transmission
two RF echo lines are added, whereas in the case of
double 16-bits coded transmission four RF echo lines
need to be summed.
The tissue phantom model 525 Danish Phan-
tom Design with attenuation of background material
0.5 dB×cm×MHz was used in the experiments. The
pair of the Golay sequences of the different lengths
8, 16, 32, and 64-bits at the frequency 3.7 MHz were
used. The centre RF echo lines obtained from the tis-
sue phantom using the CGS of the different lengths
transmitted by the two methods and calculated SNR
are presented in the Figs. 4 – 7. The target reflections
are the nylon filaments, 0.1 mm in diameter spaced
1 cm one from another.
Figs. 4 – 7 show the advantages of double trans-
mission of Golay coded sequences over single trans-
mission used heretofore. In the double transmission
case the SNR increases by about 5.7 dB in compar-
ison to the single transmission of the same length
coded sequences and by about 4 dB in comparison
to the single transmission of the two times longer se-
quences. According to Trots et al. (Trots I., 2004) in
order to obtain the 4 dB SNR improvement the coded
sequence needs to be about 16 times longer in the sin-
gle transmission method. But using longer coded se-
quences results in increasing of the dead zone area
that increases proportionally to the coded sequences
length and inversely to frequency. Theoretically, the
dead zone area is equal to the half burst pulse time
duration. But in practice the time duration of the
burst pulse is calculated from the beginning to mo-
ment when the power drops to the -3 dB level, so the
BIOSIGNALS 2009 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing