standardised way to integrate and share humanoid
avatars in a networked virtual environment.
The first challenge has been resolved with the H-
Anim standard (Humanoid Animation Working
Group, 2004), now included in X3D, which
describes humanoids as an hierarchically organized
set of nodes. Furthermore, Ieronutti and Chittaro
(2005) proposed Virtual Human Architecture
(VHA), which is an architecture that integrates the
kinematic, physical and behavioral aspects to control
H-Anim virtual humans. This solution is fully
compatible with Web standards and it allows the
developer to easily augment X3D/VRML worlds
with interactive H-Anim virtual humans whose
behavior is based on the Sense-Decide-Act
paradigm (represented through HSMs).
Concerning the animation (which is the second
challenge) there are many tools (free of charge or
commercial) which simplify this process by visual
authoring tools. Buttussi et al., (2006), present such
a tool called H-Animator as well as an overview of
other visual authoring tools. However, the main
problem is the third challenge because there is no
standardized way to integrate and share humanoid
avatars in a networked virtual environment. Miller
(2000) achieved to provide an interface to aggregate
and control articulated humans in a networked
virtual environment by addressing the following
• The creation of an articulated joint structure of
virtual human avatars and a limited motion
library in order to model realistic movement.
More specifically Miller (2000) achieved rapid
content creation of human entities through the
development of a native tag set for the
Humanoid Animation (H-Anim) 1.1
Specification in Extensible 3D (X3D).
• The development and implementation of a set of
rule-based physical and logical behaviors for
groups of humans in order to execute basic
tactical formations and activities.
• The aggregation of human entities into a group
or mounting of other human entities (such as
vehicles) and then separation back to individual
entity control. Otherwise, the high-precision
relative motion needed for group activities is
not possible across network delays or in geo-
referenced locations.
Even though Miller’s work is based on standards it
does not solve the problem of dynamic avatar
creation and change. Based on the above, it is
obvious that there is an need for a flexible and easy
way to integrate humanoid standardized avatars in
many different NVE platforms. Rapid application
development process could help on this direction by
utilizing reusable frameworks and API’s. This work
deals with two important challenges in the field of
NVEs. The first is the procedure of adding
animations to an avatar that is complying with a
standard, in our case H-Anim. The second is to
introduce a standardized way to integrate avatars
among various NVEs. Our contribution focuses on
providing a framework that allows a user to upload
an avatar to an NVE, to automatically add
predefined animations to it and integrate it to the
environment. All these steps could happen at
execution time. More specifically, in this paper we
present a framework that allows any X3D compliant
platform to import an H-Anim compliant avatar, to
add a set of custom animations to it and finally, to
add the avatar to the virtual environment.
This work is structured as follows. The next
section is an overview of an NVE Platform called
EVE that is the platform we used to integrate and
test our framework. Afterwards, the architecture of
the proposed solution is presented. The fourth
section describes the process of integrating the
framework to an NVE. The fifth chapter illustrates
practical examples concerning the practical
exploitation the proposed framework. The final
section presents the concluding remarks and our
vision for the next steps.
Even though the proposed H-Anim integration
framework aimed to support any NVE platform
based on X3D standard, we are presenting it through
its integration in EVE (
networked virtual environments platform (Bouras et
al, 2006).
Thus, it is essential to present the main
characteristics of this platform. EVE is based on
open technologies (i.e. Java and X3D).
It features a client – multi-server architecture
with a modular structure that allows new
functionality to be added with minimal effort.
Initially, it provides a full set of functionalities for e-
learning applications and services, such as avatar
representation, avatar gestures, content sharing,
brainstorming, chatting etc.
Furthermore, the current version of the platform
supports collaborative design applications. Currently,
the architecture of the platform consists of five
servers as shown in Figure 1.