lumbar vertebra. The remaining horizontal pieces
will identify the position of all other vertebral
apophyses of the spinal column (Fig 8).
The x, y and z positions of each “2D Positioner” are
then obtained.
Figure 8: Example of application of Vertebral Metrics.
Each data collection lasts seven minutes. Figure 9
shows the position of the “2D Positioner” after
application of Vertebral Metrics.
Figure 9: After the application of Vertebral Metrics.
The collected data are then recorded and
transferred to a specific data basis with correction
factors associated with the instrument included. The
final data will then be inserted into the previously
mentioned mathematical model.
Vertebral Metrics is a non-invasive mechanical
instrument, which assesses the curvatures and lateral
deviations of the spine in a standing position. The
patent was registered and the study with pregnant
women was accepted by the Ethics Committees of
the Maternidade Dr Alfredo da Costa and Regional
Health Administration of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo.
The validation process for the instrument,
including the calculation of the correction factors
and uncertainties associated with it was
This instrument allows a global assessment of the
spine. Thus, identification of dysfunctions and / or
diseases of the spinal column in pregnant women,
will be shown on a thorough diagnosis. Intervention
programs, directly connected to specific problems of
each person, may then be elaborated and
Vertebral Metrics was originally planned and
built to be applied to pregnant women. However, it
can be applied to any type of population after
redefining the dimensions of the different parts.
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