Figure 16: The closed flow section for probes 1 and 3.
The skeleton voxels of the flow section are black, the other
skeleton voxels are green.
Table 3: The characteristics of the number of extremity
probes NE, the number of tests NT and the resulting num-
ber of blocking probes NB including the two initial probes
for fully-automatic geometry closure of 11869 open flow
min. 3.0 3.0 3.0
median 15.5 112.5 14.0
mean 19.2 247.3 14.8
max. 56.0 1540.0 48.0
The following conclusions can be drawn from the re-
sults, the figures and the experiences gathered during
1. Fully-automatic geometry closure of an aneurysm
gives always correct (i.e. a single connected
closed flow section) and visually acceptable re-
2. Fully-automatic geometry closure of an open flow
section gives correct and visually acceptable re-
sults except when multiple closed flow sections
arise from the initial boundary probes.
3. Preparing patient specific geometries for compu-
tational fluid dynamics is a time-consuming and
error-prone task. The work above is the first to au-
tomatically create and validate an error free closed
simulation domain. It has been implemented in
a simulation and visualization software environ-
ment that allows a user to prepare a simulation in
a matter of minutes instead of an hour of work.
4. Whether flow sections, generated by fully-
automatic geometry closure of an aneurysm based
on a length criterion, are suitable for hemodynam-
ics simulations has yet to be investigated.
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VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications