Ahmad R. Shahid and Dimitar Kazakov
Department of Computer Science, The University of York, YO10 5DD, York, U.K.
Multilingual Lexicons, Web Crawler, Wikipedia, Natural Language Processing, Web mining, Data mining.
This paper proposes a method for creating a multilingual dictionary by taking the titles of Wikipedia pages
in English and then finding the titles of the corresponding articles in other languages. The creation of such
multilingual dictionaries has become possible as a result of exponential increase in the size of multilingual
information on the web. Wikipedia is a prime example of such multilingual source of information on any
conceivable topic in the world, which is edited by the readers. Here, a web crawler has been used to traverse
Wikipedia following the links on a given page. The crawler takes out the title along with the titles of the
corresponding pages in other targeted languages. The result is a set of words and phrases that are translations
of each other. For efficiency, the URLs are organized using hash tables. A lexicon has been constructed which
contains 7-tuples corresponding to 7 different languages, namely: English, German, French, Polish, Bulgarian,
Greek and Chinese.
The main goal of this project is to attract the attention
to and demonstrate the feasibility of creating a mul-
tilingual dictionary using Wikipedia. Here, English,
German, French and Polish were chosen for their
wealth of information and another three languages to
demonstrate that our program could also handle dif-
ferent writing systems and alphabets: Greek, Bulgar-
ian and Chinese in this case. The technique can be
applied to a number of other online resources where
versions of the same article appear in different lan-
guages; one such example is the Southeast European
Times news site ( In this
case, and many others, the use of crawlers is unavoid-
able as an off-line version of the resource is not at
There have been efforts in the past to build multi-
lingual dictionaries with varying degrees of success,
and the ones we know of are only extensions of bilin-
gual dictionaries already available. Yet none of them
had tried to use Wikipedia as the potential source of
lexical information. Only very recently, there have
been attempts to tap into multilingual dimension of
Wikipedia, which has been used to identify named en-
tities Richman et al. (2008) .
Lafourcade (1997) carried out two multilingual
construction projects: French-English-Malay (FeM),
and French-English-Thai (FeT). The FeM data was
created by crossing of French-English and English-
Malay lexical resources. the source language. For
each word in French, one or several meanings in the
target language were grouped together in so called
blocks. Thus there were equivalent blocks for En-
glish, Malay and Thai. In the case that more than
one translation existed, one entry was restricted to just
one meaning, with extra entries for extra meanings.
Sometimes only one entry was used even in the case
of several alternative meanings, leaving it to the dis-
cretion of the lexicographers to decide which alterna-
tive meaning to use. Two kinds of dictionaries were
targeted: the general dictionary with about 20,000 en-
tries and a Computer Science domain specific dictio-
nary with 5,000 entries.
Boitet et al. (2002) worked on the PAPIL-
LON project. The project covered seven different
languages: English, French, Japanese, Thai, Lao,
Vietnamese, and Malay. They started with open
source data, known as “raw dictionaries”. Some of
them were monolingual: 4,000 French entries from
R. Shahid A. and Kazakov D. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 357-360
DOI: 10.5220/0001783003570360
UdM, and 10,000 Thai entries from Kasetsart Univer-
sity; some were bilingual: 70,000 Japanese-English
entries, plus 10,000 Japanese-French entries in J.
Breen’sJDICT XML format, 8,000 Japanese-Thai en-
tries in SAIKAM XML format, and 120,000 English-
Japanese entries in KDD-KATE LISP format. Finally,
there were 50,000 French-English-Malay entries in
FeM XML format. The authors defined a macrostruc-
ture, with a set of monolingual dictionaries of word
senses, called “lexies” linked together through a set
of interlingual links, called “axies”. In the next step
the “raw dictionaries” were transformed into a “lex-
ical soup”, in the (Mangeot-Lerebours, 2001) inter-
mediate DML format, which comprised of the XML
schema and the namespace. The star-like structure
thus created made it easier to add new languages.
Breen (2004) built a multilingual dictionary, JM-
dict, with Japanese as the pivot language and trans-
lations in several other languages. The project was
an extension of an earlier Japanese-English dictio-
nary project (EDICT: Electronic Dictionary) (Breen,
1995), that began in the early 1990s to create a
Japanese-English dictionary, which grew to 50,000
entries by the late ’90s. Yet its structure was found
to be inadequate to represent the orthographical com-
plexities of the language, as many Japanese words can
be written with alternative kanji and kana and may
have alternative pronounciations. The kanji came
from the ancient Chinese and kana was a derivative
of it. In modern use they are used to describe dif-
ferent parts of speech. For French translations they
used two projects: 17,500 entries from Dictionnaire
franc¸ais-japonais (Desperrier, 2002) and 40,500 en-
tries from French-Japanese Complementation Project
at For German trans-
lations they used WaDokuJT Project (Apel, 2002).
XML (Extensible Markup Language) was used to
format the file on account of the flexibility it pro-
vides. The JMdict XML structure contained an ele-
ment type: <entry>, which in turn contained: the se-
quence number, the kanji word, the kana word, infor-
mation, and translation information. The translation
part consisted of one or more sense elements. The
combining rules were used to weed out unnecessary
entries. The rule stated in short: treat each entry as
a triplet of kanji, kana and senses; if for any two or
more entries, two or more members of the triplet are
the same, combine them into one entry. Thus if the
kanji and kana in different entries are included as al-
ternative forms, and if they differ in sense, they are
included as polysemous words. The entry also stored
information regarding the meanings of the word in
different languages. The JMDict file contained over
99,300 entries in both English and Japanese, while
83,500 keywords/phrases had German translations,
58,000 had French translations, 4,800 had Russian
translations, and 530 had Dutch translations. A set
of 4,500 Spanish translations was being prepared.
Since its humble beginnings in 2001, Wikipedia has
emerged as a huge online resource attracting over
684 million visitors yearly by 2008. There are more
than 75,000 active contributors working on more
than 10,000,000 articles in more than 250 languages
(Wikipedia, August 3, 2008). Each Wikipedia page
has links to pages on the same topic in other lan-
guages.and combined in the form of 7-tuples, which
are entries in the lexicon, detailing a word in English
and its translations in the six other languages. The
aim was to extract as many such 7-tuples as possible.
3.1 Web Crawler
A web crawler is a computer program that follows
links on web pages to automatically collect data (hy-
pertext) off the internet. We use it here to move from
one Wikipedia article to another, collecting the above
mentioned tuples of word/phrase translations in the
Our version of the web crawler takes the starting
page as an input from the user. It visits the given
page, and extracts all the links on that page and ap-
pends them to a list. Then it repeats the process for
each link collected earlier, and visits them one by one,
extracting the links and once again appending them
to the list. Putting them at the end (e.g., making the
list a queue) ensures that the search method adopted
is Breadth First Search (BFS). In our context follow-
ing BFS will explore a number of related concepts
consecutively while Depth First Search (DFS) would
drift-off any given topic. There may be technical as-
pects related to the use of memory by each approach
but we will not discuss them here.
The BFS approach was used in the following ex-
periments. With the BFS capability thus incorpo-
rated, other lists were defined that would keep track of
all the web pages that have already been visited thus
keeping the code from revisiting them and extracting
repeatedly the same 7-tuples into the lexicon. Apart
from ensuring that there was no redundancy within
the lexicon, either purely numeric or had a null entry
for any of the seven languages.
The program picks up a URL from the top of the
queue, expands in terms of URLs by exploring new
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: A Snapshot of the Lexicon.
links on the given URL, and then extracts titles in the
given languages. An essential first step was to sep-
arate the tracking of the URLs from the code itself.
Thus a database in Access was created, comprising of
28 different tables. One table stored all the URLs to
be visited, and the rest implemented a hash table, to
store the already visited URLs, indexed by the first
character of the page title. 26 different tables were
created for the 26 different letters in the English al-
phabet. Another table was created, URLExtra, which
would store all the URLs with Wikipedia page titles
starting with anything but English letters, including
The program starts with a user-provided URL,
then looks for potential URLs to be used for extrac-
tion of titles. These URLs are added to the queue. For
each page that is visited and removed from the queue,
the URLs of several pages (contained in that page)
are typically added. Thus the number of URLs to be
searched rises quickly and might yield a huge list. In
order to avoid such a scenario and keep the size of
the URL list within reasonable limits, an upper limit
was set to the number of URLs at a time. Similarly a
lower limit was set so that the program could be pre-
scient and started looking for more URLs before it ran
out of them. The lower and upper limits were set to 50
and 1,000 respectively. Thus barring an exhaustion of
all potential URLs, the program would never run out
of URLs to be searched for.
3.2 Results
Figure 1 shows a snap shot of the lexicon in a table.
UTF-8 was used as the coding scheme, which makes
possible writing characters in other non-English lan-
Figure 2: The English Histogram.
A total of 5 runs were carried out to get a total of
8,748 entries, out of which 5,006 were unique (57%
of the total). In order to get that many entries the pro-
gram visited 726,715 English language articles, not
everyone of which was unique. Despite the checks
on revisiting pages some of them were re-visited due
to a bug in the code. Only a little more than 1% of
the total had corresponding pages in all the other six
languages. The crawler still had to visit more than a
quarter of all Wikipedia articles in English.
Using the least-prolific language as a pivotal lan-
guage would have saved us a lot of time in search-
ing for lexical entries since most pages in the least-
frequently occurring language would probably have
corresponding pages in other languages, yet English
was chosen as the pivotal language. The reason being
that English is easy to play with, with its very famil-
iar alphabet-set and thus building hashing tables was
easily done. Also we were more interested in English
at the first instance and different languages were in-
corporated at a later stage.
Looking at Figure 2 one can see that unigrams
make the bulk of entries (2,485 - almost 50% of the
total), followed by bigrams (1,659 - 33% of the total).
In terms of semantics, the resulting lexicon is a
mix of: toponyms, names of famous people, names of
languages, and general concepts, such as “rock mu-
sic” and “fire fighter”, among others.
It can help the lexicographers build traditional dictio-
naries, as a starting point for their work. Another im-
portant use is for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval
(CLIR). Prikola (1998), compared the performance of
translated Finnish queries against English documents
to the performance of original English queries against
English documents, by using a general dictionary and
a domain specific dictionary (a medical dictionary in
this case). It was found that a cross-lingual IR sys-
tem based on Machine Readable Dictionary (MRD)
translation was able to achieve the performance level
of monolingual IR.
The lexicon containing more than
5,000 entries is available at http://www- for free
use under GNU Free Documentation License.
A useful thing to do would be to create domain
specific dictionaries based on the categories defined
within Wikipedia, according to which each article be-
longs to one or more categories. A domain could be
defined using a set of categories and only those arti-
cles could be used for building the lexicons belonging
to that particular domain.
This research was carried in the period Nov 2007 -
July 2008, and was partly sponsored by the Higher
Education Commission in Pakistan.
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tion. In Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, pages 1–9,
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ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence