been encountered while researching leaf venation:
originally, the venation pattern of the leaf was
intended to be modeled using an auxiliary
Lindenmayer system. However, it proved impossible
to construct a system that would model a reasonable
variety of such systems adequately as it was very
difficult to make the separate vein lets grow
together. Consequently, a separate algorithm had to
be introduced. Plants may be tree like in the macro
scale, but they are certainly not so in the micro scale,
nor in the scale of the whole ecosystem. A similar
argument applies to other plant features. If one
wants smooth branches, it is necessary to add a
generalized cylinders to the model, which is external
to the system. If one wants flowers, another structure
has to be added. This has the effect that once we add
everything that is necessary to construct a well-
looking plant, the whole model loses its flexibility
because these addenda do not have the
developmental potential that a raw Lindenmayer
system boasts: we can no longer trace the way a
plant develops. Indeed, during the development of
productions, one is fast tempted to fall into the
pitfall of merely viewing the Lindenmayer system as
an exotic variation of programming in LOGO and
thus lose whatever biological founding the model
might have had. Naturally, this does not mean that
Lindenmayer systems are out of place. As of now,
there exists no better solution for generating
arbitrary plants.
Another aspect of plant modeling that needs to
be stressed here is the huge potential of particle
systems. In the effort described in this paper, they
have been used to model the leaf venation pattern.
Their main advantage is the relatively
straightforward way of implementation, at least
compared to attempts to tackle the same issues using
a more prescriptive approach. It is also easy to
introduce variation in the generated structures,
because the sources are scattered randomly as well
as to model two- or even three-dimensional
structures. Actually, attempts have been made
(Rodkaew et al., 2002) to use them for modeling
whole plants, but initial results were modest at best.
In this context, it seems appropriate to note the
analogy between particle and Lindenmayer systems:
if we allow the particles to have arbitrary parameters
and the rules that govern the behaviour of a particle
(which may mean both modifying an attribute of the
particle or splitting it into smaller particles) to be
based on an arbitrarily defined neighborhood of the
particle (which may extend to the whole system),
then a Lindenmayer system is just a special case of a
particle system constrained to one dimension and
one notion of proximity, where tokens correspond to
particles. It would be interesting to see in what
practical ways the use of particle systems may be
beneficial to the modeling of plants.
In summary, it does not seem very original or
innovative, but needs to be stated that plants are
inherently complex. Complex objects require
complex models, which usually require complex
implementation. This paper outlined some endeavors
on the way to a better model. It remains to be seen
how fast the evolution of computer graphics leads us
to an algorithm that produces truly satisfying results.
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