Hildegard Kuehne and Annika Woerner
Institute for Algorithms and Cognitive Systems, University Karlsruhe(TH), Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Keywords: Feature clustering, Motion principles, Articulated body tracking, Body structure reconstruction, Feature
tracking, Motion analysis.
Abstract: The recovery of three dimensional structures from moving elements is one of the main abilities of the
human perception system. It is mainly based on particularities of how we interpret moving features,
especially on the enforcement of geometrical grouping and definition of relation between features. In this
paper we evaluate how the human abilities of motion based feature clustering can be transferred to an
algorithmic approach to determine the structure of a rigid or articulated body in an image sequence. It shows
how to group sparse 3D motion features to structural clusters, describing the rigid elements of articulated
body structures. The location and motion properties of sparse feature point clouds have been analyzed and it
is shown that moving features can be clustered by their local and temporal properties without any additional
image information. The assembly of these structural groups could allow the detection of a human body in an
image as well as its pose estimation. So, such a clustering can establish a basis for a markerless
reconstruction of articulated body structures as well as for human motion recognition by moving features.
One of the main abilities of the human perception
system is the interpretation of structure from motion.
It is possible for us to estimate the form and the
underlying body-structure of any object by only few
moving elements like lines and points. Additionally,
this ability is mostly independent from any
environmental influences like e.g. a moving
background, but also from the visual representation
of the object itself as e.g. its size, colour or surface
This ability of motion perception is mainly based
on particularities of how we perceive and interpret
moving features, as has been shown in the
experiments with moving light displays of
Johansson (Johansson, 1973). The human perception
usually forces a geometrical grouping and definition
of relation between features. This can be based on
spatial relations who are partly defined and
summarized under the gestalt-principles, but also on
the analysis of motion properties. The alignment and
grouping of features allows the reconstruction of
complex structures and their recognition even under
not-optimal circumstances and with incomplete
visual information.
In this paper we present three different feature
clustering methods for 3D space and evaluate them
with respect to their applicability for articulated
body tracking. It is assumed, that every motion, and
so also the motion of a human body in an image will
result in some moving feature points. The motion of
these feature points can allow determining the
structure of the underlying rigid or articulated body.
One main step towards such an application
comprised the correct clustering of the moving
features in order to detected rigid moving elements
in the image. The presented approaches will show
how to group motion features to structural clusters,
describing the rigid elements of articulated body
For the practical realization, we captured several
image sequences with human motion. A motion
based feature tracking method is applied to extract
the moving features and to reconstruct their 3D
positions. The 3D positions and motion properties of
the resulting feature points are analysed in order to
find structural clusters. These structural clusters
describe feature sets with position and motion
properties, characteristically for moving rigid
structures, so that these clusters can be considered as
Kuehne H. and Woerner A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 579-584
DOI: 10.5220/0001786105790584
candidates for the determination and tracking of
underlying rigid body elements.
The assembly of these structural clusters could
allow the detection of a human body in an image as
well as its pose estimation and, considering a longer
observation period, even motion recognition. So
such a clustering can establish a basis for a
markerless reconstruction of articulated body
structures as well as for human motion recognition
by moving features.
Automatic detection and tracking of people in
different contexts has become a more and more
relevant area in computer vision, especially in the
context of motion analysis and recognition. The
growing importance of this field is shown by the
increasing number of surveys dealing with this
subject (Moeslund, 2001 and 2006; Aggarval, 1999).
Feature-based human motion detection and
analysis in this context is mainly based on marker
tracking as presented by Cedras et al. or Holstein et
al. (Cedras, 1994; Holstein, 2002), because
predefined marker positions usually allow direct
reconstruction of the underlying skeleton as shown
by Silaghi et al. (Silaghi, 1998). A first approach for
an application of markerless feature-based
techniques in the context of human motion
recognition is described by Song et al. (Song, 1999
and 2003). Here the motion of image features is used
to detect human motion in an image sequence and to
distinguish it from other moving elements, but the
overall motion is not analysed
The second thematic focused in the here
presented approach, the computation of feature
grouping based on motion primitives, has been first
described by Ullman (Ullman, 1983) and later by
Aggarval et al. (Aggarval, 1994). Here, the
applications range from basic computational studies
of about interpretation of structure and motion up to
optical flow based image segmentation (Nicolescu,
2002). We can see that, especially in the area of
optical flow segmentation most techniques are
designed for dense motion fields and so would
probably not work for sparse feature maps with
small structures, overlapping and twists, as they
occur in articulated body tracking.
But the perception of moving structures based on
the interpretation of motion is also still an open
problem in neuroscience (Giese, 2003).
In order to group moving features to structural
clusters, it is first necessary to find acceptable
criteria, describing the location and motion
properties of points on rigid elements. The selection
of clustering criteria is mainly based on three
different approaches. The first two criteria are based
on human interpretation of perception of rigid
objects from 2-D motion presented e.g. by Ullman
(Ullman, 1983): The first one is the velocity-based
interpretation, where it is assumed that features that
move in the same direction belong to one object.
The second is the location-based interpretation,
which means, that features that lay close together
have a higher probability to belong to one object
than features that are far away from each other.
In the here presented approach these criteria are
extended to the three dimensional space. The
transfer of the location- and velocity-based criterion
from 2D to 3D is straight forward. And additionally
for 3D space, a third, distance-variation-based
criterion can be added. Assumed, that the features
are fixed on the underlying element and do not
change their 3D position relative to each other, they
will also preserve the distance to all features that are
lying on the same element. So, features whose
distance relative to each other does not change over
time are also probably suitable candidates to
determine a rigid object.
Assuming features are situated on one rigid
element, they will probably follow one or more of
follow criteria:
Location Criterion. Two feature points, a and b, are
rather located on the same rigid element if their 3D
mean distance d(a, b) over n frames, shown in
equation 1, is small:
Velocity Criterion. If two feature points, a and b,
have the same or a similar motion vector v(a) at the
same time i, as described in equation 2, they are also
likely to be located on the same rigid element:
, 1 
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Visual representation of a) location-based, b)
velocity-based and c) distance-variation-based cluster
Distance Criterion. If two feature points, a and b,
do not change their distance d(a, b) to each other
over time, as defined in equation 3, they are also
likely to be located on the same rigid element:
A visual representation of these criteria is
presented in Figure 1. Here the three different
distance measurements are applied to one, marked
feature point. The distance is shown by the
brightness of the related feature points. In Figure 1
b) the motion vector intensity is additionally
displayed by the size of the feature point. Depending
on the distance criterion, different feature regions
are highlighted. Whereas the location-based distance
in Figure 1a) is comprehensible, we can see that the
distance measurement for the velocity- (Figure 1b)
and distance-variation-based measurement (Figure
1c) shows a more structural result, where the
highlighted regions mainly belong to currently rigid
For the tracking and clustering of feature points the
here presented approach proceeds as follows: For the
detection and tracking of motion features, we used a
motion based feature tracking approach described in
(Koehler, 2008), which is mainly based on the
pyramidal implementation of the KLT feature
tracking method described in (Bouget, 2002),
following the 'good features to track' method of Shi
and Tomasi (Shi, 1994) and applied this to a set of
stereo images. Then, the 3D position of the feature
points is reconstructed and the result is a sparse 3D
cloud of feature points, which are tracked over time.
So it is also possible to apply time-based criteria e.g.
the velocity and relative distance over time etc. The
clustering is done for every single frame without the
integration of precedent clustering results. So every
frame is treated separately.
The criteria mentioned above, mean position,
velocity and distance variance, are calculated for
every 3D feature point. Then it is measured how
much these features criteria f, e.g. the mean position,
velocity or distance deviate from one feature point to
the others. The deviation is computed as the
Euclidean distance between pairs of feature
primitives f
and f
described in equation 4.
Figure 2: Clustering results for a) location-, b) velocity-
and c) distance-variation-based cluster criterion.
Then, the clustering is done by arranging the
resulting deviations d(f
) in a hierarchical cluster
tree by preserving the minimum sum of squares of
the distances between all cluster elements c
in the
cluster C and its centre point (see equ. 5).
A fixed number of clusters are constructed from
the resulting cluster tree by combining them with
respect to the minimum distance criterion, whereas
the linkage distance between two clusters C
and C
with the number of elements n
and n
and the
centre points
is defined in equation 6 as:
 
Examples for the results of the different criteria
can be seen in Figure 2.
The approach has been tested on 12 stereo videos
captured by a BumbleBee stereo camera with 20 fps
and a resolution of 640x480px with 12 motion
variations with duration from 5 - 20 sec. To get
ground truth for the requested clustering, we labelled
the features of 200 images by hand, defining 10
clusters representing the significant rigid parts of the
human body as shown in Figure 3.
To evaluate the performance, the clustering
correctness for the described criteria, local distance
and velocity as well as distance variation has been
analyzed. The mean results of the true-positive,
false-positive, false-negative and true negative rate
for the different criteria are shown in Figure 4.
1. head
2. body
3. upper right arm
4. lower right arm
5. upper left arm
6. lower left arm
7. upper right leg
8. lower right leg
9. upper left leg
10. lower left leg
Figure 3: Ground truth for the evaluation of clustering and
corresponding labelling of body segments.
Figure 4: Overall true-positive, false-positive, false-
negative and true negative rate for location-based,
velocity-based and distance variation based clustering.
Figure 5: True-positive, false-positive, false-negative and
true negative rate for different anatomical groups of
There is usually a high true-positive rate for the
location-based as well as for the distance-variation-
based clustering. Their mean true-positive rate over
all body segments is 82.00 % for the location-based
clustering and 81.37% much higher than the rate of
the velocity based clustering which lies at 47.34%.
Concerning the specificity of the clustering, the
proportion of false-positive matches is very high.
Here the tendency of the true positive rate repeats
with a much better result of 42.87% and 51.40% for
location-based and distance-variation-based
clustering than for velocity-based clustering
(70.23%). The results for the false-negative rates are
in the best case for location based clustering at
17.20% (26.03% and 51.87% for distance-variation
and velocity-based clustering). So we can see a
tendency for under rather than for over
It is also important to remark the qualitative
differences of clustering correctness between the
different body segments. As can be seen in Figure 5,
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) (c) (e)
Figure 6: Relation of true-positive rate and motion intensity and false-positive rate and motion intensity for position based
clustering, Figure a) and b), velocity based clustering, Figure c) and d) and distance variation based clustering, Figure e)
and f). Especially for velocity based clustering, Figure c) and d), high motion intensity leads to an increase of the true-
positive rate and to a decrease of the false positive rate.
the mean true-positive rates for the upper and lower
extremities are usually over 80% whereas the head
and especially the torso tend to show a significantly
lower mean true-positive rate. This is mainly caused
by the fact that the torso is often segmented into two
or three different clusters. It usually divides into an
upper and a lower part, defining a pelvis segment
and a chest segment. The chest segment is,
depending on the actual motion sometimes also
divided into a left and right part, mainly because the
motion of the chest muscles usually support the
motion of the upper arm, so that they form two
independent segments. This peculiarity has not been
taken into account for the here presented evaluation
but should be respected in the future, especially
when it comes to the definition of an underlying
motion model.
Considering that only motion based criteria are
used, it is easy to see that the evaluation will fail
sometimes, e.g. if the person stands still, just
because there would not be any meaningful input
data when nothing moves. So, it is important to
know under which conditions a clustering would
conform to appropriate motion requirements.
So is the outstanding position of velocity-based
clustering in the overall correctness evaluation
(Figure 4) mainly based on the fact that it depends
on a certain amount of motion in the image. So, the
more features are moving in the image, the more
precise this method works. On the other hand side,
when there are only few moving features in the
image, this method usually fails. This close relation
between motion and the amount of true-positive and
true-negative features is display in Figure 6c) and d).
It is clear to see, that high motion intensity also leads
to an increase of the true-positive rate and to a
decrease of the false positive rate and vice versa,
whereas e.g. the location-based clustering is not
affected by the motion intensity (Figure 6a) and b)).
Concerning the reliability of clustering, we can see
that frames with a high proportion of moving feature
usually also have a equal or even higher specificity
of clustering (Figure 6, all) than those with only few
moving features. So, moving elements in an image
usually improve the overall clustering results. This is
comprehensible, considering the fact that especially
the distance-variation-based and even more the
velocity-based clustering depend on temporal
interpretation of the data.
For a further combination of the different
criteria, it can be useful to take advantage of this
characteristic by integrating the motion intensity as
an additional factor. This allows to concentrate on
the results of location-based clustering, when there
is only low motion intensity and to integrate
distance-variation- and velocity-based clustering
when the motion intensity increases as well as to
estimate the reliability of the actual result, which
could be useful for subsequent processing.
We presented three different feature clustering
methods and evaluated them with respect to their
applicability for articulated body tracking. We
showed that moving features can be clustered just by
their local and temporal properties without any
additional image information and so, that the feature
motion can allow determining the structure of the
underlying e.g. rigid or articulated body. The results
showed that an acceptable correctness can be
archived by the presented cluster techniques,
according to various circumstances. The here
presented evaluation can serve as a basis to combine
the strong points of every cluster criterion. This
becomes important with regarding further
development up to a consistent cluster tracking for
longer motion sequences, but also regarding e.g. the
connection of the feature clusters in order to define
an underlying articulated motion model.
So, the here presented alignment and grouping of
features provides a basis for the reconstruction of
complex structures and their recognition.
This work was supported by the grant from the
Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of
Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
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