Matthew Berland
Dept. of Computer Sciences/ICES, Univ. of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.
William Rand
Department of Computer Science, Univ. of Maryland, U.S.A.
Keywords: Participatory simulation, Agent-based model, Agent-based simulation, Complex systems learning.
Abstract: Participatory simulation, as described by Wilensky & Stroup (1999c), is a form of agent-based simulation in
which multiple humans control or design individual agents in the simulation. For instance, in a participatory
simulation of an ecosystem, fifty participants might each control the intake and output of one agent, such
that the food web emerges from the interactions of the human-controlled agents. We argue that participatory
simulation has been under-utilized outside of strictly educational contexts, and that it provides myriad
benefits to designers of traditional agent-based simulations. These benefits include increased robustness of
the model, increased comprehensibility of the findings, and simpler design of individual agent behaviors. To
make this argument, we look to recent research such as that from crowdsourcing (von Ahn, 2005) and the
reinforcement learning of autonomous agent behavior (Abbeel, 2008).
In this paper, we argue that participatory simulation
(as pioneered by Wilensky and Stroup, 1999a,
1999b) is a version of crowdsourcing (Wired, 2007)
that is relevant to researchers interested in artificial
intelligence and multi-agent systems.
Crowdsourcing has shown to be useful because it
exploits the knowledge, logic, and inherent
unpredictability of humans (von Ahn, 2005; von
Ahn et al., 2008). In a similar way, simulation with
human participants can be used to examine complex
phenomena more robustly and facilitate the
dissemination of agent-based understanding. As
such, we describe the participatory simulation as a
crowdsourced design strategy, exploiting the power
of the target participants to create solutions to
complex problems with dynamic information.
The growth of the computer as a tool has led to the
growth of computer literacy. As such, many recent
research and commercial projects have been
designed to use the knowledge base of a computer
literate population in combination with large
computing resources. Wikipedia is the canonical
example: millions of individuals use Wikipedia as
their primary encyclopedia, and many thousands of
those users are also primary content creators
(Wikipedia, 2008). For Wikipedia, the power of the
crowd is the power of the site; a critical mass of
reader/producers is necessary for its continued
relevance. The knowledge in Wikipedia is
crowdsourced, in that the content of Wikipedia
derives from the “crowd” of untrained users rather
than a cadre of explicitly trained users.
The central implications of crowdsourced
content are that it has a low resource cost and a low
training cost; the quality of the data, however, is
highly variable. We argue that participatory
Berland M. and Rand W. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 553-557
DOI: 10.5220/0001786905530557
simulation, as a form of crowdsourced simulation,
has myriad benefits for designing agent-based
simulations. The benefits are the resulting accessible
models of human behavior data in the context of the
simulation, and the improved comprehensibility of
the model due to its interactive nature. Moreover,
the high variability of the crowd data, which is
problematic in some crowdsourcing applications,
can be valuable in participatory simulations since it
adds robustness to the designed simulation.
2.1 What is an Agent-based
An agent-based simulation (ABS) is a simulation in
which independent agents with local or incomplete
information interact with one another. Agent-based
simulations are often used to model human behavior
or ethology, but they can also be usefully applied to
a variety of target domains, such as physics (Bar-
Yam, 1997), geography (Parker et al., 2003), and
biology (Griffin, 2006). A typical ABS might consist
of sets of individual agents; each of these agents has
some local intelligence and the ability both to
evaluate and act on the environment and agents
around it. The simulation also contains tools to
monitor the behavior and conditions that emerge
from the interactions of the agents. For instance, a
modeler creating an agent-based simulation of the
food distribution in an ant colony might design
behaviors for individual ant roles (e.g., worker,
queen), generate hundreds of independent agents
with behaviors that correspond to their roles, and run
the simulation in a virtual space in which the ant-
agents can interact by collecting food, distributing
food, and consuming food. See Figure 1, below,
from a NetLogo simulation (Wilensky, 1997).
ABS is a particularly powerful abstraction not only
because of its lucid metaphor and parallelism and
ease of encapsulation, but also because it is more
easily comprehensible than many competing
metaphors and strategies (Wilensky & Reisman,
2006). This comprehensibility stems from the
similarity of the ontology of real world to the
ontology of ABS, as contrasted with the ontology of
a differential-equation-based model, for example.
Latour (1987) argues that good academic science
must be inherently communicative, but relatively
little effort has been spent optimizing models for
comprehensibility. This, then, is an exemplary
power of ABS: it is easier for an untrained observer
to understand an ant colony in terms of individual
ant behaviors than in terms of differential equations.
Due to the nature of local simulation, however, it
is often difficult to design programs (or “rule-sets”)
for individual agents such that the solution to a
global goal emerges (Wilensky & Resnick, 1999).
Much like biological ecology, changing one small
aspect of an ABS often results in larger, global
changes. As a result, the ecology of the emergent
agent systems often becomes deeply unpredictable.
Solving problems indirectly and designing
intelligence for localized agents can exhibit several
of the difficulties of general search problems: many
local maxima; behaviors that cause negative or hard
to predict side effects; and often the emergent path is
effectively incomprehensible.
2.2 What is a Participatory
In a participatory simulation, each human designs or
controls an individual agent in an agent-based
simulation rather than having a single designer (or
group of designers) who control the whole
simulation. A participatory simulation (PS) can be
used to make the agent-based simulation even more
understandable; to aid the design of agent rules; to
disseminate the methods of agent-based simulation;
and to make the simulation of human behavior more
A popular PS in use in elementary and high
schools is Gridlock (Wilensky & Stroup, 1999c). In
one version of Gridlock, 25 or fewer individuals
each control a stoplight at the intersections on a 5x5
road-map grid. If there are exactly 25 participants,
each stoplight is controlled by one and exactly one
human. If there are fewer than 25 participants, some
Figure 1: ABM of ant foraging.
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
of the stoplights will be controlled by the simulation
itself. The humans involved must collaborate
effectively to control the flow of traffic in the
simulation (see Figure 2, below).
The overarching purpose of Gridlock is not to
develop optimal traffic light patterns, since an
optimized ABS could certainly do a better job than
the humans working with the ABS. Instead, the
value of the PS is two-fold: the PS outputs an
accurate model and record of human behavior in
various traffic settings; and the humans involved
gain a more comprehensive understanding of the
difficulties involved in constructing a complex
traffic model.
The adoption of participatory simulations has
increased in recent years with the spread of video
games. According to a Pew Research study (2008),
Almost 97% of people aged 12 to 17 play video
games regularly, and the PS model works as a kind
of research-oriented video game due to its
interactive nature. Indeed, many recent participatory
simulations draw the connection to video games
explicitly, and the phrases “serious games” and
“game-based learning environments” are often used
to describe systems that are advanced participatory
simulations (e.g., Squire & Jenkins, 2004).
2.3 How Does the ABS+PS Model
Relate to Crowdsourcing?
Wikipedia, ReCAPTCHA (von Ahn, 2008), and
Facebook are inherently crowdsourced, and they rely
on the interaction of the target agents.
Crowdsourcing is a relatively new term applied to a
very old idea: groups of humans can work in parallel
to achieve goals that are too large or complicated for
individuals working either alone or serially. The idea
comes from the reversal of the typical AI paradigm
in which a computer is given the intelligence to
achieve a task that humans cannot.
The relevance of a link is in part determined by
how many users over time find the link relevant to a
particular search. By using millions of searches a
day as data, Google can ensure relatively reliable
search results. A more manageable and relevant
example is ReCAPTCHA (von Ahn et al., 2008): in
ReCAPTCHA, humans solve picture-to-text
translation problems in order to earn rewards (such
as registration for a website, see Figure 3, below).
Participatory simulations are similar to
crowdsourcing in that they rely on a critical mass of
untrained users to gather relevant data. For instance,
a war game in which soldiers use paint guns instead
of bullets is a participatory simulation in the sense
that results are an emergent process of the actions of
Figure 2: Gridlock Participatory Simulation.
the crowd: these simulations would not make sense
without the crowd. A scrimmage soccer match could
be considered a participatory simulation. Novel to
the ABS+PS, however, is the use of modern
computer-based communications towards the
running, recording, and evaluation of the simulation.
In this sense, ABS+PS is a type of crowdsourcing,
the data and content of ABS+PS is created out of the
actions of a multitude of users. Thus, research into
the methodology of ABS+PS can learn from the
crowdsourcing research and vice versa.
2.4 What Does This Have to do With
The recording and simulation of the participating
human-agents makes the simulation very relevant to
AI/Agent research. Some participatory simulations
(such as Berland, 2008; Collela, 2000; Klopfer &
Squire, 2005) require the participant to formalize
herbehavior (in the form of program code, diagrams,
etc.) in order to fully participate. With a variety of
behaviors formalized or mathematized, the behaviors
can be reused, retested, and subdivided to test for
different outcomes based on different behaviors.
Recent research into SVM’s (Hearst, 1998) and
inverse reinforcement learning (Ng, & Russell,
2000) has found them to be powerful tools in
generating behavior models from data such as these.
Most of the rules of agents in an ABS are currently
designed by humans, but ABS+PS can take
advantage of tools like SVM to data mine the results
Figure 3: reCAPTCHA.
of human participants in order to generate the rules
of an agent such as in an ABS (such as the helicopter
agents in Abbeel, 2008). In addition, since these
rules are extracted from real-time decisions that
human participants make in response to complex
environments, an ABS that is built upon the results
of a PS will be more robust than a simulation that
was hand-engineered. In this way, we can use the
PS to develop a better ABS using modern AI
2.5 What’s the Value of More
Comprehensible Simulations to AI
Communication and education occupy relatively
small niches at computer science conferences,
perhaps because the work is not easily quantifiable
and rarely approaches the rigor or applicability of
other work in the field. There are, however,
numerous benefits to constructing simulations and
models comprehensibly. For instance, equations are
hard to parse even for experts in the target field
(Wilensky, 1993). Furthermore, statistical
descriptions can be misunderstood and improperly
generalized even by good statisticians (Kahneman &
Tversky, 1973). Clearly, equations and statistics,
while unambiguous, are suboptimal tools for
reporting findings. These difficulties have been
repeatedly acknowledged in data design and
visualization subfields as well as learning theories,
but the findings have not been widely disseminated
(ironically). Several learning theories have shown
that interaction with and motivation around target
content material dramatically increases uptake and
comprehension (Papert, 1980; diSessa, 2000).
Participatory simulations are inherently interactive,
and often that interactivity proves motivating for
participants. Indeed, Wilensky & Stroup (1999a)
give examples in which complex target material is
more quickly learned through the deployment of a
participatory simulation.
2.6 So What’s the Problem?
Though participatory simulations can improve the
robustness and comprehensibility of agent-based
simulations, they are relatively underutilized. Very
few of the papers at top conferences on multi-agent
systems, such as AAMAS, use participatory
simulations, and even fewer take advantage of the
participatory simulations to further improve their
own agent-based simulations and methods. We have
identified a few possible reasons why the PS has
been under-utilized in the ABS community. We list
these reasons and some suggested responses below:
Problem: Human subjects are expensive and time-
Rebuttal: With the growth of the web and the
relatively low cost of deploying PS to social
networking software (such as Facebook), this is
becoming increasingly less true. However, it
remains the most obvious and meaningful
impediment to the widespread use of the PS. The
upside is that, with a larger community building
participatory simulations, the community could
easily create repositories where people collaborate.
Problem: Humans are unreliable.
Rebuttal: In many cases in which agent-based
simulations are employed, the target agents are
expected to generally act in their own interest,
whether they represent humans or not. Often some
degree of randomness is added to evaluate the
robustness of the model. Humans produce this self-
interest with randomness effectively, and the
unpredictability that they introduce rarely follows
traditional random distributions (these are discussed
further in Wolfram, 2002). Thus, humans can test
the robustness of the model effectively, and by
examining the results of human actions we can
develop more robust models.
Problem: Education, learning, and communication
are not serious scientific research topics or do not
closely relate to the target scientific field.
Rebuttal: Every field must communicate its ideas
effectively. A finding is useless if its target audience
cannot understand the finding. The PS provides
researchers that use the ABS a relatively easy, low-
cost way to ensure meaningful engagement with the
target material.
We have highlighted the benefits of utilizing
participatory simulations in combination with agent-
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
based simulations to examine questions in artificial
intelligence. We present these techniques as a form
of crowdsourcing, and show how research into
crowdsourcing can gain from understanding
ABS+PS and vice versa. Crowdsourcing solves
machine-difficult problems by harnessing the power
of crowds of humans. PS can harness the power of
crowds to solve difficult ABS design problems.
Thus, ABS+PS can be used to create more refined
and robust models of complex phenomena.
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