Jingwen Dai, Dan Liu and Jianbo Su
Research Center of Intelligent Robotics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, 200240, China
Eye localization, Threshold, Segmentation, Projection peak.
This paper presents a new method of projection peak analysis for rapid eye localization. First, the eye region
is segmented from the face image by setting appropriate candidate window. Then, a threshold is obtained
by histogram analysis of the eye region image to binarize and segment the eyes out of the eye region. Thus,
a series of projection peak will be derived from vertical and horizontal gray projection curves on the binary
image, which is used to confirm the positions of the eyes. The proposed eye-localization method does not
need any a priori knowledge and training process. Experiments on three face databases show that this method
is effective, accurate and rapid in eye localization, which is fit for real-time face recognition system.
Recent years, building automatic face recognition
system has become a hot topic in computer vision and
pattern recognition areas. Some commercial systems
have been developed and applied in public and indi-
vidual security. Generally, an automatic face recog-
nition system is composed of three steps, i.e. face
detection, facial feature localization and face recogni-
tion. Face detection determines whether or not there
are any faces in the image or video sequence and,
if present, acquires the location and extent of each
face. Facial feature localization obtains the location
of salient feature points of face, i.e. eyes, nose, mouth
etc. And face recognition identifies or verifies one or
more persons in the scene using a stored database of
Most researchers test their recognition algorithms
under an assumption that the locations of facial fea-
ture points are given or obtained through some inter-
actions between users, i.e. pointing out the positions
of eyes manually. Roughly speaking, in the major
face recognition algorithms, salient facial landmarks
must be detected and faces must be correctly aligned
before recognition. The performance of a face recog-
nition algorithm is greatly affected by the accuracy
of facial features alignment. The recognition rate of
Fisherface, which is one of the most successful face
recognition methods, is reduced by 10%, when the
centers of the eyes have been inaccurately localized
with a deviation of just one pixel from their true po-
sitions (S. G. Shan, 2004). What’s more, the posi-
tion of eyes is the precondition for the localization of
other facial landmarks. Therefore, the localization of
the eyes is essential to automatic face recognition sys-
Many representation approaches of facial fea-
ture localization have been proposed in the previ-
ous works, such as Hough transform (T.Kawaguchi,
2000), symmetry detector (D. Reisfeld, 1995), ASM
(T. F. Cootes, 1998), AAM (T. F. Cootes, 2001), Ad-
aboost (P. Viola, 2001), projection analysis (Kanade,
1973; Z.H. Zhou, 2004; G.H. Li, 2006). Among the
approaches above, projection analysis is one of the
most classical algorithms. In gray facial image, the
gray value of facial features is lower than that of the
skin. By utilizing this character, firstly, the projec-
tion analysis calculates the sum of gray value or gray
function value along x-axis and y-axis respectively
and find out the special change points, then aggregates
the change points of different directions according to
the prior knowledge, and finally obtains the location
of facial landmarks. Compared with other methods,
its computational complexity is very low which is im-
portant for real-time application. Furthermore, it does
not need any training process. However, general pro-
jection analysis is not robust to the variation of face
poses, illuminations, expressions, or additional acces-
sories, such as glasses.
This paper is to propose a novel method of projec-
tion peak analysis for rapid and precise eye localiza-
tion. First, we segment the eye region from the face
image by setting appropriate candidate window. Sec-
ond, by histogram analysis of the eye region image,
Dai J., Liu D. and Su J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the Four th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 315-320
DOI: 10.5220/0001787603150320