Figure 2: 2D filter with AOS a) Original, b) p = 2, k =
1.8ms, c) p = 3, k = 0.54ms
Figure 3: 3D Diffusion where p = 3, k = 0.04ms (original
on the left and on the right, processed)
does not exceed the threshold. If p = 2 the noise in-
cidence is higher and the contrast is accentuated to a
lesser degree.
This procedure has been applied to the multi-
phase segmentation of the liver based on magnetic
resonance (Platero et al., 2008). Due to the high vol-
ume of information, the number of iterations is re-
duced to 5. The figure below illustrates just six con-
secutive slices showing a hepatic lesion. We have se-
lected α
= 0.1. The slices show the increase in con-
trast of both the organ and the tumour.
The proposed objective is to determine a numerical
method that allows for images to be automatically
enhanced at a low computational cost. In this in-
stance, the method is based on the nonlinear diffu-
sion filter. We have selected a family of diffusivities
without control parameters. Based on the analytical
expression, obtained on the discrete evolution of 3
pixels through the resolution of a semi-implicit Eu-
ler method, we have experimentally verified stability,
consistency and enhancement properties. Using the
analytical model, we have determined the relationship
between the diffusion time and the gradient module.
Experimentally, the value of p = 3 has been consid-
ered the most suitable based on the convergence to the
analytical model presented, to the conclusions drawn
and the lower incidence of the staircase.
This work is supported DPI-2007-63654 project of
Spanish Ministry of Science.
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