Table 2: Tracking evaluation results for test 2.
Test 2 (tracking left ball in test sequence)
Tracking Method
TMC 0.22±0.27 44.34±52.24
BM 0.23±0.29 42.51±50.42
HRS 0.25±0.31 44.93±51.96
VRFS 0.28±0.35 42.82±52.62
PDFS 0.50±0.30 36.27±86.95
GCBT 0.20±0.27 70.69±68.80
PIORT 0.60±0.23 3.94±4.98
Regarding the failure ratio, a value of zero was
obtained for all methods except FR=0.09 for GCBT
in test 1 and FR=0.28 for PDFS tracker in test 2.
A previously proposed method for object tracking,
which was integrated in a probabilistic framework
for object recognition and tracking in video
sequences (Amézquita, 2007; Amézquita, 2008), has
been extended in this work to deal with same-class
object crossing and occlusion. The new method is
able to select and track only the target object after it
crosses or is occluded by another object which is
recognised as belonging to the same class. However,
this has been achieved under the assumption that the
trajectory of the target object is relatively stable in
the preceding part of the sequence. The method may
fail in a large changing motion of this object (either
caused by its own motion or by a moving camera).
In that case, a more complex criterion would be
needed to select the target object after crossing or
occlusion. This is left for future work.
This research was partially supported by Consolider
Ingenio 2010, project CSD2007-00018, by the
CICYT project DPI 2007-61452 and by a grant from
the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV).
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VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications