Visual Ageing of Human Faces in Three Dimensions using Morphable Models and
Projection to Latent Structures
D. W. Hunter and B. P. Tiddeman
School of Computer Science, Jack Cole Building, North Haugh, St. Andrews, KY16 9SX, U.K.
Face, Facial ageing, Morphable models, Statistical modelling, Partial least squares.
We present an approach to synthesising the effects of ageing on human face images using three-dimensional
modelling. We extract a set of three-dimensional face models from a set of two-dimensional face images by
fitting a Morphable Model. We propose a method to age these face models using Partial Least Squares to
extract from the data-set those factors most related to ageing. These ageing related factors are used to train an
individually weighted linear model. We show that this is an effective means of producing an aged face image
and compare this method to two other linear ageing methods for ageing face models. This is demonstrated
both quantitatively and with perceptual evaluation using human raters.
Accurate prediction of how a person’s appearance
will vary with age has a variety of applications, such
as aiding in the search for missing persons, planning
cosmetic surgery, as well as applications in the film
industry and other visual arts. Since most researchers
have concentrated on manipulating 2D images, 3D
statistical models are a relatively recent innovation. In
this paper we develop 3D models of ageing by fitting
a Morphable Model to a set of photographs and intro-
duce a new statistical ageing model based on Projec-
tion to Latent Structures (PLS) also known as Partial
Least Squares.
Most previous methods for ageing a facial image have
concentrated on transforming a 2D image. Cardioidal
Strain was an early method that relied on the simi-
larity between the mathematical function and facial
ageing in children (Pittenger and Shaw, 1975; Pit-
tenger et al., 1975; Mark and Todd, 1983; V. Bruce,
1989). This was later used in a modified form by
Ramanathan and Challappa (Ramanathan and Chel-
lappa, 2006). Rowland and Perrett used Triangulated
Linear Warping to define an ageing trajectory by the
average prototypes for two age-groups (Rowland and
Perrett, 1995). Lanitis et al. trained a statistical model
over a set of face images parametrised by a Principle
Components Analysis model (Lanitis et al., 2002).
Scandrett et al. also used PCA on a set of 2D images,
ageing them using a piecewise linear model, combin-
ing the ageing trajectories between age-groups with
an historical ageing trajectory from younger images
of the individual (Scandrett et al., 2006). Suo et al.
explored a different approach by describing the face
using a Grammatical Model, (Xu et al., 2005) con-
sisting of a hierarchical set of face components. An
input face was aged using a Dynamic Markov Chain
(Suo et al., 2007).
The idea of Modelling ageing using 3D models
has been around for some time. Mark and Todd
applied Cardioidal strain to a 3D model (Mark
and Todd, 1983), Hutton and Buxton used Kernel
Smoothing to create an ageing model of a set of
3D models (Hutton et al., 2003). More recently
Scherbaum el al. (Scherbaum et al., 2007) fitted a
Three-dimensional Morphable Model to a database
of laser scanned cylindrical depth-maps. They used
these models to train a Support Vector Regression
model, synthesized a new face mode from by ‘step-
ping’ through the curved SVR space using a fourth or-
der Runge-Kutta algorithm. The curved nature of the
SVR model meant that the ageing paths were differ-
ent depending on the parameters of the input face thus
creating a semi-individualised model. However they
had only one sample per subject to train the model
W. Hunter D. and P. Tiddeman B. (2009).
VISUAL FACIAL AGEING USING PLS - Visual Ageing of Human Faces in Three Dimensions using Morphable Models and Projection to Latent
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 340-345
DOI: 10.5220/0001793403400345
and so captured population variations and not nec-
essarily the variations due to ageing in a particular
individual. Park et al. (Park et al., 2008) fitted a
three-dimensional Morphable Model to a set of face
images by fitting an Active Appearance Model and
extracting a three-dimensional model from the AAM.
Ageing was performed by calculating a set of weights
between an input face and exemplar faces in the same
age group. These weights are then used to build an
aged face as a weighted sum of the corresponding
faces at the target age.
Since many of the statistical methods used lost
textural detail such as wrinkles, a few researchers de-
veloped methods that attempted to create appropri-
ate textural detail in aged images. Tiddeman et al.
used a wavelet transform (Tiddeman et al., 2001)
and Markov Models (Tiddeman et al., 2005), Hussein
used Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions
(Hussein, 2002) and Gandhi used Gaussian filters
(Gandhi et al., 2004). These methods work by at-
tempting to replace or adjust the high-frequency com-
ponents of the image to match the high-frequency
components of a prototype at the target age.
Our aim is to be able to take an image of a particu-
lar person and to create an ageing trajectory specific
to that particular individual. Using a set of 3D face
models we first separate those factors most related to
ageing. Given a training-set of 3D models contain-
ing a ‘snap-shot’ of a number of individuals at var-
ious age points, from childhood to early-adulthood,
we then train a set of ageing trajectories for each in-
dividual. Finally these trajectories are applied as a
weighted sum of trajectories from the training-set.
3D data-sets featuring face models from the same
individual at various age points are rare and incom-
plete, however 2D data-sets are more readily avail-
able. We therefore opted to use a face-fitting method
to extract a 3D Morphable Model (Blanz and Vetter,
1999) from a two-dimensional image. We obtained a
set of photographs by asking some student volunteers
to supply images from a number of key ages. The re-
sulting image set was divided into three strata, Mid
Child containing individuals aged 5 to 8 year, Late
Child covering 8 to 12 year-olds and a Student age-
group between 17 and 23 years. The data-set con-
tained 35 individuals, with one face model per indi-
vidual in each strata.
A set of three-dimensional face models is required
to construct the Morphable Model. We captured
a set of 106 face models from volunteers using a
3dMD scanner ( The individ-
uals ranged in age from 2 to 65 years old, the average
age was 22.7 with a standard deviation of 17.45 years.
In this paper, we first briefly outline a process by
which we generate the 3D models. We then describe
and compare three ageing mechanisms. One, based
on average Prototypes is the 3D analog of the 2D
method used by Rowland and Perrett (Rowland and
Perrett, 1995). The second, an Individualised Lin-
ear model, is the 3D analog of work by Lanitis at
al (Lanitis et al., 2002) and is similar to the method
of Park et al. (Park et al., 2008). We introduce a
new technique based on Partial Least Squares (Wold,
Three-dimensional Morphable Models introduced by
Blanz and Vetter use Principle Components Analy-
sis to describe the space of human faces as a set of
orthogonal basis vectors. Given a set of 3D dimen-
sional face models with a one-to-one correspondence
between vertices, we vectorise the vertex positions
and colour values and centre each face by subtract-
ing the mean of all the faces. PCA is then performed
on the shape and colour values separately to produce a
set of basis vectors. A reduced set of 40 eigenvectors
for each of shape and colour were used to describe
the face space, denoted s
, t
respectively. The shape
s and colour t of a new face are generated as,
s =
s +
, t =
t +
s and
t are the averages of the shape and colour
respectively. The weights α
and β
form the param-
eter vectors α and β, which we concatinate to form
p = α, β. New faces are created by varying these pa-
rameters. This process is described in more detain in
(Blanz and Vetter, 1999).
4.1 Fitting a Morphable Model to a
Face Image
Three-dimensional scanning equipment is a rela-
tively recent invention, and so databases of three-
dimensional models of the same individual taken over
a period of many years have yet to be built. However
two-dimensional images, in the form of photographs
are widely available. In order to build a set of face
models we attempt to extract three-dimensional in-
formation from these images. Our fitting method
VISUAL FACIAL AGEING USING PLS - Visual Ageing of Human Faces in Three Dimensions using Morphable Models
and Projection to Latent Structures
was a simple adaptation of the Lucas Kanade Tomasi
algorithm (Baker and Matthews, 2002) from two-
dimensional face models to three-dimensional mod-
els, this method is similar to that detailed by Blanz
and Vetter (Blanz and Vetter, 1999). We use a Taylor
series expansion of the l
-norm of the pixel difference
between an input image and the rendered Morphable
Model to find the parameters that minimise this differ-
ence. To improve the accuracy of the fitting a set of
delineated feature points on the two-dimensional im-
age are also matched to their corresponding points on
the Morphable Model using the l
-norm of their sepa-
rating distance when projected onto the image plane.
The result of the fitting operation is a set of vectorised
shape and colour parameters p that describes the face
contained in the two-dimensional input image as a
three-dimensional Morphable Model. Figure 1 shows
an example of results of fitting a Morphable Model
using this technique.
Figure 1: An example of a Three-dimensional Morphable
Model fitted to a face image. The image on the top left is
the original photograph. The image on the top right shows
the results of the fitting, rendered in-situ. The images on the
bottom row are of the same model rendered under neutral
lighting conditions from different angles.
We applied the face-fitting method outlined in the pre-
vious section to the photographs in the training set, to
produce a set of 3D models of each individual at mul-
tiple age-points. We now use this training set to create
an ageing model.
5.1 Age Prototypes
Prototype face-models were created for each age-
stratum by averaging the parameters over all faces in
the stratum.
are the parameters of the averaged face
model of all the faces in the stratum s. Here p
the vector of parameters for the i
face model in the
stratum and m is the number of faces in the stratum.
A linear transform is defined between from stra-
tum j to stratum k we take as,
t =
where ˆa
and ˆa
are the average ages of the individu-
als within strata j and k respectively. An input f
stratum j is aged towards the age group of stratum k
by moving it in the direction of the vector t and mul-
tiplying t by the desired number of years.
= f
+ (a
)t (4)
where f
is the set of model parameters at the target
age, a
and a
are ages of the input face and the target
age respectively. Clearly this transform is most valid
if the target age is within the range of years of the
target stratum k.
5.2 Individualised Linear Transform
It is well known that faces do not age in an identi-
cal manner. In order to generate an ageing trajectory
for an unseen individual we exploit the relationship
between appearance and ageing trajectory. For each
individual in the data-set a linear ageing path is de-
fined as a vector from one sample face in the start-
ing stratum to another in the target stratum containing
the end age. If no suitable pair of sample faces can
be found the individual is excluded from the data-set.
We denote s,e as the start and end ages of the trans-
form respectively, and p
and q
as the parameters of
the face models of the i
individual taken from the
start and end strata respectively. We define a single
linear ageing function such that the j
parameter of
the face model of the individual i at time t is,
= t.a
i, j
+ b
i, j
where a and b are sets of weights and a
i, j
and b
i, j
the j
weights for the i
individual in the training
set. a defines the gradient of the path in
and b the
parameters of the face at time t = 0. These are defined
a =
q p
e s
, b = p sa (6)
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
These functions can be parametrised using a
to describe the ageing function f
for the i
vidual. A new ageing path for an unseen individual
can be created using a linear weighted sum of the pa-
rameters of the ageing functions for each individual
in the training set.
= 1 (7)
where ρ
are a set of weights relating the unseen in-
dividual to the ageing path of the i
individual in the
data-set. The ρ
s sum to one, so that that function
does not add a scaling factor to the ageing path.
As in (Lanitis et al., 2002) the weighting ρ is
defined using the probability distribution of the PCA
space of the face model.
, p
) = e
in, j
i, j
where p
and p
are the parameters of the input and
face model respectively. p
in, j
is the j
of the input face model. σ
is the variance of the PCA
space in the j
This is similar to the method by (Park et al.,
2008). Equation (7) can be combined with equa-
tion (1) to derive their method. Ours differs in that
the weights are based on the PDF of the Morphable
Model rather than linear interpolation.
5.3 Partial Least Squares Ageing
The data-set of parameters contains a significant
amount of information that is not relevant to ageing.
Any statistical analysis needs to separate those factors
related to ageing from those that are not related either
explicitly or implicitly.
Partial Least Squares (Wold, 1966) also known as
a Projection to Latent Structures is a statistical distri-
bution similar to Principle Components Analysis that
describes mean centred data as a weighted linear com-
bination of basis vectors. Unlike PCA, which finds
directions of maximum variance in the data, PLS at-
tempts to describe a set of dependent variables from a
set of predictors. It works by extracting a set of latent
vectors that decompose both the dependent and the
independent matrices in such a manner as to explain
as much of their covariance as possible.
We take the parameters of the face models in the
data-set f
and use them to build the matrix X =
, f
, . . . , f
such that each row contains the pa-
rameters of an individual face model. We define
Y = [age
, age
, . . . , age
where age
is the corre-
sponding ages to the i
face. The rows of both X
and Y are then mean centred and scaled by the inverse
standard deviation
As described by (Abdi, 2007), we aim to de-
compose the independent variables as X = T P
T = I. T is the score matrix and P is the loading
matrix. We estimate Y as
Y = T BC
. The diagonal
matrix B holds the regression weights, and C is the
weight matrix of the dependent variables. See (Abdi,
2007) for further details on what these mean in prac-
tice. The columns of T are the latent vectors that form
an exact decomposition of X but only an approxima-
tion to Y . The decomposition is found using an iter-
ative algorithm whereby, each iteration, a latent vec-
tor is found that maximizes the covariance between X
and Y and is then subtracted from both. The propor-
tion of variance explained by this vector is found by
dividing the sum of squares of the residuals by the the
sum of squares of the input matrices X and Y .
PLS, like PCA, can be truncated such that a
smaller number of basis vectors are found that ap-
proximately span the space of X . We found that the
first 6 latent vectors explained 56.3% of the variance
and showed little improvement in accuracy thereafter.
So we trucated the PLS space to 6 latent vectors.
We separated the parameters into two compo-
nents; the components most related to ageing and a
remainder. As the data used to train the PLS model
has been converted to Z-scores by centring the data
on the mean and scaling by the standard deviation,
we must convert the parameters of the input face f to
Z-scores also. We denote the Z-score converted face
f. The parameters of a face model in PCA space
are related to the parameters of the face in PLS space
f gP. Since the loading matrix P is not gener-
ally orthogonal in PLS regression, g is approximated
using least squares regression,
g = (P
f (9)
The PCA face model parameters can be recovered
from the PLS space as
= gP and converted from
Z-scores to the original PCA parameter space using
σ +
In general the recovered
f, so we compute the
residual r as
f = gP + r. Ageing is performed using
the Individualised Linear ageing Transform described
earlier on the PLS model parameters (g) instead of the
PCA model parameters (p). After the face is aged the
residuals r are added back in.
The results of ageing a face model using these
methods is shown in figure 2.
5.4 Quantitative Evaluation
In order to determine the comparative effectiveness
between different methods of ageing we used the Ma-
VISUAL FACIAL AGEING USING PLS - Visual Ageing of Human Faces in Three Dimensions using Morphable Models
and Projection to Latent Structures
Figure 2: Examples of aged face images. The fisrt column
shows the original model, the second the same individual at
the target age, the remaining columns show, left to right, the
original model aged using, Prototyping, Individual Linear
transforms and the PLS method.
halanobis distance to measure the similarity between
the aged face model and a face model captured by
fitting the Morphable Model to a image of the same
individual at the target age. We used leave-one-out
cross-validation to evaluate the methods. Figure 1
shows the results of ageing using the prototyping, in-
dividualised linear and PLS methods. We can clearly
see that the ‘Individual Linear’ method gives an im-
provement in accuracy over the ‘Prototyping’ method
with a lower average error and the PLS method shows
a marked improvement over both.
Table 1: RMSE between shape and colour parameters of
aged face model and a known ground-truth model for each
individual in the data-set. With 93 subjects for each method.
Ageing Method RMSE Standard Deviation
Prototyping 8.86 1.84
Individual Linear 8.69 1.92
PLS 7.4 1.4
5.5 Perceptual Evaluation
Quantitative measures may miss ageing cues that hu-
man raters would be able to detect. We performed a
series of tests with human raters to evaluate the ability
of the methods to produce images of the required age.
Each user was shown a single image of a rendered
face model at a time and asked to estimate the age of
the face shown. The age is selected from a range be-
tween 5 and 30 to the nearest year. The stimuli are
a selection of mid-child faces aged to student age by
the three-methods, prototyping, individualised linear
and PLS, together with the rendered face-models of
the individuals at the source and target age. The im-
ages were presented with uniform lighting and pose
on a black background and in random order. No pe-
ripheral details such as hair were on display, limit-
ing ageing cue to those in the face. The images were
presented on public website which generated a signif-
icant amount of traffic, with an average of 105 age
estimations per image, and just under 5000 for each
ageing method being trialled.
Table 2 shows the mean perceived age in years
for the face models aged by the different methods, as
well as the mean ages of the rendered models of the
original face models. Table 3 shows the mean age
difference in years between the perceived age of the
individual after the ageing method is applied and the
target age the algorithm was attempting to recreate.
We can see that all the methods succeed in ageing the
faces towards the target age, but vary in how much
they age the face model. The PLS method achieved
the closest results to the target age of all the age-
ing methods. The original student and mid-child age
groups showed a significant error implying that some
age related information was lost by the fitting process.
Table 2: Mean (µ) and standard deviation (σ) of the human
rated ages for faces ages by each method.
Ageing Method µ σ Count
Prototyping 17.048 6.7605 5090
Individual Linear 16.801 6.8449 5092
PLS 17.115 6.6780 4987
Student 17.026 5.9044 6205
Mid Child 12.762 6.0626 4678
Table 3: Mean (µ) and standard deviation (σ) of the error in
years in human rated ages for faces ages by each method.
Ageing Method µ σ Count
Prototyping -3.6614 6.1888 4596
Individual Linear -3.8674 6.1688 4646
PLS -3.5643 6.1098 4551
Student -3.3737 5.4273 5855
Mid Child 6.2135 6.0815 4678
We have described a method of ageing 3D Morphable
Models by a method based on Projection to Latent
Structures or Partial Least Squares. This method
shows an improvement over the others tested both
in quantitative measures, in terms of similarity to a
known ground-truth, and in perceptual evaluation by
human raters. Due to its reliance on face-fitting meth-
ods the success of this method depends on the qual-
ity of the face model produced in the fitting stage.
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Improved fitting techniques or a database of three-
dimensional scans of the same person over several
year, would improve the accuracy of these ageing
methods. Other authors have used Quadratic and Cu-
bic functions (Lanitis et al., 2002) in two-dimensions,
or non-linear Kernel methods such as Support Vec-
tor Regression (Scherbaum et al., 2007) in three-
dimensions, so an obvious extension is to examine
non-linear individualised ageing paths.
This work was supported by Unilever PLC and the
EPSRC. We would also like to thank David Perrett
for providing the 2D photographic data-set, and for
his advice on conducting perceptual evaluation.
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VISUAL FACIAL AGEING USING PLS - Visual Ageing of Human Faces in Three Dimensions using Morphable Models
and Projection to Latent Structures