Unlike Field, the Super Pang game world is more
dynamic with moving objects and user interactions.
We employed the iTILE’s shared DB class to share
the user input data and the game character’s position,
across the slave nodes to render the correct contents
in the tiled display. The DSM is also used to update
the state of all moving objects (i.e., balloons) in the
3D world across the slave computers.
4.4 3D Model Viewer
We extended a simple OSG application, osgViewer,
to allow it to manipulate 3D object models with a
Nintendo Wii remote controller (often called
Wiimote). In this application, we developed a
specialized input processor class,
CMasterOSGTrackballManipulatorWithIO, for the
master node. This specialized input device handling
module simply reads Wiimote data and put them in
the shared memory as specified in the master node’s
input processor. Then, users can use the new device
for several user interactions, such as zooming in/out,
moving the object model left/right/up/down, and
rotating the model within the viewer application
without modifying any source code of the program.
This application demonstrates the convenience of
our framework, which provides a mechanism to
easily add new input device handling without
changing any code in the application program.
Tiled displays offers scalability, large-format, and
high-resolution used for various applications, such
as high-resolution image, massive scientific
visualization, video streaming, and design
prototyping. However, the development of tiled
display applications requires a lot of efforts. While
several scalable high-resolution tiled display
frameworks have been developed, they mostly focus
on scalability or distributed rendering of computer
graphics and not much considered user interaction.
This paper presented the design and
implementation of iTILE framework. iTILE
framework is designed to support easier and faster
development of the interactive graphics applications
for the scalable tiled display. This framework works
on the PC-cluster driven tiled display system
consisting of a master and multiple slave computers.
It provides the window manager for executing
multiple application windows, synchronized
rendering, distributed data sharing using shared DB
manager, and standardized mechanism to support
various input devices.
We have also showed some examples where
existing OSG applications can easily be ported to
run on the tiled display using our framework.
However, current iTILE framework is little tightly
coupled to Open Scene Graph library and hence it
only supports OSG-based applications. In our
current framework, the interaction with the input
device is needed to be specified in the application
program. In the future, we will continue to improve
our framework to decouple it from Open Scene
Graph library and add the new standardized
component structure for interaction scheme.
This research was supported by the Collaboration
Research Project program, supervised by the Korea
Research Council of Fundamental Science and
Technology under the Korea Institute of Science and
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GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications