Table 1: Table summarising all navigation types and their decomposition into different degrees of freedom. The valid types
are given in boldface. Legend: 1D, 2D, 3D: positioning in resp. 1,2,3 dimensions; rot: 3DOF rotation; axis: 1DOF rotation
around vessel axis. Note that zooming is possible and useful in all cases, and adds one extra DOF to the total.
visualisation → 3D cross-section CPR
position↓ rotation→ Free Centerline Flyby Flythrough (none) (axis)
Free 3D + rot not useful not useful not useful 2D 2D + axis
Centerline 1D + rot 1D + rot 1D + axis 1D 1D 1D + axis
Pickray 2D + rot pick confusing cannot pick cannot pick N/A N/A
1. centerline-based navigation: the user can cycle
through the points of the centerline forwards and
backwards. The view is centered around the cur-
rently selected centerline point (the focus point).
2. free navigation: The position can be determined
freely rather than being fixed to a centerline point.
3. pickray navigation: A coordinate is selected by
clicking on the centerline or vessel wall. The cam-
era will navigate to the selected point.
Rotation in 3D can be treated separately. There
are several obvious options:
1. free rotation angle
2. rotation angle always follows angle of centerline.
This is a relatively novel navigation technique for
MRA. We distinguish several variants:
• centerline: the user can freely specify a relative
rotation angle.
• flyby: the camera is perpendicular to the center-
line, looking at the vessel from “above”. This
orientation is less useful for isosurface-DVR
or isosurface-slice because the isosurface ob-
scures what is inside the vessel.
• flythrough: the camera is oriented parallel to
the centerline, and we zoom in close, like vir-
tual angioscopy (Giachetti et al., 2001). This
orientation is less useful for DVR or MIP.
We summarise all possible combinations of rota-
tion and position navigation in table 1. The table sum-
marises which ones are valid and potentially useful,
and how many DOF each requires.
Most combinations of the given visualisation and nav-
igation techniques form meaningful and sometimes
novel interaction techniques. We have made a qual-
itative assessment about the suitability of each com-
bination for each task, see table 2. For each visual-
isation, a rating was given in the range not possible
to excellent, and we summarise what kind of navi-
gation was necessary to perform the task. With help
of this assessment, we can select the most promising
techniques for future user experiments. Based on the
table, we conclude that the most promising visualisa-
tion techniques overall are isosurface-slice, volume-
volume, and CPR-volume.
This research is funded by the NWO/VIEW project
“A Multi-modal Visualization Environment for Inter-
active Analysis of Medical Data” (N 643.100.602).
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