approaches. One of them is 2-D image based
extraction that using corners, edges or chromatic
information and the other is using 3-D geometrical
information such as surface normal and Point
fingerprint (Sun, 2001).
To extract feature points, In (Vandapel, 2006),
Nicolas Vandapel et al. used spin-images for the
terrain model and Soon-Yong Park et al. proposed
SDEBM(sampled depth edge block matching) using
edge information of 3-D model (Park, 2007).
In this paper, we present a new registration
technique which can be applied for the 3-D pose
estimation of an UGV. For the registration, we
generated signatures using shape parameterization
about the DSM and the range images and got a 3-D
rigid transformation by matching them to minimize
registration error.
Because our work is an extension of signature based
matching technique, in this section, we review how
signatures are generated and used in previous coarse
registration cases.
2.1 Signature Matching
Generally, the coarse registration between two 3-D
terrain models is accomplished by constructing and
matching signature at selected points on both
surfaces which are invariant by changes in pose.
Correspondences are pair-wised between points with
similar signature and after filtering of the
correspondences, the Euclidean transformation that
registers the two terrain models coarsely is
computed by the correspondences. Here is
noticeable point that to design appropriate signature
which represents invariant characteristic well affects
the matching accuracy.
2.2 Image-based Signature
There are many surface representation techniques
which used for object matching or recognition.
Especially, characterization into a 2-D image by
shape parameterization has been one of the most
popular methods for surface representation. The
spin-images algorithm which introduced by Johnson
and Hebert in (Johnson, 1999) is a typical
application that apply the imaging mechanism to
represent the surface shape. They used two factors
for generating the signature: radial coordinate is a
distance between the central point and a certain
point which is projected into the tangent plane from
a neighboring point x and the elevation coordinate
is the signed perpendicular distance to the tangent
plane. Using these distances, a signature is generated
representing on the x-axis and on the y-axis. As
another well-known image based signature, there is
a surface signature that proposed by Yamany and
Farag in (Yamany, 1999). The main idea of this
approach is to encode the distance and normal
variation between a central point and every other
feature points in the signature. In similar way to the
spin-images, a signature is also generated by
representing the distance and the normal variation on
the x-axis and the y-axis separately.
The main advantage of this image-based signature
matching technique comes from compactness and
stable. Hence it is possible to perform simple and
efficient computation of the similarity of two
surfaces patch by comparing the signatures.
Considering this advantage, in our research, we
aimed at designing a signature that is invariant and
can be computed efficiently in the same manner as
those registration cases.
3.1 KNU Point Signature
Figure 1. shows the fundamental scheme of our
approach. The signature image is generated as
follows: for a central point which is defined by its
3-D coordinates and the normal
, each
neighboring point with its normal
in the
support region can be related by
The and are respectively defined as a Euclidean
distance and an inner product of the normals
between central point and each other points and is
defined as a direction angle. Like the spin-image, we
also generated a signature representing on the x-
axis and on y-axis but the bins are filled up with
an accumulation of -value whereas the each bin of
the spin-image contains the number of points that
belong to the corresponding region.
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications