Table 2: Number of matches on SIFT and locmax-SIFT descriptors.
Graffiti +Boat +Bark + Bikes
#descr. on image 900+1083 +844 +1255 +597
SIFT 94% (402) 87% (394) 87% (394) 83% (386)
SIFT (PCA) 81% (555) 76% (589) 60% (760) 57% (769)
locmax 89% (411) 83% (415) 78% (426) 74% (432)
Figure 3: Samples from used image dataset [4] (Graffiti, Boat, Bark, Bikes).
method, but to create a lower dimensional descriptor
which is stable enough.
The most of false matches came from textured
regions because the locmax vectors contain only the
most significant parts of SIFT features (e.g. Bark,
see Figure 3). Certainly the dimension reduction
causes loss of information, thus there will be similar
local maxima positions from such areas. Another
problem is the uncertainty of good and false
In summary, higher precision leads to better
detection rates for object retrieval (Schügerl et al,
2007). The proposed method can improve the
precision rate in the reduced dimensions.
This paper introduced a new type of error-distance
calculation on SIFT descriptors with decreased
dimension. The method uses only a dynamic set of
local maxima of standard feature vectors, and after
calculating a weighted position distance we use the
DTW algorithm for comparing locmax features, and
get a novel metric on descriptors. This makes
possible the unsupervised (non-linear) dimension
reduction which is the key step to construct an
effective search tree in the future.
In future works we will focus on perfecting the
weight function to improve the matching scores,
according to other structural properties of SIFT
descriptors. Another plan is to integrate it in a lower
dimensional tree structure.
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LOCMAX SIFT - Non-Statistical Dimension Reduction on Invariant Descriptors