Figure 6: Each plotshows the quotient of the quality between our approach and the chamfer based approach. A value greater
than 1 indicates that our approach is better.
In this paper, we developed an edge similarity mea-
sure for template matching that does not use any
thresholds nor discretize edge orientations. Conse-
quently, it works more robustly under various condi-
tions. This is achieved by a continuous edge image
similarity measure, which includes a continuous edge
orientation distance measure. Our method is imple-
mented as convolution on the GPU and thus is very
fast. We generate a confidence map in only 3 ms. The
confidence maps can easily combined with other fea-
tures to further increase the quality of object detec-
In about 90% of all images of our test datasets, our
method generates confidence maps with fewer max-
ima that are also more significant. This is better than
a state-of-the-art chamfer based method, which uses
orientation information as well.
In the future, we plan to test anisotropic and asym-
metric kernels for the preprocessing of the templates
in order to exploit the knowledge of inner and outer
object regions. This should improve matching qual-
ity. Furthermore, we will research methods to auto-
matically select the kernel bandwidth parameter.
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VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications