Figure 8: Museum stairs scene (a view from the top) with
614.778 patches computed using 100 million rays for the
first shot step and 130 million for the multipath method.
Figure 9: Airplane cabin scene with 438.518 patches com-
puted using 100 million rays for the first shot step and 130
million for the multipath method.
We have presented a parallel implementation of the
multipath method for radiosity. The implementation
has been done in a cluster of PCs. Tests have been
done for 2 to 8 processors, showing good efficiency
and scalability.
As future work is possible to implement other re-
lated global line Monte Carlo algorithms. Also, other
architectures, like multicore shared memory, are a
good option for Monte Carlo methods.
This project has been funded in part with grant num-
ber TIN2007-68066-C04-01 of the Spanish Govern-
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GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications