Partha Pratim Roy, Josep Llad
Computer Vision Center, Universitat Aut
onoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain
Umapada Pal
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Unit, Indian Statistical Institute , Kolkata - 108, India
Graphics Recognition, Optical Character Recognition, Convex Hull, Skeleton Analysis.
Automatic Text/symbols retrieval in graphical documents (map, engineering drawing) involves many chal-
lenges because they are not usually parallel to each other. They are multi-oriented and curve in nature to
annotate the graphical curve lines and hence follow a curvi-linear way too. Sometimes, text and symbols fre-
quently touch/overlap with graphical components (river, street, border line) which enhances the problem. For
OCR of such documents we need to extract individual text lines and their corresponding words/characters. In
this paper, we propose a methodology to extract individual text lines and an approach for recognition of the ex-
tracted text characters from such complex graphical documents. The methodology is based on the foreground
and background information of the text components. To take care of background information, water reservoir
concept and convex hull have been used. For recognition of multi-font, multi-scale and multi-oriented charac-
ters, Support Vector Machine (SVM) based classifier is applied. Circular ring and convex hull have been used
along with angular information of the contour pixels of the characters to make the feature rotation and scale
The interpretation of graphical documents does not
only require the recognition of graphical parts but the
detection and recognition of multi-oriented text. The
problem for detection and recognition of such text
characters is many-folded. Text/symbols many times
touch/overlap with long graphical lines. Sometimes,
the text lines are curvi-linear to annotate graphical ob-
jects. And the recognition of such characters is more
difficult due to the usage of multi-oriented and multi-
scale environment. We show a map in Fig.1 to illus-
trate the problems.
Automatic extraction of text/symbols in graphical
documents like map is one of the fundamental aims
in graphics recognition (Fletcher and Kasturi, 1988),
(Cao and Tan, 2001). The spatial distribution of the
character components and their sizes, can be mea-
sured in a number of ways, and fairly reliable clas-
sification can be obtained. Using Connected Com-
ponent (CC) analysis (Fletcher and Kasturi, 1988),
(Tombre et al., 2002) and some heuristics based on
text features isolated text characters can be separated
from long graphical components. Difficulties arise
however, when either there is text and symbol em-
bedded in the graphics components, or text and sym-
bol touched with graphics. Luo et. al (Luo et al.,
1995) uses the directional mathematical morphology
approach for separation of long linear segments from
character strings. Cao and Tan (Cao and Tan, 2001)
proposed a method for extracting text characters that
are touched to graphics. It is based on the observation
that the constituent strokes of characters are usually
short segments in comparison with those of graphics.
There are a few pieces of published work on ex-
traction of multi-oriented and curved text lines in
graphical/artistic document. Due to curve nature of
text lines, their segmentation is a challenging task.
Goto and Aso (Goto and Aso, 1999) proposed a local
linearity based method to detect text lines in English
and Chinese documents. In another method, proposed
by Hones and Litcher (Hones and Litcher, 1994), line
anchors are first found in the document image and
then text lines are generated by expanding the line an-
Pratim Roy P., Lladós J. and Pal U. (2009).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 209-216
DOI: 10.5220/0001801902090216
chors. These methods cannot handle variable sized
text, which is the main drawback of the methods. Loo
and Tan (Loo and C.L.Tan, 2002) proposed a method
using irregular pyramid for text line segmentation. Pal
and Roy (Pal and Roy, 2004) proposed a head-line
based technique for multi-oriented and curved text
lines extraction from Indian documents.
For the recognition purpose of multi-oriented
characters from engineering drawings, Adam et al.
(Adam et al., 2000) used Fourier Mellin Transform.
Some of the multi-oriented character recognition sys-
tems consider character realignment. The main draw-
back of these methods is the distortion due to realign-
ment of curved text. Parametric eigen-space method
is used by Hase et al. (Hase et al., 2003). Xie
and Kobayashi (Xie and Kobayashi, 1991) proposed
a system for multi-oriented English numeral recogni-
tion based on angular patterns. Pal et al. (Pal et al.,
2006) proposed a modified quadratic classifier based
recognition method for handling multi-oriented char-
Figure 1: Example of a map shows orientation of text line
and their characters.
In our proposed method, combination of con-
nected component and skeleton analysis has been
used to locate text character layer. The portions where
graphical long lines touch text are marked. Using
Hough transform and skeleton analysis, these portions
are analyzed for text part separation. To handle the
wide variations of texts in terms of size, font, orien-
tation, etc., our approach includes the background in-
formation of the characters in a text line. It guides
our algorithm to extract text lines from the documents
containing multi-oriented and curved text lines. To
get this background portion we apply the water reser-
voir concept which is one of the unique features of
our proposed methodology. For recognition purpose,
to make the system rotation invariant, the features are
mainly based on the angular information of the ex-
ternal and internal contour pixels of the characters,
where we compute the angle histogram of successive
contour pixels. Circular ring and convex hull have
been used to divide a character into several zones
and zone wise angular histogram is computed to get
higher dimensional feature for better performance.
SVM classifier has been applied for recognition of
multi-oriented and multi-scale characters.
The organization of the rest of the paper is as
follows. Text layer extraction methodology are dis-
cussed in Section 2. The curve text line segmentation
methods are explained in Section 3. Feature extrac-
tion for multi-oriented character recognition and Sup-
port Vector Machine are detailed in Section 4. Results
and discussion are given in Section 5. And finally,
conclusion is included in Section 6.
For the experiment of present work, we considered
real data from map, newspaper, magazine etc. We
used a flatbed scanner for digitization. Digitized im-
ages are in gray tone with 300 dpi. We have used a
histogram based global binarization algorithm to con-
vert them into two-tone (0 and 1) images (Here ‘1’
represents object point and ‘0’ represents background
point). The digitized image may contain spurious
noise points, small break points and irregularities on
the boundary of the characters, lead to undesired ef-
fects on the system. For removing these we have used
a method discussed in (Roy et al., 2004).
2.1 Component Classification using CC
Analysis and Skeleton Information
In map, text and graphics appear simultaneously.
They frequently touch each other and sometimes
overlap. Here, the aim is to separate them into two
layers mainly Text and Graphics layers. We used the
connected component analysis (Tombre et al., 2002)
for initial segmentation of isolated text components.
The geometrical and statistical features (Fletcher and
Kasturi, 1988) of the connected component are good
enough to group a component into one between text
or graphics layer. For each connected component, we
use a minimum enclosing bounding box which de-
scribes the height and width of the character shape.
The components are filtered to be as a member of
a text component based on its attributes (rectangular
size, pixel density, ratio of dimensions, area). A his-
togram on the size of components is analyzed for this
purpose. By a correct threshold selection obtained
dynamically from the histogram, the large graphical
components are discarded, leaving the smaller graph-
ics and text components. In our experiment, the
threshold T is considered as,
T = n ×max(A
) (1)
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
where, A
and A
are frequency of most popu-
lated area and average area respectively. The value
of n was set to 3 from the experiment (Roy, 2007).
The problems arise when some characters (“joined
characters”) cannot be split due to touching together.
We integrate skeleton information (Ahmed and Ward,
2002) to detect the long segments and to analyze them
accordingly. Long segments are assumed to be as
part of graphics. From the skeleton, we measure each
segment based on their minimum enclosing bounding
box (BB). The length (L
) of a segment is computed
= Max(Height
) (2)
If there exist a segment of L
T in a component,
we consider that component having graphical com-
ponent. Using these skeleton and connected compo-
nent analysis, we separate all the components into 5
groups namely, Isolated characters, Joined characters,
Dash components, Long components and Mixed com-
ponents (Roy et al., 2007). If there exists no long
segment in a component then it is included into one
of the isolated character/symbol, joined character or
dash component group. Otherwise it is considered as
mixed or long component.
2.2 Removal of Long Graphical Lines
The mixed components are analyzed further for the
separation of long segments. We perform Hough
Transform to detect the straight lines present in the
mixed component. In Hough space, all the collinear
pixels of a straight line will be found intersecting at
the same point (ρ, θ), where ρ and θ identify the line
equation. Depending on accumulation of pixels the
straight lines are sorted out. Some characters may
touch with these straight lines. To separate the char-
acters from the lines, we compute the stroke width L
of the straight line by scanning following the equation
of line. Then the portions of the line where the width
is more than L
are separated from straight line.
We assumed that the length of segments of the
characters are smaller compared to that of graphics.
Hence, the skeleton is analyzed to check the pres-
ence of long segments in mixed components. All the
skeleton segments are decomposed at the intersection
point. The segments having L
T are chosen for
elimination. The remaining portion after removal of
long straight and curve line are considered as either
isolated characters or joined characters according to
their statistical features. We show the segmentation of
long straight lines of Fig.2(a) in Fig.2(b) and removal
of curve lines of Fig.2(c) in Fig.2(d) & Fig.2(e).
Figure 2: Separation of Text and Graphical lines.
To detect text line in a document the water reservoir
principle (Pal et al., 2003) has been used in the ex-
tracted text character layer. If water is poured from a
side of a component, the cavity regions of the back-
ground portion of the component where water will be
stored are considered as reservoirs of the component.
Some of the water reservoir principle are shown in
Fig.3. By top (bottom) reservoirs of a component we
mean the reservoirs obtained when water is poured
from top (bottom) of the component. The background
region based feature obtained using water reservoir
concepts help our line extraction scheme. The line
detection process is discussed below.
Figure 3: A top water reservoir and different features are
shown. Water reservoir is marked by grey shade.
3.1 Initial 3-Character Clustering
For character clustering, the stroke width (S
) of indi-
vidual component (character) is computed (Roy et al.,
2008b). For each component (say, D
) we find two
nearest components using boundary-growing algo-
rithm (Roy et al., 2008b). Let, the two nearest compo-
nents of D
are D
and D
. Also let, c
be the center
of minimum enclosing circle (MEC) of the compo-
nent D
. The components D
, D
and D
will form a
valid 3-character cluster if they are a) similar in size
b) linear in fashion and c) inter-character spacing is
less than 3×S
. The size similarity is tested based on
height information of the minimum enclosing bound-
ing box of the component. Let, H
be the height of a
component D
. The component D
will be similar in
size of its neighbour component D
0.5 × H
1.5 × H
Linearity is tested based on the angular information
of c
, c
and c
. If the angle formed by c
then we assume the components are linear in fashion.
3.2 Grouping of Initial Clusters
From the initial clustering, we will get several 3-
character clusters which are to be grouped together
to have larger clusters. We make a graph (G) of these
components of different clusters, where components
of all the clusters are considered as nodes. An edge
between two component nodes exists if they are from
a same cluster and they are neighbors to each other.
If the 3-character clusters come from the same text
line then a node should have at most two edges. But,
after making the graph a node may have 3 or more
edges. This situation occurs when two or more text-
lines cross each other or they are very close. The
nodes having 3 or more edges are considered for re-
moval. If the angle of a node (of degree 2) with re-
spect to two connected nodes is less than 150
, then it
is also marked for removal. These nodes are removed
and all the corresponding edges are deleted from G.
Thus the graph G will be split into sub-graphs or a
set of components. In each of these sets, we will have
components (nodes) having maximum 2 neighbor and
they are linear in fashion. Elements of each sub-graph
are considered as a large cluster.
3.3 Computation of Cluster Orientation
Using inter-character background information, orien-
tations of the extreme characters of a cluster group are
decided and two candidate regions are formed based
on these orientations. For each cluster group we find
one pair of characters from both of the extreme sides
of the cluster. To find background information water
reservoir concept is used. To do so, first convex hull of
each character is formed to fill up the cavity regions
of the character, if any. Next the resultant compo-
nents are joined by a straight line through their centre
of MEC. This joining is done to make the character
pair into a single component to find the water reser-
voir in the background. Now water reservoir area is
computed of this joined character in 8 directions at
interval. The area of water reservoirs in opposite
directions are added to get the total background area
in that direction. This is done for other 3 orientations.
The orientation, in which maximum area is found, is
detected and water flow-lines of corresponding reser-
voirs are stored. The mid-points of the water flow-
lines of the two reservoirs are the candidate points.
This gives the orientation of the extreme characters of
a cluster and it helps us to extend the cluster group for
text line extraction.
3.4 Extension of Cluster Group
For each extreme pair characters of a cluster group,
we know its candidate points and orientation. Using
these information, we find a direction (D) perpendic-
ular to this orientation and a key-point (K) which is
along D, passes through the middle point of the candi-
date points and touches the bounding box of the clus-
ter. For cluster extension to extract line, at first we
generate a candidate region of rectangular mask at the
key-point. Candidate regions for two key points of a
cluster ’INTRODUCING’ are shown in Fig.4(c). Let
α be the set of candidate clusters and isolated charac-
ters obtained from the text layer. We use a bottom-up
approach for line extraction and the approach is as
follows. First, an arbitrary cluster (say, topmost left
cluster) is chosen from α and a line-group L is formed
using this cluster. Two candidate regions are detected
from this cluster. For each line-group we maintain
two anchor candidate regions (ACR): left and right
ACR. Since at present L has only one cluster, the left
and right ACRs of L are the two candidate regions
of the cluster. Next, we check whether there exists
any extreme character of another cluster or individual
component whose a portion falls in these ACRs of the
line-group. If the orientation of extreme character of
another cluster is similar and their size is similar, then
we include it in L. The ACRs are modified accord-
ingly. The extension of this line-group continues in
both sides, till it does not find any component or clus-
ter in any ACR or it reaches the border of the image.
Figure 4: Example of candidate region detection from a
cluster. (a) Two clusters (b) Candidate points of the two
extreme pairs of characters for the cluster “INTRODUC-
ING”(c) Key points are marked by ‘K’. Candidate region is
marked by hatched-line box.
Components clustered into a single line-group are
the members of a single text line. To get other text
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
lines we follow the same steps and finally we get N
number of line-groups if there are N text lines in a
document. Since, we initially excluded the punctu-
ation marks. So, punctuation marks will not be in-
cluded by the above approach. To include such com-
ponents in the line-group of their respective text lines
we use a region growing technique (Pal and Roy,
Text characters of a single line are found to be aligned
in a curvi-linear way to describe long graphical lines.
So, we need a rotation invariant feature for character
recognition. The feature used in our experiment and
recognition method are explained below.
4.1 Feature Extraction
For a given text character, internal and external con-
tour pixels are computed and they are used to deter-
mine the angular information feature of the character.
Given a sequence of consecutive contour pixels V
... V
, of length n (n 7), the angular information
of the pixel V
is calculated from the orientation of
vector pairs V
, V
and V
, V
. For better accuracy,
we take the average of 3 orientations for each pixel,
considering k=1, 2 and 3. The angles obtained from
all the contour pixels of a character are grouped into
8 bins corresponding to eight angular intervals of 45
to 22.5
as bin no. 1, 22.5
to 67.5
as bin
no. 2 and so on). For a character, frequency of the
angles of 8 bins will be similar even if the character is
rotated at any angle in any direction. For illustration,
see Fig.5. We divide a character into several zones
and zone-wise angular information is computed to get
higher dimensional features. Circular ring and con-
vex hull have been used for this purpose (Roy et al.,
Figure 5: Input images of the character ’W’ in 2 differ-
ent rotations and their angle histogram of contour pixels are
shown. The numbers 1-8 represent 8 angular bins.
4.1.1 Circular Ring based Division
A set of four circular rings is considered here and they
are defined as the concentric circles considering cen-
tre as the centre of minimum enclosing circle (MEC)
of the character and the minimum enclosing circle as
the outer ring. The radii of the rings are in arithmetic
progression. Let R
be the radius of MEC of the char-
acter, then the radii (outer to inner) of these four rings
are R
, R
, R
and R
, respectively. Where R
= R
= R, where R is R
/4. These rings di-
vide the MEC of a character into four zones.
4.1.2 Convex Hull based Division
Convex hull rings are computed from the convex hull
boundary. We compute 4 convex hull rings and we
consider the outermost convex hull ring (say C
) as
the convex hull itself. Other 3 convex hull rings are
similar in shape and computed from C
by reducing
its size. The 2nd ring can be visualized by zooming
out the C
with R pixels inside. Other 2 rings are com-
puted similarly.
4.1.3 Reference Point and Reference Line
If we compute information of angular histogram on
the character portions in each of the ring, then we will
get 32 (4 rings × 8 angular information) dimensional
feature. To get more local feature for higher accuracy,
we divide each ring into few segments. To do such
segments, we need a reference line (which should
be invariant to character rotation) from a character.
The reference line is detected based on the back-
ground part of the character using convex hull prop-
erty. The mid-point of residue surface width (RSW)
of the largest (in area) residue of a character is found
and the line obtained by joining this mid-point and
the centre of MEC of the character is the reference
line of the character. If there are two or more largest
(in area) residue then we check the height of these
largest residue and the residue having largest height is
selected. If the heights of the largest residue are same,
then we select the residue having maximum RSW.
The mid-point of the RSW of the selected residue and
centre of MEC of the character is the reference line.
The mid-point of RSW is the reference point. If no
residue is selected by above, we consider the farthest
contour point (P
) of the character from the centre of
MEC and the line obtained by joining P
and the cen-
tre of MEC is the reference line. Here, P
is the ref-
erence point. A reference line can segment each ring
into two parts and if we compute the feature on each
of the segment, then we will get 64 dimensional fea-
tures (4 rings × 2 segments × 8 angular information).
If we take another reference line perpendicular to this
reference line, then each ring will be divided into 4
segments and as a result, we will get 128 dimensional
features (4 rings × 4 segments × 8 angular informa-
tion). See Fig.6, where two reference lines PP’ and
QQ’ are shown. To get 256 dimensional features each
ring will be divided into 8 block segments.
To get different segments sequentially we consider
the segment that starts from the reference point as seg-
ment number 1 (say S
). Starting from S
if we move
anti-clockwise then the segments obtained from outer
ring block (R
) are designated as 1st, 2nd...8th.
Similarly, from the (R
) ring block, we will get
9th, 10th. ..16th segment. Other segments are ob-
tained in similar way. To get size independent features
we normalize them. For normalization we divide the
number of pixels in each segment by the total number
of contour pixels.
Figure 6: Reference lines PP’ and QQ’ are shown with (a)
circular ring division in character A (b) convex hull ring
division in character ‘Y’.
4.2 Recognition by SVM Classifier
We use Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier for
recognition. The SVM is defined for two-class prob-
lem and it looks for the optimal hyper-plane which
maximizes the distance, the margin, between the near-
est examples of both classes, named support vectors
). Given a training database of M data: x
k m =
{1...M}, the linear SVM classifier is then defined as:
f (x) =
· x + b (4)
Where, {xj} is the set of support vectors and the pa-
rameters α
and b have been determined by solving a
quadratic problem (Vapnik, 1995). The linear SVM
can be extended to a non-linear classifier by replacing
the inner product between the input vector x and the
, to a kernel function k defined as:
k(x, y) = φ(x) · φ(y) (5)
This kernel function should satisfy the Mercer’s Con-
dition (Vapnik, 1995). Some examples of kernel func-
tions are polynomial kernels (x·y)
and Gaussian ker-
nels exp(−kx yk2/c), where c is a real number. We
use Gaussian kernel for our experiment. Details of
SVM can be found in (Vapnik, 1995).
From our data we noticed that, text/symbols and
graphical lines are many times together in touch-
ing/overlapped way. In text string, the arrangement
of characters are of both linear and curvilinear. They
appear in multi-orientation way to describe the cor-
responding symbols. We built a dataset of these ex-
tracted graphical text characters for recognition pur-
pose. The size of this dataset is 8250. Some exam-
ples of such data are discussed as follows. The text
characters are of different font and size. To get an
idea of data quality, we have shown some samples of a
character ‘R’ in Fig.7. Both uppercase and lowercase
letters of different fonts are used in the experiment.
So we should have 62 classes (26 for uppercase, 26
for lowercase and 10 for digit). But because of shape
similarity of some characters/digits, here we have 40
classes. We are considering arbitrarily rotation (any
angle up to 360 degrees) so, some of the characters
like ‘p’ and ‘d’ are considered same since, we will
get the character ‘p’ if we rotate the character ‘d’ 180
Figure 7: Some images of character ‘R’ from the dataset are
To check whether a text line is extracted correctly
or not we connect all components by line segments
that are clustered in an individual line. These line seg-
ments are drawn through the center of the minimum
enclosing circles of the components. By viewing the
results on the computer’s display we check the line
extraction results manually. To give an idea about dif-
ferent ranges of accuracy of the system we divide the
accuracy into two categories: (a) 97-100% (b) 97%.
Accuracy of line extraction module is measured ac-
cording to the following rule. If out of N components
of a line, M components are extracted in favor of that
line by our scheme then the accuracy for that line is
(M × 100)/N%. The results are given in Table1.
Table 1: Text line segmentation result.
Number of lines % of components
325 97-100%
30 97%
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
One of the significant advantages of the proposed
line extraction method is its flexibility. Our scheme
is independent of font, size, style and orientation of
the text lines. As we mentioned earlier, our assump-
tion is that, distance between two lines of a docu-
ment is greater than inter-character distance of the
words. But sometimes distance between two words
of two different text lines is very small and hence our
method generates errors in some of these cases. An-
other drawback of our method is that it will not work
if the characters are broken and that broken part can-
not be joined through preprocessing. Here, neighbor-
hood component selection will not be proper. So, di-
rection from water reservoir concept cannot give the
candidate region properly and errors occur. Also, our
proposed method may not work properly if there are
many joining characters in a string.
For recognition, the dataset has been tested using
cross validation technique. For this purpose, we di-
vided the dataset into 5 parts. We trained our sys-
tem on 4 parts of the divided dataset and tested on
remaining part of the data. From the dataset, we have
obtained 96.54% (95.78%) recognition accuracy us-
ing circular (convex hull) based feature of dimension
256. Recognition accuracy obtained from circular and
convex hull features with their different dimension
are given in Table2. From the experiment we noted
that better accuracy can be achieved combining circu-
lar and convex hull features. Combining circular and
convex hull features of 256 dimension each we got
512 dimension feature. Using this 512 dimensional
combined feature we achieved 96.73% accuracy from
our SVM classifier in this dataset. From the experi-
ment we also noticed that better results were obtained
in case of bigger font-size characters.
Table 2: Character recognition result.
Feature Type
Feature Dimension
32 128 256
circular ring 90.54 96.01 96.54
convex hull 82.77 93.76 95.78
In Fig.8(b) we have shown the detected text lines
and the recognition result of corresponding text char-
acters of Fig.8(a). Here, all the text lines have
been extracted correctly though there are some words
in curvi-linear text lines, for e.g. ATLANTIC
OCEAN”. The recognition result is very encourag-
ing. Sometimes, due to “joining characters” and over-
lapping lines, the recognition of few characters are
not correct. For e.g. in the word “Tagus”, the join-
ing character “gu” is mis-recognized as ‘a’. From
Fig.8(b), it may be noted there are some small graph-
ical borders which were not eliminated due to our CC
analysis and hence we got erroneous result. We also
noticed that most of the errors occurred due to simi-
lar shape structures. We noted that highest error oc-
curred from the character pair ‘K’ and ‘k’, ‘f and ‘t’
and ‘t’ and ‘l’ pair. This is because of their shape sim-
ilarity. Other errors occurred mainly from noisy data
where residue from convex hull has not been extracted
properly. This wrong residue detection sometimes in-
fluences error. In comparison, we have checked that,
Adam et al. (Adam et al., 2000) received 95.74% ac-
curacy on real English characters, whereas our system
performs better with 96.73%.
In this paper we proposed a complete system for
graphical documents. Here, we separated text from
graphical components and extracted the correspond-
ing text lines. The multi-oriented text characters are
recognized using convex hull information. From the
experiment, we have obtained encouraging result.
This work has been partially supported by the Spanish
projects TIN2006-15694-C02-02 and CONSOLID-
ERINGENIO 2010 (CSD2007-00018).
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Figure 8: (a)Original Image (b) Line extraction and individ-
ual character recognition result of (a).
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications