tency grouping, the group with more correspondences
is selected (167 correspondences) and the rigid trans-
formation is calculated. Result can be seen in Figure
6. As expected, result can have some minor errors, so
the Iterative Closest Point algorithm is applied in or-
der to refine the registration. Final result with a more
accurate registration can be seen in Figure 7.
Figure 6: Registration result after the matching grouping.
Figure 7: Final registration result after the ICP process.
This paper explains the initial developments of an al-
gorithm to achieve the pairwise registration between
laser range scans taken from different unknown posi-
tions. The registration is based in the computation of
the spin images for different specific 3D coordinates
and the later matching between them using a simple
correlation factor.
Use of spin images allows us the possibility of
working directly with the 3D data and evaluate, for
every 3D coordinate, the relationship with the other
3D coordinates in the proximity. In addition, the pro-
cessing of the visible image in order to find an initial
approximation is not mandatory and all the process-
ing can be done only with the information obtained
from the laser scanner.
Following steps in this study will be the detec-
tion, directly in the 3D surface, of specific typical
forms: planes (useful for buildings and walls), cylin-
ders (for trees, streetlight or traffic lights) or any other
forms that could be representativefor different objects
present in typical scenarios. The detection of these
typical forms will allow a filtering of non-static ob-
jects (e.g. cars) and thus a better registration between
the 3D points sets. Of course spin images could be re-
ally helpful for this purpose, as they can represent the
local distribution of the 3D coordinate and its neigh-
This work was produced thanks to the support of the
Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the
Centro de Investigaci´on y Desarrollo de la Armada
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VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications