Quentin Houben
, Juan Carlos Tocino Diaz
, Nadine Warz´ee
, Olivier Debeir
and Jacek Czyz
LISA, Universt´e Libre de Bruxelles, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50 CP165/57, Brussels, Belgium
Macq Electronique, Rue de l’Aronef, 2, B-1140 Brussels, Belgium
Visual traffic analysis, Multi-camera, Object detection, Vehicle Classification.
This paper presents a method for counting and classifying vehicles on motorway. The system is based on
a multi-camera system fixed over the road. Different features (maximum phase congruency and edges) are
detected on the two images and matched together with local matching algorithm. The resulting 3D points
cloud is processed by maximum spanning tree clustering algorithm to group the points into vehicle objects.
Bounding boxes are defined for each detected object, giving an approximation of the vehicles 3D sizes. A
complementary 2D quadrilateral detector has been developed to enhance the probability of matching features
on vehicle exhibiting little texture such as long vehicles. The algorithm presented here was validated manually
and gives 90% of good detection accuracy.
This work presents an application of multi-camera
systems to vehicle detection and classification on mo-
torway. Traffic analysis is an active research do-
main. The behaviour of the road users and the type
of vehicle they use becomes a main issue for motor-
way administrators. We propose here a multi-camera
approach to tackle the difficult problem of vehicle
recognition and to determine its main characteristics
(dimensions and class of the vehicle). Until a few
years ago, the main measurement tool in traffic analy-
sis was the inductive loop (Gibson et al., 1998). This
system is expensive, requires a lot of effort to be in-
stalled, and is not effective in stop and go situations.
The laser-based systems (Lourenco et al., 2002) are
accurate but are still quite expensive and have prob-
lems with high reflectivesurfaces, like some car roofs.
Video analysis remains a good solution since hard-
ware becomes more and more inexpensive and pow-
erful, allowing real-time results. The installation of
cameras is relatively cheap and the maintenance cost
is low.
Most of the existing solutions are based on a
mono-camera system. Several approaches have been
developed (Kastrinaki et al., 2003). Background
methods are massively used since they demand small
computer effort and are simple to realize. The static
background is generally defined by forming a mathe-
matical or exponential average of successive images.
The background is then subtracted of the images in
order to extract moving vehicles (Tan et al., 2007).
Other methods use tracked features that are compared
to models (Dickinson and Wan, 1989),(Hogg et al.,
1984) or used in a more general pattern recognition
(Viola and Jones, 2004). All these methods give lim-
ited informations about the dimensions of the vehicle
(length, width, height) and perform poorly in vehicle
class recognition.
In the approach discussed in this work, a multi-
camera grayscale system is considered. Two cameras
are disposed over the road (on a bridge for example)
with distance of 2 m between them. A multi-camera
system allows to obtain 3D informations of the scene.
These informations allow to determine the dimen-
sions of the vehicle and thus obtain more accurate in-
formations about the vehicle class. With the height
information, a distinction can be made, for example,
between a minivan and an estate car. As opposed to
the mono-camera systems, vehicles are detected and
tracked in the 3D world after a matching step be-
tween the two images, based on a multi-feature corre-
spondence system. This system includes phase con-
gruency matching and edges matching. Some heavy
vehicles, like semi-trailer trucks, are detected and
processed separately with more adapted algorithms,
based on an original method of quadrilateral surfaces
recognition. The feature-based matching and quadri-
Houben Q., Carlos Tocino Diaz J., Warzée N., Debeir O. and Czyz J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 554-559
DOI: 10.5220/0001803405540559
lateral detection are complementary: a vehicle has ei-
ther texture which yields strong local features that can
be matched across different views, or has large flat re-
gions which can be processed by the proposed quadri-
lateral detector. This method does not need vehicle
models and therefore is more robust to variability of
the vehicle types.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
briefly depicts general stereo vision issues; Section 3
presents the stereo construction algorithm; 3D points
processing is discussed in Section 4; Quadrilateralde-
tector is discussed in Section 5; Section 6 presents the
results of the proposed method; Section 7 concludes
and gives perspectives for this approach.
Our approach requires a stereo vision algorithm ef-
ficient and fast enough to work in real time. Two
major issues must be examined: the cameras system
calibration and the identification of matching points
between the two images. We will focus here on the
second point, assuming that the first one is already
treated (Zhang, 1998), (Zhang, 2000). There exists a
considerable amount of methods on the stereo corre-
spondences problem. We can classify them into two
main categories : dense matching methods, that give
a correspondence map for each pixel in the image,
and sparse matching methods, that give correspon-
dence only for some points of interest. The dense
matching methods, exhaustively listed by Scharstein
and Szeliski in (Scharstein and Szeliski, 2002), do
not suit the application requirements since the ob-
jects we try to detect have uniform texture or have
reflective surfaces (roads and cars). Matching pixels
of such surfaces is very difficult. Furthermore these
algorithms generally demand a lot of computation re-
sources. The sparse matching methods require firstly
a features identification step (edge detection, corner
detection...), which is done separately in the two im-
ages. These features can be matched with local or
global algorithms. On one hand, global algorithms
search a global matching solution for all features by
minimizing cost functions. We can cite dynamic pro-
gramming methods (Ohta and Kanade, 1985), (Kim
et al., 2005), graph cut methods (Boykov et al., 2001)
and belief propagation methods (Yang et al., 2006).
These last methods are efficient but both belief prop-
agation and graph cut are typically computationally
expensive and therefore real-time performance is dif-
ficult to achieve (Yang et al., 2006). The dynamic
programming method has been tested in the frame-
work of this project but does not improve significately
the results. On the other hand, local methods depend-
ing only on values within a finite window around the
considerate pixel, are definitely faster.
Our approach uses multiple types of features and
match them by normalised cross-correlation, which is
at the same time simple and robust. The resulting dif-
ference of horizontal coordinates between two match-
ing points, called disparity, gives an estimate of the
distance of the points in the 3D world.
Both acquired images are first rectified with the cam-
eras calibration data and corrected if optical distor-
tions appear. The use of rectified images reduces sig-
nificately the complexity of process, since two corre-
sponding points in the left and right image will have
equal vertical coordinates.
Different features are identified separately on each
image. The first characteristic points used in our im-
plementation are maximum phase congruency points
(where the Fourier components of the image are max-
imally in phase). These are less sensitive to differ-
ence of overall contrast between two images and give
more points than more classic features such as Har-
ris corners. The phase congruency is computed with
wavelets transforms as described in (Kovesi, 1999).
When all maximum phase congruency points are ob-
tained, each point of the left image is compared to
the points lying on the same horizontal line in the
right image. A maximum disparity is set to reduce
the search space and accelerate the process. Several
similarity measurement systems between surround-
ing pixels area have been studied in the literature.
Our method uses normalized cross-correlation of the
phase congruencyvalues in a squarewindow (W
, W
around the two points, defined by
, W
) =
(i, j) p
(i, j) p
(i, j) p
(i, j) p
where the sum is taken over (i,j), index of points
in the square windowsW
and W
, p
(i, j) and p
(i, j)
are the phase congruency at the pixel (i, j) in the im-
age 1 and image 2 respectively, and p
, p
, their mean
over the square windows W
, W
A list of scores in the right image is obtained for
each point of the left image and in a similar way for
each point of the right image. A ”winner-take-all”
strategy is then used to match the different points:
a match is considerate as valid if the correlation is
maximum among all the correlations computed on the
same horizontal line in the left image and in the right
image. More formally, if x
is a point in the left image
for which we search the corresponding point among
the right points x
, and W
and W
are square windows
centred respectively on x
and x
, x
corresponds to x
k = arg
, W
)) i = 1..N
where N’ is the number of points of interest on
the horizontal line in the right image. Furthermore
we check symetricaly that the determined x
gives a
maximum correlation in the left image with x
l = arg
, W
)) j = 1..N (3)
where N is the number of points of interest on the
horizontal line in the left image.
This method is relatively fast and presents few
outliers. However, the number of 3D points deter-
mined in this way is slightly insufficient to exploit
these data in all kinds of lighting conditions and for
all kinds of vehicles.
The second type of features points are determined
in a different way. Edges are firstly detected in both
images using a classic method such as Sobel. The
images are then scanned line by line. Each intersec-
tion between these lines and the detected edges gives
one point of interest. These features are then charac-
terised by three parameters : the strength of the edge,
the intensity profile on the edge, and the average in-
tensity on the left and right side of the point. For each
hypothetical match, a score is computed taking into
account the comparison of all these criteria. The final
matching is then done in the same way as the phase
congruencyfeatures; we consider that a match is valid
if the score is maximum among all the scores on the
same epipolar line in the left image and in the right
These two types of features cover very well all ob-
jects of interest (trucks, cars, motorbikes...).
At each features match corresponds a 3D point. The
coordinates are obtained with the intrinsic parameters
of the cameras, using a minimizing algebraic distance
algorithm (Hartley and Zisserman, 2004). The plane
equation of the road and its principal axis are sup-
posed to be known. The 3D points above the road
level are considerate as belonging to a vehicle. The
aggregation of the 3D points into vehicle groups is
achieved by the minimum spanning tree clustering al-
gorithm ; all the points classified as possible vehi-
cle points form a minimum spanning tree. The 3D
points are connected by weighted edges. The mini-
mum spanning tree is built in such way to minimize
the sum of the weights. The weights used here are
based on Euclidean distance between points. The
edges that have a weight greater than a threshold are
cut, forming distinct clusters. This threshold is de-
fined by a constant modulated by the points density
around the two considered points. The distance used
to weight the edges is anisotropic due to the nature
of the tackled problem. The weight of an edge be-
tween two vertices (x
, x
, x
) and (x
, x
, x
), is
defined as :
d =
+ β(x
+ γ(x
where α , β and γ are parameters adjusted to give
more importance to distances that are parallel to the
road axis, x
is the horizontal axis perpendicular to
the road, x
, the axis parallel to the road and x
, the
axis normal to the road. The 3D points are thus clus-
tered in vehicles. Eventual errors are extracted by ex-
aminating the distribution of the height coordinates of
points inside each group. Isolated points of the distri-
bution are eliminated. Bounding boxes of the groups
are then defined around the points (figure 1). These
boxes give a good approximation of the dimensions
of the vehicle (length, width, and height) and are easy
to track. Therefore the vehicle speed can be measured
and dimensions can be averaged over several frames.
A vehicle is counted when it is detected more than 6
times. This method works well for ”classic” vehicle
like cars. This class of vehicles presents an average
number of 10 3D points. Light coloured vehicles have
more points than dark ones. We consider that a min-
imum of 3 points is needed to detect vehicles. With
8 points, we can obtain robust informations about ve-
hicle size. Small vehicles satisfy thus well these cri-
teria. However long trucks often present textureless
surfaces (i.e. with few features) which produce in-
sufficient number of 3D points for further analysis.
These vehicles need therefore a complementary ap-
The roofs of long trucks are characterized by uniform
rectangular area. A general quadrilateral detector can
therefore be used, identifying the four corners of the
roof on the two images.
The roofs of semi-trailer trucks that interest us in
this case are always preceded by a tractor unit. This
one unit is generally well covered by different fea-
tures, which allows a gooddetection of the front of the
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
2 7
4 11
3 11
5 3
4 4
Figure 1: Result of the 3D points clustering : bounding
Figure 2: A uniform grayscale zone is detected behind a
high box.
vehicle. We can therefore limit the search of quadri-
lateral surfaces to zones behind 3m high bounding
boxes (figure 2). A seed growing method is used to
delimit the uniform gray level zone. This detector
must be robust enough to recognize the roof of the
truck in the segmented zone, which can include seg-
mentation errors, such as side of the semi-trailer, cars
that have the same gray level behind the truck, or road
details (figure 3).
Figure 3: Delimitation of the roof.
The contour of the entire zone is defined and the
main straight lines are extracted by examinating the
local high curvature points. The intersections be-
tween all the extracted lines are considered as poten-
tial roof corners. The four final corners will be chosen
in such a way that the area of the surface inside these
four points is maximum. Several other criteria must
be respected :
the defined quadrilateral must be convex
corners of the quadrilateral must be close to one
of the points of curvature previously detected
sides of the quadrilateral must be included in the
initial segmented zone
This last criterion is adjusted with some tolerance pa-
rameter to allow the quadrilateral to include segmen-
tation defaults, like holes, of the initial segmented
zone. This method is applied on the two images.
If quadrilaterals are detected simultaneously in both
images, the four points are matched together and in-
jected in the 3D construction process.
Figure 4 summarizes the all process, from the im-
ages capture to the final result.
To validate the vehicles detection method, a test was
conductedon 3 sequences extracted from a long video
of a 4 lanes motorway. These 3 sequences contain a
realistic set of vehicle types. A total of 214 vehicles
went through the zone covered by the two cameras. A
human operator identified the detection errors. These
can be classified into 3 categories :
the vehicle is not detected
the object detected is not a vehicle
the vehicle is detected several times
The causes for the miss-detection case are either a
bad contrast between a dark car and the shadowed
road or a missed image in the camera flow. The first
cause could be avoided by using better image proper-
ties to permit features detection both in shadowed and
lighted zones of the road.
The second category does not appear on the anal-
ysed sequence but could be a problemif a mark on the
road is permanently miss-matched.
The third category is due either to tracking prob-
lem or to over-segmentation of the 3D points, which
induces double detections of the same vehicle. This
can be avoided using the time parameter, that is not
yet used here and will be used in temporal filtering in
future development. The results of the 3 sequences
(s1, s2, s3) are presented in table 1.
The dimensions of the vehicle are consistent with
the vehicle actual characteristics. A test was con-
ducted over 20 vehicles. This test compares the di-
mensions given by the algorithm of some well identi-
fied vehicles (sedans, estate cars, SUV, minivans...)
to dimensions furnished by the constructor. The
height measurement presents a precision of 92.1%,
the length 76.58% and the width 83.35%.
Image 1 Image 2
Camera flow
Rectified image 1 Rectified image 2
Features Features
3D points 3D points groups
3D points groups
with bounding box
roof corners
image 1
roof corners
image 2
tracked vehicule
Roof detector
(if long vehicule)
Points aggregation Elimination of isolated points
in the height distribution
Phase congruency
features detector
+ edges
features detector
Tracking centers
Figure 4: Multi-camera system summary.
Table 1: Table of detection results.
s 1 s 2 s 3
number of vehicles 107 44 63
number of detected vehicles 110 44 63
total not detected 6 5 7
total not detected in % 5.6 11.4 11.1
total false detections 9 5 7
total false detections in % 9.4 11.4 11.1
- over-segmentation 7 3 2
- tracking error 2 2 5
In this work an application of multi-camera system
for traffic monitoring has been presented. Based on
a multi-feature matching and a 3D tracking, the sys-
tem detects vehicles and determines their dimensions,
which is difficult for a classic mono-camera system.
Additionally to stereo matching, 2D image process-
ing is used on each camera to detect roofs of long ve-
hicles. This method gives good results even with fast
change of lighting condition. Furthermore, 3D recon-
structions algorithms are not affected by stop and go
The implementation of the method was realized
on Matlab. Implementation on more time-effective
language is planed and will allow to measure more
precisely computational time requested. A time-
filtering method could also be developed to improve
the detection results.
An interesting perspective could be a fusion be-
tween mono-camera and multi-camera processing.
2D and 3D info could then describe the dynamic
scene as a list of 3D objects with position history.
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