Clustering (cf. Fig. 7). The number of clusters is
validated by the lowest Davies-Bouldin Index (DBI)
score (cf. Fig. 8). The result of DBI score confirms
three natural subgroups: (1) Normal cells (2)
Correctly treated cells (3) Incorrectly treated cells.
These measurements are consistent with results from
similar experiments on different dates.
Cell Size
Unsupervised Clustering on Cell Beavhior
Cell Elongation
Figure 7: Cell behaviour clustering.
2 4 6 8 10
Number of Cluster
Davies-Bouldin Validity Index
Clustering Validation using DBI Score
Figure 8: Clustering validation using Davies-Bouldin
validity index.
Object tracking has been studied comprehensively in
computer vision. We investigated object tracking
algorithms to support cytomics research and we
demonstrated how these can be successfully applied.
Our results, i.e. object tracking and data analysis, on
real data illustrate application on image sequences
depicting a metastatic/motile cell model.
We developed an artificial object test and this test
shows that our approach of the KDE Mean Shift can
provide an accuracy over 90% (85% in level set
tracking); for cell-tracking analysis this is acceptable.
The measurements on the cells resulting from the
tracking present correct conclusions in relation to the
biological experiment. The feedback from the “wet-
lab” indicates that labour time of post-experiment
data analysis is reduced enormously (≥ 300%) while
accuracy of cell-migration analysis has significantly
increased. Moreover, automation allows processing
of large volumes of data.
Finally, the tracking analysis of migrating
(tumour) cells provides sufficient confidence to
continue further research on structural level tracking.
This research has been partially supported by the
BioRange Programme of the Dutch ministry of
Economic affairs (BSIK grant). We would like to
thank Hans de Bont for his assistance in the
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VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications