t =0.5). The object determination process ignores
them and correctly determines the three objects
consisting by blobs (1,3), (6) and (7,8), respectively.
Figure 5: Blob normalization and pseudo-blob removal for
large blobs. After dividing the large blobs into smaller
ones, only those that are sufficiently visible from the
cameras participate in the object determination process.
In this paper we addressed the problem of detecting
humans in crowded scenes where several occlusions
take place. We have used only geometrical
information given the foreground silhouettes. We
have identified the main sources of errors when
detecting humans based on the homography
constraint. Namely these are the merging – splitting
of accumulator corresponding to maxima and the
appearance of maxima not corresponding to humans.
We have set the criteria for the split operation and
we have shown how to identify and reject the false
positives. The presented experimental results have
verified the proposed approach. Generally if the feet
are partially visible from one camera and detected as
foreground we are able to detect the presence of a
human and not to reject the associated maximum in
the map as false positive. Our next steps include
integrating our detection scheme with a tracker for
consistent monitoring of humans in crowd.
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