cability (magnitudes). The proposed framework fo-
cuses on 6 feature vectors namely, Image Realism,
Object Labelling, Visual-Spatial Abstraction, Route
Indication, Landmark Symbology, and finally Con-
textual Awareness. These feature vectors encompass
the most relevant visualisation issues in 3D maps on
LBMS, but there was no intent to cover them com-
pletely. A future line of research would consist in
analysing the totality of features that address visuali-
sation aspects, in the context of exploration of urban
environments, using 3D LBMS as guidance.
Although the state of the art contemplates some
of the issues involved, the questionnaire gave a much
more clear insight on them. In general, it is ob-
served a greater tendency towards the need of Image
Realism rather than Image Functionalism. In terms
of Perspective-Adaptive Labelling, it was proved that
users are at disadvantage, if they are given the task to
read labels of a map, when these labels are not ori-
ented towards the camera’s viewing direction. The
results also demonstrated that users can more easily
identify the presence of a distant landmark with an ab-
stract representation, and a close landmark with a con-
crete representation, which is indicative of the need of
an Adaptive-Zoom behaviour.
Since there are several limitations on the kind of
measurements that can be performed with the pro-
posed questionnaire in order to evaluate feature vec-
tors, it would be interesting to perform other kinds of
tests, with particular focus on dynamic experiments,
to get more information about other vectors such as
Visual-Spatial Abstraction and Contextual Awareness
which were not evaluated. An example of these exper-
iments would include using a driving simulator to test
the participants’ reflexes, given a situation where they
are approaching a manoeuvre, and deciding which
way to go.
From the results obtained from this work, and fu-
ture lines of research, we expect the definition of new
paradigms of visualisation for 3D map visualisation
on LBMS that maximise usability and improve user
experience and performance.
We would like to thank NDrive Navigation Systems,
S.A. for the support provided for this research project.
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