Adjustment procedure (sequential quadratic
We have linked the famous self-calibration counting
argument to the number of degree of freedom in our
parameter set in order to have a minimal
parameterization of the projective dof derived from
the calibrated Euclidean one. The so defined model
implies non linear constraints on the parameters set
and leads to interdependencies on the parameters
that are difficult to deal with.
The comparative studies in the two views case show
that using artificial penalty on the cost function
gives good results. Moreover, imposing priors on the
focal lengths, even if the initial principal points are
far from the true values, leads to correct 3D
Euclidean reconstruction when the image noise is
quite low. We conclude that for very noisy images
with few points (20), the maximum likelihood
estimator (MLE) performed better when intrinsic
parameters are approximately fixed. To obtain even
better results, a search control approach during the
step damping of the BA may be helpful. However
we see that even with perfect intrinsic parameters,
the reconstruction is really dependant on the image
noise and quite imprecise. A solution will be to use
some constraints coming from the structure to
improve the quality of the Euclidean reconstruction.
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Application to the 2 Views Case