disseminated on the Internet. However it still has
some major limitations, because it only emulates the
movement of the mouse together with the
corresponding action of the left click. However,
behind this application is a very interesting idea,
which may result in a well crafted application that
allows emulate the events of the mouse almost
entirely, and also contain some features offered by
the software usually provided in the purchase of a
more traditional interactive whiteboard, as a
notebook application, virtual keyboard, etc.
The objective of this work is to study the
operation of interactive whiteboards in general and
the Wii Remote controller and to design and
implement an interactive whiteboard based on the
use of that device together with infrared emitters.
This section is a brief introduction to the work
done, and the remaining sections of this paper are
described below. In section 2 a short overview about
what is currently offered in the interactive
whiteboards market is presented. Emphasis is given
to the technologies used and the prices of the final
product. Section 3 presents the Wiimote and its
characteristics as well as the protocol used for
sending and receiving information, especially
regarding the infrared camera. Section 4 states the
decisions taken in the draft of the control device for
the interactive whiteboard developed and illustrates
its final appearance. Section 5 deals with the design
and implementation of the computer application
developed. The calibration method and features of
the application are explained. The same section
presents the results obtained in a precision test and
accuracy of the calibration model. Finally some
results are analyzed by a statistical study carried out
from a survey having in mind examining the
acceptance of the interactive whiteboard developed.
The last section contains the general conclusions of
this work and some prospects for future
An interactive whiteboard is a touch-sensitive board
which is connected to a computer and a digital
projector which projects images from the computer
screen onto the boards.
The interactive whiteboards in the market can
make use of different technologies to perform its
tasks. The type of projection may use three different
types: front, rear or the use of a flat panel. The
interactive whiteboards with front projection are
cheaper than those of rear projection, but have some
disadvantages, such as shadows caused by the
presence of the user in front of the board and the fact
that if the user is speaking to an audience be dazzled
by the projection. These boards usually do not bring
projector included. There have however appeared
interactive whiteboards using front projection with
projector included. It is placed on top of the board,
with an angle of projection about 45°, which almost
completely cancels the situations of shadows and
dazzle of the user. Obviously these boards have a
higher price. Boards of rear projection, usually, have
already incorporated the projector and the projection
is made on the back of the board, then there are not
the problems described above. However their main
drawbacks are an increased price and a larger
volume and therefore cannot be fixed to a wall,
unless the exception of being embedded in it. In the
use of a flat panel, there is no projection and the
technologies used are more limited, generally those
of infrared and/or ultrasound. The most common
technologies are resistive, capacitive,
electromagnetic, infrared and ultrasonic.
Interactive whiteboards are present in several
aspects of our society. Already at the beginning of
the 90’s they were used in business. More recently
there has been a great interest in education to insert
the interactive whiteboards on teaching methods. A
study dated of 2007 held in the UK (Kitchen, 2007)
indicates that the interactive whiteboards are used in
almost all schools, specifically in 98% of secondary
schools and 100% of primary schools in that
European region. In Portugal this implementation is
a little delayed, but this process is included in the
Technology Plan for Education from the Portuguese
Government (Ministério Educação, 2007). Some
manufacturers also create models of its interactive
whiteboards directly targeted at government and
military areas.
Almost all the interactive whiteboards need a
manual calibration, which usually is the selection of
nine points in the interactive area. Table 1 present
five models of some major manufacturers, such as
SMART Technologies (2006, 2008), InterWrite
(2008), Promethan (2008) and eBeam (2008). In this
table the main features as well as the price are
presented (Wedgwood, 2008).
In a study from Becta (2005), it is mentioned the
fact that students are motivated and learning is
enhanced during the early stages of the use of the
technology. The same study claims that if the
computer is an increasingly part of the everyday
armoury and ICT is regarded as a key skill
underpinning all subject areas. But use interactive
GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications