G. Knittel and R. Parys
WSI/GRIS, University of Tübingen, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
Keywords: Vector quantization, Image compression, Principal component analysis, Clustering.
Abstract: We propose a new method for finding initial codevectors for vector quantization. It is based on Principal
Component Analysis and uses error-directed subdivision of the eigenspace in reduced dimensionality. Addi-
tionally, however, we include shape-directed split decisions based on eigenvalue ratios to improve the visual
appearance. The method achieves about the same image quality as the well-known k-means++ method,
while providing some global control over compression priorities.
Vector quantization (Gray, 1984; Gersho and Gray,
1992) has become one of the standard methods for
lossy image compression. Vectors are formed by
non-overlapping blocks of n*m pixels, in case of
RGB images the vector dimension is n*m*3. In VQ,
the potentially large set of image vectors is replaced
by a small set of representative vectors (here called
codevectors), while trying to minimize the overall
error. Often, clustering methods are used to find a
proper set of codevectors (collectively called a
codebook). A frequently used method is k-means
(Lloyd, 1982). Starting from an initial set of random
codevectors (seeds), each vector is assigned to its
nearest codevector, thereby forming clusters. Once
clustering is finished, the codevectors are moved to
the center of their respective cluster, and then
clustering is started anew. This process is repeated
until the system reaches a stable state. Each vector
will now be replaced by the index of its codevector
in the codebook. Decompression merely consists of
a table look-up.
As a number of authors have pointed out, the
accuracy of the clustering algorithm depends to a
large degree on the selection of seeds, since
clustering typically converges to only locally
optimal solutions (Barbakh and Fyfe, 2008; Fritzke,
1997; Ostrovsky et al., 2006). Accordingly, much
research effort has been spent on improved seeding
methods (Bradley and Fayyad, 1998; Pena et al.,
1999). Central to this work, however, is the recently
proposed k-means++ algorithm (Arthur and
Vassilvitskii, 2007).
In this short note we demonstrate one of the
weaknesses of the k-means++ selection method and
propose a method for alleviating these effects. We
compare random selection, k-means++ and the
proposed PCA-based seeding method.
Basically, the method generates a potentially
unbalanced binary subdivision tree. As opposed to
other trees such as kd-trees, our subdivision
algorithm is error-guided and uses image properties
reflected in the eigenvalues. As for all trees, we have
to make decisions about which node to split, and
where the cut should be made. A detailed description
All image vectors are subjected to a PCA. The
split is made using the principal component of each
pixel block. Several locations to place the cut are
possible, such as a median cut, but best results are
achieved by using the center of gravity. For each of
the two groups the image error contribution is
computed, i.e., the sum of squared errors relative to
their respective centers of gravity. The one with the
larger error is split, using the same procedure as for
the parent. For the split decisions, all subvolumes
generated so far are taken into account. Processing is
finished when there are as many leaf nodes as there
are codevectors to assign.
Knittel G. and Parys R. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Imaging Theory and Applications, pages 96-99
DOI: 10.5220/0001808100960099
This method achieves the same or even slightly
better image quality (in terms of PSNR, see Table 1)
compared to k-means++.
Looking at the decompressed images from
random seeding (Figure 1d), k-means++ seeding
(Figure 2a) and PCA-based seeding (Figure 2f), it is
striking to see how well the smooth color transition
of the sky is reproduced by random seeding.
However, this is not a hidden power of the k-means
algorithm, but simply due to the random choice if
selection is uniformly distributed. This is reflected in
the large number of seeds from sky in the codebook
(see Figure 1e).
In contrast, both the k-means++ and the PCA-
based seeding produce noticeable banding artefacts.
In both cases, this is a direct consequence of the
design intentions, since the involved image vectors
are close to each other and won’t cause significant
image errors. While it is non-obvious how a remedy
could be integrated into the k-means++ algorithm,
we will present a method for reducing these artifacts
in the PCA-based seeding. It takes advantage of the
fact that processing is done in eigenspace.
At some point in the subdivision process the sky
(or similar areas) will have been separated into a
distinct cluster, and will be subjected to a PCA. It’s
quite obvious that the eigenvalues will exhibit a
certain property: they will drop sharply in size since
all image vectors are more or less aligned from dark
to light blue. This property is less pronounced or
absent in more noisy or diverse image areas.
Thus we can use the eigenvalue statistics (cluster
shape) as a further split criterion. As a simple
example, we have used the ratio of the largest (ev1)
and the second largest (ev2) eigenvalues to select the
group to be split next. That is, if ev1/ev2 > T the
subvolume is split regardless of the image error.
For Figure 3a, we have set the threshold T to 2.5,
whereas for Figure 3f T was set to 1.5. As can be
seen in the initial codebooks (see Figure 3b, g), the
allocation of codevectors to sky can be controlled
quite well. Other than reserving more codevectors to
these specially shaped clusters, operation is not
affected and thus most details are still preserved as
in Figure 2f. “Codevector stealing” begins to
become visible in Figure 3f, (see the letter “S” in
Figure 3i). However, T=2.5 seems to be a good
compromise, while T=1.5 appears to be overdone.
Further parameters to include in the split
decision are the population count of a cluster, and
the absolute spatial extent along the principal
It should be mentioned that the method is neutral
in case there are no such areas in the image, since
then a corresponding eigenvalue ratio will not occur.
The opposite doesn’t hold, though. A high ratio
doesn’t mean that there is a smooth transition, as in
the case of the brown building, which nevertheless
gets assigned more codevectors. Excluding these
areas for true unsupervised compression is subject of
future research.
To demonstrate the differences in image quality, we
have chosen a set of images from
http://www.imagecompression.info. Each image was
compressed into its own codebook. We have used a
block size of 8x8 pixels for a vector dimension of
192. The number of codevectors was chosen such
that the compression rate was roughly the same for
each image. The results are given in Table 1, in
terms of PSNR [dB].
Table 1: Seeding comparison.
Img. Name Rand KM++ PCA bpp
Artificial 31.8 35.7 37.9 2.2
Bridge 29 29.5 29.5 2.1
Cathedral 32.1 32.4 32.6 2.3
Deer 30.1 30.5 30.7 2.2
Fireworks 29.8 37.3 42.9 2.3
Hdr 35.7 38.5 39 2.2
Leaves 26.3 27 27.1 2.3
As test case for showing the potential of
eigenvalue-based subdivision we have selected an
image with the following properties:
a large area with a smooth color transition to
make quantization artefacts (banding) visible,
a high amount of image detail with known
shape such as traffic lights or street signs.
Original image size is 1024x768 pixels, or
12,288 blocks. Since the algorithms perform roughly
the same on small codebooks, we have chosen a
codebook of 1k codevectors to expose the
differences. Processing times and image quality are
summarized in Table 2.
Table 2: Compression time and image quality.
Method Seeding
Random 0.016 37.5 24.17
KM++ 10 35.6 24.99
PCA 39.3 36.5 25.07
PCA, T=2.5 67.6 36.8 25.03
PCA, T=1.5 69 36.8 24.85
Figure 1: a) original photograph, resolution 1024x768; b) cut-out of size 110x80; c) cut-out 50x80; d) k-means clustering
using random seeds; e) initial codebook (1k codevectors); f) final codebook; g) and h) cut-outs of decompressed image.
Figure 2: a) k-means++ seeding; b) initial codebook; c) final codebook; d) and e) cut-outs from a); f) PCA-based seeding;
g) initial codebook; h) final codebook; i) and j) cut-outs from f).
IMAGAPP 2009 - International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications
Figure 3: a) PCA-based seeding, T=2.5; b) initial codebook; c) final codebook; d) and e) cut-outs from a); f) PCA-based
seeding, T=1.5; g) initial codebook; h) final codebook; i) and j) cut-outs from f).
We have presented an alternative to k-means++
seeding which performs equally well in terms of
PSNR. It is based on Principal Component Analysis,
and performs error-directed subdivision in
eigenspace. Most notably, the method offers some
global parameters to adjust compression priorities
based on local image properties. These can be used
to reduce quantization artefacts on smooth color
It might appear to be somewhat irrelevant to try
to improve the appearance of such image areas,
especially in the view of the image errors
everywhere else. However, for other image material
with less recognizable features like rocks or bushes,
banding on such areas might become the dominant
source of visual image degradation. Also, with
careful use of the compression parameters the
achievable image improvement is free, i.e., it does
not increase the error significantly in other parts of
the image.
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