Insook Jung and Il-Seok Oh
Department of Computer and Information science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea
Keywords: Text segmentation, Web images, Two-level Variance maps, Text location.
Abstract: Variance map can be used to detect and distinguish texts from the background in images. However previous
variance maps work as one level and they revealed a limitation in dealing with diverse size, slant,
orientation, translation and color of texts. In particular, they have difficulties in locating texts of large size
or texts with severe color gradation due to specific value in mask sizes. We present a method of robustly
segmenting text regions in complex web color images using two-level variance maps. The two-level
variance maps works hierarchically. The first level finds the approximate locations of text regions using
global horizontal and vertical color variances with the specific mask sizes. Then the second level segments
each text region using intensity variation with a local new mask size, in which a local new mask size is
determined adaptively. By the second process, backgrounds tend to disappear in each region and
segmentation can be accurate. Highly promising experimental results have been obtained using the our
method in 400 web images.
While existing search engines index a page on the
text that is readily extracted from its HTML
encoding, an increasing amount of the information
on the Web is embedded in images. In extreme
cases, all of the text on a page might be present
solely in image format. Existing Web commercial
search engines are limited to indexing the raw
ASCII text they find in the HTML-they cannot
recover image text. This situation presents new and
exciting challenges for the fields of Web document
analysis and text information retrieval, as WWW
image text is typically rendered in color and at very
low spatial resolutions.
Considering traditional Optical Character
Recognition (OCR), one may initially think that
Web images containing texts present some
advantages over scanned documents, such as the
lack of digitisation-induced noise and skew.
However, the task is considerably difficult for
traditional OCR for a number of reasons. First, these
(often complex) Web images tend to be of low
resolution (just good enough for display and usually
72 dpi) and the font size used for text is very small
(about 5~7pt) or very large (about 50~70pt). Such
conditions clearly pose a challenge to traditional
OCR, which works with 300dpi images and
character sizes of usually 10pt. Moreover, Web
images tend to have various artefacts (anti-aliasing,
colour quantization and lossy compression), colour
schemes (multi colour text over multi colour
background) and character effects (characters not
always on a straight on a line, 3D-effects, shadows,
outlines, etc.).
The goal of locating the text in image form can
be split into two objectives.
Text segmentation. The image must be
segmented first so that regions corresponding to
potential character components are separated from
the background. A successful segmentation will be
one where background and foreground regions are
not merged.
Text extraction. It classifies the segmented
regions as text/non-text and then character-like
components that fulfil criteria of constituting text
(e.g., they appear to form a text line) are extracted.
In view of the difficulties posed by the image
and text characteristics, it can be appreciated that the
segmentation stage is by far the most challenging.
The performance at that stage affects quite crucially
the degree of success in a subsequent recognition.
This paper presents a new approach to segment text;
Jung I. and Oh I. (2009).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 363-370
DOI: 10.5220/0001808303630370
especially in complex Web images (e.g., see Figure
There are two primary methods to segment texts
in images: colour representation-based (or region-
based) methods and texture-based methods (Jung
and Kim, 2004), (Jung et al., 2004).
It argues that the colour representation
(commonly used by previous approaches) is not
suited to this particular task for Web images. Their
method for text segmentation and extraction is based
on clustering in the colour space. However, they are
not appropriate for low-resolution and various
character effects. They depend on the effectiveness
of the segmentation method, which should guarantee
that a character is segmented into a few connected
components (CC) separated from other objects and
the background. These methods produce good
results for relatively simple images, but fail when
more complex images are encountered for the
following reasons. These approaches mostly deal
with a very small number of colors (they do not
work on full-color e.g., JPEG images). They also
assume a practically constant and uniform color for
text (Zhou and Lopresti, 1997), (Antonacpoulos and
Delporte, 1999) and fail when this is not the case. In
practice, there are many situations where gradient or
multi colour text is present (see Figure 1).
The situation where dithered colors are present
(especially in GIF images) has received some
attention (Zhou and Lopresti, 1998), (Lopresti and
Zhou, 2000) but such colours can only be found in a
relative small number of Web images. Furthermore,
the background may also be complex (in terms of
colour) so that the assumption that it is the largest
area of (almost) uniform colour in the image (Jain
and Yu, 1998) does not necessarily hold.
Unlike the above color representation, the texure
based methods employ distinct textual properties of
texts compared with their backgrounds. In these
methods, the textual properties of an image are often
detected by using techniques of Gabor filters,
wavelets, spatial variance, etc.
2.1 Conventional Variance Map
If a document or an image containing texts is viewed
at a certain distance far from a person, the person
sees a blurred image of the document, but is still
able to detect the different blocks of the document.
Detection is possible since each block has a specific
texture pattern. These patterns correspond to regions
of text, regions of graphics and regions of pictures.
Thus document image can be segmented into regions
of text, and regions of graphics and/or pictures using
the texture of low resolution images.
The assumption of the variation map is that each
part of a document image has a different texture.
Text regions have different textures from that of
graphics and pictures. Graphic regions have different
textures from that of text and pictures, and the same
may be applied to regions with pictures. Under this
consideration document segmentation may be
considered as a texture segmentation problem.
One of the variations of this method compared to
others is that it maps the variance around the pixel to
just one value. This value represents the variance of
the texture variance around the pixel of interest.
Also, in the computation of the variances, a mean
value is used instead of the actual value of the pixel
at the center of the mask. The texture at a pixel is
defined as the average value of the variance of the
neighbors of the pixel in four or 8 different
directions, vertical, horizontal, left diagonal, and
right diagonal. Thus the document image is mapped
into the texture image.
(a) Images with multi colour text over multi colour background.
(b) Images containing 3D-effects, shadows, and outlines text.
(c) Images containing text not always on a straight line.
Figure 1: Texts in Web images.
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Despite its simplicity, variance maps have shown
to be effective and robust. (Mario and Chucon,
1998) proved that a document image can be
segmented into regions of text, and regions of
graphics and/or pictures using gray-level spatial
variation of low resolution images. It was designed
to work with free format documents, text in
background other than white, skew greater than 10
degrees. Besides it requires less computation than
the segmentation methods using the other textures
described in other papers.
(Karatzas and Antonacoppoulos, 2006) abandons
analysis by the RGB colour clustering and adopts a
segmentation method based on analysing differences
in color and lightness that is closer to how humans
perceive distinct objects. However it only present a
method to the topical problem of segmenting
characters in colour Web images containing text
(headers, titles, banners etc.) and fail when image
size is not small or character size is large. (Song et
al, 2005) proposed an extraction method to detect
text regions from the images using the intensity
variation and color variance but the method has
difficulties in locating large size texts or texts with
severe illuminations changes.
In such a global approach, the mask of variation
maps was applied to a single value for the entire
image. Global mask has a good performance in the
case that there is uniform size of texts and width of
character is less than width of mask width. However,
very often, Web images are exposed to other cases.
Although very effective in text localization, the
variation maps have some shortcomings:
(1) difficulties in designing a locality of the mask
information (type, value) to satisfactory the wide
variations of text size.
(2) cannot ensure accurate location of texts. For
example, the resulting variation map suffers from a
great amount of background in the case that there is
non-uniform size of texts and/or not on the straight
2.2 Proposed Method
In this paper, variance maps are used to detect and
distinguish texts from the background in web images.
We propose a method to deal with local information
for masks in variance maps using two levels. Local
information may guide the adaptive mask size for
the local text region only.
The two-level variance maps works
hierarchically. The first level variance finds the
approximate locations of text regions using
horizontal and vertical color variances with the
specific mask sizes to ensure extraction of large size
texts as well as small size ones. At the first level, we
can increase the recall rate using color variance map
with the specific mask size to approximately
segment text like region and apply CC analysis
(CCA). Then it segments text components in these
regions using local thresholds, in each of which a
new mask size is determined adaptively. As a second
level, the automatic and non heuristic gray variance
map using the new mask size is applied to each
region. By the second process, backgrounds tend to
disappear in each region and segmentation can be
accurate. In second level, we can also increase the
precision rate using intensity variation map with
adaptive mask size to find accurate text like regions.
This technique has been widely used an image
analysis because it has a better performance in
segmenting the objects from an image that contains
spatially uneven texture features.
Our method is to improve the variance map to
overcome shortcomings in previous variance maps
and then to accurately locate complicated cases such
as multicolor and/or various sizes of texts and texts
arranged on not a straight line.
Figure 2 shows an overview of our extraction
Figure 2: Overview of two-level variance maps.
First, the global variation of the input image is
computed to segment text regions in the input image.
This is because readable text usually appears with
sufficient differences with the background. Applying
CCA, every CC of the variance image is binarized
using a local threshold. Each CC is processed
seperately afterwards. This image is passed through
a Laplacian filter which is useful to extract variances
which occur in texts of CC region. Next, for every
CC, determine the new mask value based on the
laplacian map and then apply local variance map
with the new mask value to segment text region
accurately. Finished when the local variation is
computed and applied to all the image area (The
result after this step will be an image having two
level variation map).
Our approach is to segment the image into
text/no-text regions as best as possible, and then let
the OCR system do the detailed refinement. In other
words, we would like to find all text areas and as
few spurious non-text areas as possible, without
actually classifying the characters.
Section 3 provides a detailed description of our
method and section 4 shows the experiment results.
Conclusion is given in Section 5.
3.1 Parameterization of Variance Map
We find variance image by applying each pixel with
masks (Jung et al, 2008). Then we transform the
variance image into a binary image. The pixels that
were assigned to 0 are regarded as background and
excluded in subsequent process. At this processing,
we have various maps that depend on mask shape,
mask size, and combination between masks if multi
masks are used. Let's define them in terms of
parameters as follows.
m=subset of {rectangle, vertical form, horizontal
form, cross, diagonals from the upper-right and
upper-left corner, diagonal cross,.....}
s= mask size, (3s)
p={and, or, ...}
The possible shapes, m, of the mask are displayed in
Figure 4. They can have different sizes according to
shapes. Size s must be greater than at least 3 to
obtain its variances. Size s is defined as the number
of pixels in the mask.
(a) Rectangle (b) Horizontal (c) Vertical
(d) Right-upper (e) Left-upper (f) Diagonal cross
Figure 3: Mask shape m.
|m| is the number of masks used. It is necessary
to combine |m| maps into one when |m| is larger than
1. We need combination operations are required.
Usually bitwise 'and' or bitwise 'or' is used. In this
paper, we use the following parameters.
m= {rectangle, vertical, horizontal}
s=3x21 rectangle, 17x3 rectangle,
1x21 horizontal, 17x1 vertical
p={ and }
In the RGB colour space, the variance at each
pixel (x,y) in applying the horizontal mask is defined
as follows. The variances by the other masks are
defined in the similar way.
Horizontal mask operation:
(x,y) = Variance of a pixel (x,y) in applying the
horizontal mask to the pixel in the R plane (with 21
neighbour pixels)
(x,y) = Variance of a pixel (x,y) in applying the
horizontal mask to the pixel in the G plane (with 21
neighbour pixels)
(x,y) = Variance of a pixel (x,y) in applying the
horizontal mask to the pixel in the B plane (with 21
neighbour pixels)
(x,y)) (1)
Figure 4 shows the horizontal variance image
(x,y) and vertical variance image σ
(x,y) that are
obtained in this way.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4: Binary horizontal and vertical variance
images.(a) – Input image; (b) – Horizontal variance image;
(c) – Vertical variance image.
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Next we transform the two variance images to a
variance image T(x,y) using a threshold value t and
a combination operation 'and'.
T(x,y)=1, σ
(x,y)>t and σ
0, otherwise
Figure 5 displays the variance image obtained
from the two variance maps.
Figure 5: Variance map.
In applying colour variances, there can be many
varieties according to the parameters used.
3.2 First Level: Global Variance Step
In our method, we first compute the global
horizontal and vertical variations using the equation
(1) with 3x21 horizontal and 19x3 vertical masks.
The mask sizes are determined by experiments of
previous studies. At this step, we obtain a rough
estimation of text regions. Our intention is to
proceed to an initial segmentation of text
(foreground) and non-text (background) regions that
will provide us a superset of the correct set of
foreground pixels. This is refined at a later step, so-
called local variance map. Figure 6 shows the image
of the variance map.
(a) Input image (b) variance map
Figure 6: Global variance map.
We see that the text areas are high in variances
(white pixels in Figure 6 (b)).
To remove further the noisy regions, we also
apply morphological operations. The operations
have structuring elements with sizes 2x5 for dilation
and 3x3 for erosion to emphasize more on horizontal
texts. Morphological closing, opening and opening
are applied. Figure 7(a) shows the results of the
morphological operations, and Figure 7(b) shows the
connected components (CC) which are randomly
Figure 7: (a) Morphological operations applied (left), and
(b) CC (right).
3.2.1 CC Analysis
As shown in Figure 7 (b), every CC usually contains
texts of the image, however, in a sub-optimal
fashion: some CC spans more than one line and/or
column of text, others contain no text, while in many
the background makes up a large portion of the
pixels. Fortunately, these shortcomings can
overcome by the next step, local variation map.
3.3 Second level: Local Variance Step
3.3.1 Binarization
We generate a bounding box around each CC region
on the variance map in the first level. Once the
bounding box of each CC is obtained, each region in
the bounding box is binarized using Otsu
thresholding. This step produces binary text regions
to be used as inputs to the local variance map (It is
possible to run local color image directly but we
obtain substantially worse performance if we do so).
Every CC region provided by the variance map is
expected to contain only text, implying the
background and foreground should be easily
separable through thresholding.
To ensure the correct labelling of both the dark-
on-light and light-on-dark text, the proportion of
pixels which fall above and below the thresholds is
considered. Since in a block of text there is always a
larger area of background than text elements, the
group of pixels with the lower proportion is labelled
as text, and the other group as background. The
example is shown in Figure 8.
(a) Input image (b) CC of global variance
(c) dark-on-light (d) light-on-dark
Figure 8: Local binary image.
3.3.2 Laplacian Map and CC Analysis
In our approach, the local binary image is passed
through a Laplacian filter which is useful in
applying the local variation map. The Laplacian
edge detector produces closed edge contours
because edge strength is not considered, so even the
slightest, most gradual intensity transition produces
differences of pixel values. Next, CCA is generated
based on the Laplacian image.
CCA detects character candidates and enables us
to estimate their size and the spacing between them.
These estimates will be used to apply local variance
map with adaptive mask for texts into regions
We show results for the Laplacian map and CCs
in figure 9 for the text region shown in Figure 8.
Figure 9: Laplacian map and CCs.
3.3.3 Estimation of Adaptive Mask
In applying the local variance map, the key-problem
is how to determine the mask type and size.
Determination of a adaptive mask value is very
important and perhaps the most sensitive part of any
image segment scheme of variation maps because a
wrong value of mask may result in being dropped
some texts information (an object can be considered
as part of background and vice versa).
The well-known local adaptive method uses
mean and standard deviation to compute mask value
over a CC text region (e.g., bounding box of every
CC in Figure 9).
We use the mean and the standard deviation
along with widths of all bounding boxes in every CC
to compute another mask value for the CC region. In
other words, we compute the adaptive mask value to
apply the local variance map, which uses adaptive
contribution of mean and standard deviation in
determining local mask value.
3.3.4 Local Variance Map
Local variance map is an adaptive one in which a
mask value is determined over a CC region. Local
method performs better in case of nonlinearly
aligned texts and wide variation of text sizes. The
segmentation quality is dependent on the above
adaptive mask value.
We apply intensity variance map to the CC
region presented by the Laplacian filter with
adaptive mask value. Our method compute the local
horizontal variation only using equation (1) with the
mean and the standard deviation as a mask value for
every CC region.
We show results for the local variance map and
red bounding boxes of CCs in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Local variation map and CCs.
The proposed method was tested using 400 Web
images which were selected randomly from WWW.
Some of them contain extremely large or small text,
non-homogeneously-colored text and/or non-
horizontal layouts. No assumptions are made about
the size of input images. All images had almost low
resolution and the sizes of characters varied from 4pt
to 72pt.
Based on visual criteria, the proposed method
outperforms the global variation map. False alarms
are currently ignored. We have shown a few of them
in this paper. We have also segmented the same
images using (Song et al., 2005) method in order to
provide comparison. Each experiment is performed
both of (Song et al., 2005) method and our method.
The (Song et al., 2005) method used the different
mask sizes (3x21 horizontal and 19x3 vertical
Figure 11 illustrates the results of segmenting
Web images using (Song et al., 2005) method (left)
and our method (right) and the improvement can be
seen at right sides of the resulting images.
Our method has removed the background as
much as possible while not disturbing any text area.
This is an improvement from the (Song et al., 2005)
method. By looking at results of the second level
variance step, we have observed that by applying
adaptive mask sizes, we get the unnecessary pixels
eliminated from the image background in a better
way while preserving characters and vice versa. In
this way, we have found adaptive local mask values
to be appropriate for this kind of Web images.
In the experiments, we found that fragmentation
often appears at those text lines that are isolated in
both horizontal and vertical orientations. Because
headlines vary in size greatly, some headline
components are erroneously segmented into body of
text components. The fragmentation rate of headline
regions is higher than that of body text regions.
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Image 1.
(b) Image 2.
(c) Image 3.
(d) Image 4.
(e) Image 5.
Figure 11: The images of different segmentation results, where the segmented results are contained in the rectangles: (left)
for the (Song and Kim, 2005) method; (right) for our proposed method.
In this paper, we propose a local adaptive approach
of variation maps to segment texts in Web images.
The proposed method is less sensitive to parameters
by user and can deal with segmentations where
shadows, non-uniform character sizes, low
resolution and skew occur. After the local approach,
our method demonstrated superior performance on
Web images using visual criteria.
Also, our method has the additional advantage
that it can be applied directly to the line segment
without requiring de-skew algorithm.
Further research will be focus on developing
the text or non-text classifier and character
This research was financially supported by the
Ministry of Education, Science Technology (MEST)
and Korea Industrial Technology Foundation
(KOTEF) through the Human Resource Training
Project for Regional Innovation.
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VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications