For example, if the user knows that a region of an
image only contains geometric elements, symbol and
expression recognition may be turn off.
The accurate recognition of Latin-script, typewritten
text is now considered largely a solved problem. Al-
though certain applications whith higher accuracy re-
quire human review for errors. Handwriting recogni-
tion problem, including recognition of hand printing,
cursive handwriting, is still the subject of active re-
Systems for handwriting recognition are referred to
as off-line or on-line systems(Rjean Plamond, 2000).
Breader focus on off-line handwriting recognition,
since it does not assume a temporal dimension asso-
ciated to the writing action and recognition proccess.
Handwriting character and word recognition is an ap-
proach to symbol recognition and expression recog-
nition. Lee (Lee et al., 2007) describes a trainable,
multi-stroke symbol recognizer that is insensitive to
orientation, non-uniform scaling, and drawing order.
Progress has been reported in the area of dia-
gram recognition, although most projects have been
specific to a particular domain where recognition is
tailored to the symbols and graphical elements of
a particular type of diagram (Freeman and Plim-
mer, 2007; Chung et al., 2005). In (Kara and Sta-
hovich, 2004) the author present an approach for com-
bined recognition of hand-drawn and diagrammatic
sketches. Graph-based methods have been an been
used for object representation and matching, and have
been applied to hand-drawn pattern recognition prob-
lems (Chan and Yeung, 2000). With these methods,
sketched symbols are first decomposed into basic ge-
ometric primitives, such as lines and arcs, which are
then assembled into a graph structure that encodes
both the intrinsic attributes of the primitives and the
geometric relationships between them.
Different approaches have been proposed for sym-
bol recognition, including template matching ap-
proaches and structural approaches. Neuronal net-
work and statistical approaches (C.C. Tappert and
Wakahara, 1990; Mori et al., 1992) and algorithms
based on nearest-neighbor are most used methods for
implementing classifiers (Ha et al., 1995; Miller and
Viola, 1998).
Mathematical expressions recognition is a specific
form of pattern recognition that usually involves two
main stages: symbol recognition and structural anal-
ysis. Symbol recognition involve a sub-step to per-
form image segmentation followed by recognition of
individual text or mathemathical symbols. Structural
analysis is used to reconstruct the hierarchical struc-
ture of mathemathical expression. The survey paper
(Chan and Yeung, 2000), the authors review most of
the existing work on the topic.
Several papers explore specific problems related
to mathematical notation (Blostein and Grbavec,
1996). In (Miller and Viola, 1998), the author deal
with the particular issue of ambiguities that occur in
mathematical expression recognition. Ming et al.(Li,
2006), presents work to recognize printed mathemat-
ical expressions from document images, based on
method of parsing mathematics notation, which is
based on the combined strategy of baseline and mini-
mum spanning tree method.
A distinguishing feature of the architecure pro-
posed in this article is the focus on modularity, gen-
erality, extensability. Using a blackboard architec-
ture where symbolic representation of recognized ob-
jects can be posted and fetched allows incorporation
of new types of object recognizers. In particular, this
allows geometrical and symbolical structures as found
in mathemathical-logical expression to be recognized
in combination. This is particular useful in complex
diagrams such annotated graphs, many kinds of flow
diagrams, and most diagrams used in mathemathics,
science and engineering lectures.
We presented a modular system architecture for com-
bined visual recognition of geometrical, symbolical,
mathematical structures. The system allow new kinds
of object recognizers to be added and selected as
needed. A “blackboard” data-structure is used to re-
tain all recognized object so far, and particular recog-
nizers check this list to discover new objects. Initially,
objects are simple pixel clusters resulting from image-
processing and segmentation operations. First-level
object recognizers include symbol/character recog-
nizers and basic geometric elements. Higher-level ob-
ject recognizers collect lower-level objects and build
more complex objects. This includes mathematical-
logical expressions, and complex geometric elements
such as polylines, graphs, and other. The recognized
objects and structures can be exported to a variety
of vector graphic languages and type-setting systems,
such as SVG and L
X. The systems also allow in-
teraction with the user, including selection of differ-
ent domains and/or recognizers in different regions of
the same image. Future work includes implementa-
tion of additional recognizers, including very high-
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications