use of the HOV lanes) with almost zero cost (since
the passenger is taking the same route as the driver)
and, of course, a financial incentive.
There are many issues to be resolved regarding
the payment by passengers for rides. The amount
each rider pays must be balanced: it needs to be
enough to be beneficial to the driver but not so much
as to be seen as detrimental by the passenger(s). The
carpool service should handle the payment to the
driver, making the experience simpler for both
driver and passenger, and provide its primary source
of income. Once the service reaches a critical
number of rides, it should be economically self-
sufficient. What is truly amazing about dynamic
carpooling is that it requires so little. It uses the
vehicles, infrastructures, routes, drivers, and
technologies that are already on the road today. With
our sustained effort, we believe these can be made to
work together to bring a greener future to private
transportation today.
One Internet-based ride-share matching service,
ZoomPool (2009), has independently begun work to
add several mobile applications to their service to
incorporate dynamic carpooling options. This
membership service performs multiple security
filtering to facilitate trust and encourages vouching
and other forms of recommendations among
members. The service shares the transportation costs
automatically between drivers and passengers to
decrease the awkwardness associated with
negotiating finances. ZoomPool aims to decrease the
barriers to carpooling resulting in a verifiable
improvement in personal carbon footprint. It is a
recently launched company that has yet to prove its
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