4 Conclusions and Perspectives
The recognition of oocyte maturity degree is one of the most important steps in IVF.
Choosing the best oocyte, currently done by a visual inspection of the oocyte by the
practitioner and therefore very subjective, needs nowadays objective methods. We
proposed here a new image processing based on the KLT for giving a computer aid to
the doctor. The KLT is based on a statistical approach of a picture set and classifies
information in terms of presence in one or more pictures. By creating a picture set of
one type of oocytes and by replacing one picture by one to be analyzed, we showed
that it was possible to discriminate the maturity degrees. We validated this concept
first with oocytes which were clearly in one maturity type (MI and implanted MII),
then with a blind test and finally we apply the KLT to oocytes which did not implant.
The result that this was due to two reasons: non maturity of some oocytes on one
hand and other problems during the process after transferring the oocyte into uterus
on the other hand.
As perspectives mainly three stages are foreseen:
1. to use an initial picture set of more images,
2. to proceed with a clinical validation with a substantial number of oocytes,
3. to elaborate a server linked to other French IVF centers for offering to other
practitioners a useful tool for deciding of the cell maturity in an objective
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