Writing Open Source SunXACML Access Control in
Electronic Health Record with Acceptable Performances
Snezana Sucurovic
and Dejan Simic
Institute Mihajlo Pupin, Volgina 15, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Organisational Sciences, Computer Science Department
Jove Ilica 154, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia
Abstract. OASIS is a non–for-profit consortium that drives the development
convergence and adoption of open standards for the global information society.
It involves more than 600 organizations and individuals as well as IT leaders
Sun, Microsoft, IBM and Oracle. One of it’s standard is XACML which ap-
pears a few years ago and now there are about 150 000 hits on Google.
XACML (eXtensible Access Control Markup Language) is not technology re-
lated. Sun published in 2004 open source Sun XACML which is in compliance
with XACML 1.0. specification and now worked to be in compliance with
XACML 2.0. The heart of XACML are attributes values of defined type and
name that is to be attached to a subject, a resource, an action and an environ-
ment in which subject request action on resource. On that way XACML is to
replace Role Based Access Control which dominated for years. The paper ex-
amines performances in CEN 13 606 and ISO 22 600 based healthcare system
which use XACML for access control.
1 Related Work on using XACML
At the RSA 2008 Conference, members of the OASIS open standards consortium, in
cooperation with the Health Information Technologies Standards Panel (HITSP),
demonstrated interoperability of the Extensible Access Control Markup Language
(XACML) version 2.0. Simulating a real world scenario provided by the U.S. De-
partment of Veterans Affairs, the demo showed how XACML ensures successful
authorization decision requests and the exchange of authorization policies. The
XACML Interop at the RSA 2008 conference utilizes requirements from Health Lev-
el Seven (HL7), ASTM International, and the American National Standards Institute
(ANSI). The demo features role-based access control (RBAC), privacy protections,
structured and functional roles, consent codes, emergency overrides and filtering of
sensitive data. Vendors show how XACML obligations can provide capabilities in the
policy decision making process. The use of XACML obligations and identity provid-
ers using the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) are also highlighted.
According to the ANSI/HITSP announcement, the multi-vendor demonstrations
"highlight the use of OASIS standards in HITSP-approved guidelines, known as
Sucurovic S. and Simic D. (2009).
Writing Open Source SunXACML Access Control in Electronic Health Record with Acceptable Performances .
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Open Source in European Health Care: The Time is Ripe, pages 59-68
DOI: 10.5220/0001813400590068
'constructs,' to meet healthcare security and privacy needs. The Panel's security and
privacy specifications address common data protection issues in a broad range of
subject areas, including electronic delivery of lab results to a clinician, medication
workflow for providers and patients, quality, and consumer empowerment. HITSP is
a multi-stakeholder coordinating body designed to provide the process within which
affected parties can identify, select, and harmonize standards for communicating
health care information throughout the health care spectrum. As mandated by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Panel's work supports Use
Cases defined by the American Heath Information Community (AHIC)[1].
2 Related Work on Access Control Standards
2.1 Commite European de Normalisation (CEN) Standard ENV 13606 [2]
In 2008 ISO has given ISO 13 606 on Electronic Healthcare Record Architecture.
This standard is revised Comitte European de Normalisation standard CEN ENV 13
606. This standard is base for access control in European standards and developed
systems. The main item in the CEN healthcare information system architecture (CEN,
2002) standard is an Architectural Component. The Architectural Components are
organized in a hierarchical structure. Each Architectural Component has a reference
to access control list for that component defined as Distribution Rules. A Distribution
Rule comprises classes Who, Where, When, Why and How which define who, where,
when, why and how is allowed to access the component (Table 1). To access the
system a user presents his attributes that correspond to attributes of class Who, When,
Where, Why and How. Classes Who, When, Where, Why and How are processed
with operator AND. There can be one or more DR attached to AC and they are
processed with operator OR.
2.2 ISO 22 600 Standard [3]
ISO/TS 22600-1:2006 is intended to support the needs of healthcare information
sharing across unaffiliated providers of healthcare, healthcare organizations, health
insurance companies, their patients, staff members and trading partners. It is also
intended to support inquiries from both individuals and application systems. ISO/TS
22600-1:2006 supports collaboration between several authorization managers that
may operate over organizational and policy borders.
Table 1. Distribution Rules attributes.
Class Attribute Type
Who Profession
Engaged in care
Healthcare agent
When Episode of care
Episode reference
Where Country
Legal requirement
Why Healthcare process
Healthcare process
Sensitivity class
Purpose of use
Healthcare party role
How Access method
Consent required
Operating system
security rating
Hardware security
Software security
Fig. 1. ISO 22 600 access control policies.
3 eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML)
XACML is an OASIS [4] standard that describes both a policy language and an
access control decision request/response language (both written in XML). The typical
setup is that someone wants to take some action on a resource, so the elements of
request are user’s atttributes, action and resource to be accessed. The request/response
language lets you form a query to ask whether or not a given action should be al-
lowed and interpret the result.
The currency that XACML deals in is attributes. Attributes are named values of
known types. Specifically, attributes are characteristics of the Subject, Resource,
Action or Environment in which the access request is made. A user’s name, their
security clearance, the file they want to access, and the time of day are all attribute
values. When a request is sent to a Policy Decision Point (PDP) (which makes deci-
sion), that request is formed almost exclusively of attributes, and they will be com-
pared to attribute values in a policy to make the access decision.
3.1 SunXACML
This paper presents work with Sun’s version of XACML [5]. Sun’s XACML has
supported only XACML 1.0 and not XACML 2.0 yet. XACML 2.0 supports Securi-
ty Access Control Markup Language (SAML) protocol which is enveloping protocol
and provides standardized protocol for encryption and decryption of attributes and
policies on the net.
Since Sun XACML is in developing phase (toward version XACML 2.0) in order
to work with it, it is necessary to download form Code Version System (CVS) ( from
sourceforge.net) the last version of java classes and then compile them using given
build.xml file. Finally it is necessary to build jar archive using Apache’s Ant tool. In
that way, we can obtain the most stable version of Sun’s XACML, since code for
version 2.0 is added in this phase of development.
3.2 Writing Access Control Policies using XACML
A policy is a Policy Set which comprises one or more policies, where a policy com-
prises one or more rules. There are also combining algorithms for policies and rules.
For example if the combining algorithm is “ordered-permit-overrides” the firstly rules
that permit access have advantage. In that case the last rule is
<Rule RuleId=”FinaleRule” Effect=”Deny”/>
that means that if there is not previously written permit rule access is forbidden.
There is also another case when we write as the last rule
<Rule RuleId=”FinaleRule” Effect=”Permit”/>
Besides Rules, a Policy comprises a Target which is necessary to find correspon-
dent policy to the given request. A target comprises <Subject> attribute, <Resource>
attribute and <Action> Attributes, where subject and resource are mandatory and
action can be <AnyAction/>. Subject attribute has to be of datatype RFC 822 (for
example users.example.com), and resource attribute has to be of type <anyURI>(for
example http://server.example.com
It can be several Subject and Resource attributes in Request (besides ones that are
part of Target in Policy). An example of XML segment which represents Target
Resource attribute has been given as follows:
<Resource Match MatchId=anyURI-equal>
It means that matching evaluation operator is anyURI-equal, that attribute is of type
anyURI and that its value is http://server.example.com . Also, name of the attribute is
resource_id, that is how it is compared with attributes from Request.
In a Policy a Target is followed by one or several Rules. While a target is
simplified condition for access decision, the heart of most Rules is a Condition which
is mostly boolean or set function. If the Condition evaluates to true, then the Rule's
effect (a value of Permit or Deny that is associated with successful evaluation of the
Rule) is returned. A Condition can be quite complex, built from an arbitrary nesting
of non-boolean functions and attributes. The following XML segment presents a
complex Condition:
<Condition FunctionId=string-at-least-one-member-of>
AttributeId=group />
<Apply FunctionId=string-bag>
It means that this is attribute of subject with name group and type string. Set
function string-at-least-one-member-of means «at least one member of set whose
elements are of type string». This segment means that attribute of subject with name
group has to have at least one of given values (GP, SCP) in oder to access decision
evaluates to Permit.
4 Performance Examination
4.1 Related Work on Hierarchy Access Control Policies
ARTEMIS is an EU funded project that are developing a semantic web service based
on P2P interoperatibility infrastructure for healthcare information systems [6]. An
ARTEMIS pilot application is being clinically deployed by healthcare providers
located in two European countries to demonstrate the interoperatibility of healthcare
information systems across organizational and country boundaries. The pilot applica-
tion includes healthcare providers South East Belfast Healthcare Trust (SEBT) in
Belfast, Northern Ireland and Hacettepe Hospital in Ankara, Turkey. In ARTEMIS,
healthcare providers define privacy policies that state which healthcare professionals
are able to access specific medical data. The initial approach is to allow a healthcare
provider to develop role ontology that defines the clinical occupations for healthcare
professionals within their organization. These roles are then attached to concepts in
the clinical concept ontology. As medical data is described using the clinical con-
cepts, authorization is enforced based on the role of the healthcare professional and
the clinical concept being accessed. The Clinical Concept Ontology has been derived
from the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) semantic network [7] and meta-
thesaurus [8] to provide a rich set of terminology for describing medical data seman-
tics. The Semantic Network consists of a set of broad subject categories, or Semantic
Types, that provide a consistent categorization of all concepts represented in the
UMLS Metathesaurus, and a set of useful and important relationships, or Semantic
Relations, that exist between Semantic Types. The Metathesaurus is a very large,
multi-purpose, and multi-lingual vocabulary database that contains information about
biomedical and health related concepts, their various names, and the relationships
among them. The Metathesaurus is organized by concept or meaning. In essence, it
links alternative names and views of the same concept and identifies useful relation-
ships between different concepts. There are efforts to implement mechanisms for
parsing free text into UMLS concepts [12].
Social Behavior
Individual Behavior
Daily or Recreational Activity
Occupational Activity
Healthcare Activity
Laboratory Procedure
Diagnostic Procedure
Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
Research Activity
Molecular Biology Research Technique
Governmental or Regulatory Activity
Educational Activity
Machine Activity
The ARTEMIS mediator can broker between privacy policies using ontology
mappings linking organisational role ontologies with clinical concept ontologies.
When a web service is invoked the mediator translates the role of the healthcare pro-
fessional in the requesting organisation to the equivalent role in the providing organi-
5 MEDIS (Medical Information System) Prototype Approach
MEDIS [9] prototype has been developed as EHR when integration from very begin-
ning is needed. It has been implemented as a federated system.
Clinical Server I
Clinical Server II
Clinical Server N
Smart Card
Fig. 2. MEDIS System architecture.
As MEDIS is multidomain system XACML should be applied for access control.
There are master access control policies on central server and local policies on clini-
cal servers. Architectural Components could be seen as resources or target and there
are access control policies attached to them according to ISO 22 600. There are also
subject attributes enveloped in attribute certificates [10]. We did step further: we
supposed that attributes in policies are hierarchically organized (as in ARTEMIS) and
measured performances.
Attribute Certificate’s
Attributes (Subject
Clinical Server
SOAP Messages
Local Authorization
Master Authorization
Target AC
Fig. 3. Access control policies in MEDIS.
5.1 Performance Examination
Fig 4. presents forest attribute hierarchy, while Fig. 5 presents tree attribute hierarchy.
Results have been obtained on 512 M RAM-a and 800 MHz CPU. Node 1 presents
attribute which is possessed by subject, while node 2 represents attribute which is
attached to resource. For all combinations of node attaced to subject and node at-
tached to resource average access time in forest structure is 1702 ms, while Tmin =
1632ms and Tmax = 1783ms. In tree like access control policy Taverage=1698ms,
while Tmin= 1622ms and Tmax=1942ms.
Fig. 4. Forest attribute hierarchy.
Fig. 5. Tree attribute hierarchy.
Table 2 contains access control time when two attributes (Healthcare Provider and Ep-
isode of Care) are involved. Node 3 is episode of care attached to subject, while Node4 is
attribute attached to resource according to the policy represented at following figure.
Fig. 6. Episode of care access control policy.
Table 2. Access Control time when two attributes policy is used.
ode3/Node4 Access time
00 11 0010/0011/01
00 21 1732/1703/1812/1742
00 31 1802/1712/1773/1762
00 12 1782/1793/1782/1722
00 22 1852/1732/1872/1723
00 23 1723/1732/1722/1722
00 33 1762/1682/1732/1712
00 32 1713/1742/1693/1813
11 21 1703/1742/1783/1713
11 31 1793/1722/1723/1712
11 12 1742/1722/1773/1742
11 22 1793/1712/1722/1692
11 32 1733/1782/1742/1773
11 23 1793/1702/1822/1792
11 33 1762/1742/1753/1793
21 31 1712/1783/1783/1712
21 12 1682/1783/1813/1692
21 22 1672/1702/1793/1733
21 32 1723/1712/1683/1702
21 23 1772/1713/1713/1772
21 33 1722/1792/1782/1722
31 12 1782/1752/1672/1673
31 22 1742/1763/1743/1723
31 32 1733/1762/1682/1702
31 23 1672/1772/1772/1762
31 33 1782/1772/1723/1792
12 22 1782/1792/1732/1733
12 32 1723/1712/1783/1682
12 23 1762/1753/1682/1722
12 33 1723/1692/1722/1763
22 32 1692/1782/1702/1753
22 23 1693/1683/1793/1792
22 33 1702/1662/1742/1732
32 23 1712/1762/1713/1832
32 33 1752/1702/1732/1702
23 33 1722/1750/1742/1752
e = 1742
6 Conclusions
In it’s first paragraph this paper presents current work on use of OASIS’s XACML in
healthcare, while in the second current standards related to access control in EHR.
The third paragraph deals with writing policies using XACML, while the forth
presents a current project dealing with hierarchical attributes in access control poli-
cies. Finally, the fifth paragraph presents our approach, which includes XACML
policies, current standards and hierarchical attributes. The paper aims at giving con-
tribution to presentation of results of access control time using various SunXACML
access control policies with hierarchical attributes. This results presents a fact that
either we choose tree or forest architecture or if we write policy with several
attributes in hierarchy, performances will not fall down.
1. Bussiness Wire, accessed May 2008, http://www.allbusiness.com/technology/software-
2. CEN ENV 13 606 Extended Architecture, URL: http://www.centc251.org/WGI/N-
documents/WGI-N04-24-prEN_13606-1_(E)preENQ.pdf, accessed June 2007.
3. ISO 22 600 “Access Control in Healthcare Information Systems”
4. Anderson A., A comparasion of Two Privacy Policy Languages: EPAL and XACML,
5. Sun's XACML Implementation, http://sunxacml.sourceforge.net/
6. Artemis Project, http://www.srdc.metu.edu.tr/webpage/projects/
7. National Library of Medicine, Unified Medical Language System, Semantic Network,
8. National Library of Medicine, Unified Medical Language System, Metathesaurus,
9. S. Sucurovic, “Implementing security in a distributed web based EHCR”, International
Journal of Medical Informatics, May 2007, pp. 491-496, Elsevier
10. S. Sucurovic, Z. Jovanovic, Java Cryptography & Attribute Certificate Management, Dr.
Dobb’s Journal, Octobar 2006