Supporting Registration and Treatment of Clubfoot using Mobile Devices

Weiqin Chen, Dag Skjelvik



In current congenital clubfoot treatment, clinicians use paper forms to register and monitor the treatment process. Routines for registration and archiving are scarce, and the guideline for treating clubfoot is not always followed strictly. This paper presents a PDA-based system (GenSupport) that can support the registration of patient information, supervise the treatment process, as well as provide advice during treatment. GenSupport has been evaluated in order to investigate the perceived usefulness of such a system. The evaluation results indicate that GenSupport has the possibility of improving the routines for registration and archiving of patient information as well as supporting the treatment of clubfoot. The advice provided by GenSupport was perceived particularly useful for inexperienced clinicians.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Chen W. and Skjelvik D. (2009). Supporting Registration and Treatment of Clubfoot using Mobile Devices . In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mobilizing Health Information to Support Healthcare-related Knowledge Work - Volume 1: Workshop MobiHealthInf, (BIOSTEC 2009) ISBN 978-989-8111-78-4, pages 32-41. DOI: 10.5220/0001813700320041

in Bibtex Style

@conference{workshop mobihealthinf09,
author={Weiqin Chen and Dag Skjelvik},
title={Supporting Registration and Treatment of Clubfoot using Mobile Devices},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mobilizing Health Information to Support Healthcare-related Knowledge Work - Volume 1: Workshop MobiHealthInf, (BIOSTEC 2009)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mobilizing Health Information to Support Healthcare-related Knowledge Work - Volume 1: Workshop MobiHealthInf, (BIOSTEC 2009)
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