Standard for Personalized eHealth Services

Torbjørn Sund, Nick Hine, Francoise Petersen, Mike Pluke



Stimulated by the rapid development in ICT, wireless communication and sensor development, patient care is moving out of the institution and into the personal realm. The move requires that eHealth systems should be tailored to the user, including personalization and adaptation to user context. This paper describes ongoing work to establish a standard for such personalization. The standard builds on the user's preferences and current situation, which together define the current user profile. This profile can then be used by eHealth services and devices to ensure a user experience tailored to each person and situation. The work surveys relevant areas of personalization, like identity management, profile management etc, addressing those aspects of personalization that are specific to eHealth: user capabilities, care provider roles and functions, health related information, and confidentiality measures.


  1. S. A. Ballegaard, T. R. Hansen, M. Kyng (2008): Healthcare in Everyday Life - Designing Healthcare Services for Daily Life. Center for Pervasive Healthcare. Dept Comp. Science, Univ. Aarhus, Denmark
  2. ETSI EG 202 487 (2008): Human Factors (HF); User experience guidelines; Telecare services (eHealth), ETSI, Sophia-Antipolis
  3. User Profile Management: ETSI Specialist task force 342. http:// HomePages/STF342/STF342.asp (last viewed: 20081017)
  4. eHealth User Profiles: ETSI Specialist task force 352. http:// HomePages/STF352/STF352.asp (last viewed: 20081017)
  5. J. Peterson. A Presence-based GEOPRIV Location Object Format. Internet Official Protocol Standards; IETF RFC 4119. Available at: http:// (last viewed: 20081017)
  6. H. Schulzrinne, H. Tschofenig. Location Types Registry. Internet Official Protocol Standards; IETF RFC 4589. Available at: (last viewed: 20081017)
  7. H. Schulzrinne. RPID: Rich Presence Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format (PIDF); Internet Official Protocol Standards. RFC 4480. Available at: (last viewed: 20081017)
  8. ETSI EG 202 325 (2005): Human Factors (HF); User Profile Management, ETSI, SophiaAntipolis
  9. ETSI EG 284 004: Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); Incorporating Universal Communications Identifier (UCI) support into the specification of Next Generation Networks (NGN), ETSI, Sophia Antipolis
  10. IST-SMS (Simple Mobile Services): Project documentation available at (last viewed: 20081017)
  11. SPICE (Service Platform for Innovative Communication Environment): Deliverable N: 4.1: “Ontology Definition of User Profiles, Knowledge Information and Services”, December 2006. Available at (last viewed: 20081017)
  12. MAGNET (My personal Adaptive Global NET): Project documentation available at (last viewed:20081017)

Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Sund T., Hine N., Petersen F. and Pluke M. (2009). Standard for Personalized eHealth Services . In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mobilizing Health Information to Support Healthcare-related Knowledge Work - Volume 1: Workshop MobiHealthInf, (BIOSTEC 2009) ISBN 978-989-8111-78-4, pages 42-48. DOI: 10.5220/0001814100420048

in Bibtex Style

@conference{workshop mobihealthinf09,
author={Torbjørn Sund and Nick Hine and Francoise Petersen and Mike Pluke},
title={Standard for Personalized eHealth Services},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mobilizing Health Information to Support Healthcare-related Knowledge Work - Volume 1: Workshop MobiHealthInf, (BIOSTEC 2009)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mobilizing Health Information to Support Healthcare-related Knowledge Work - Volume 1: Workshop MobiHealthInf, (BIOSTEC 2009)
TI - Standard for Personalized eHealth Services
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