Data Collection Methods for Task-based Information
Access in Molecular Medicine
Sanna Kumpulainen
, Kalervo Järvelin
, Sami Serola
, Aiden R. Doherty
Daragh Byrne
, Alan F. Smeaton
and Gareth J. F. Jones
Department of Information Studies, University of Tampere, Finland
CDVP & CLARITY: Centre for Sensor Web Technologies, Dublin City University, Ireland
Abstract. An important area of improving access to health information is the
study of task-based information access in the health domain. This is a
significant challenge towards developing focused information retrieval (IR)
systems. Due to the complexities of this context, its study requires multiple and
often tedious means of data collection, which yields a lot of data for analysis,
but also allows triangulation so as to increase the reliability of the findings. In
addition to traditional means of data collection, such as questionnaires,
interviews and observation, there are novel opportunities provided by
lifelogging technologies such as the SenseCam. Together they yield an
understanding of information needs, the sources used, and their access
strategies. The present paper examines the strengths and weaknesses of the
traditional and the more novel means of data collection and addresses the
challenges in their application in molecular medicine, which intensively uses
digital information sources.
1 Introduction
The production of digital information in molecular medicine has huge dimensions.
Effective management of, and access to, this information requires that tools are
developed to serve work tasks in the domain. Task-based information access is
recognized as a significant context for developing information retrieval (IR) systems
[4], [7], [8]. Contrary to the general Web environment, the task-based context
necessitates the study of task performers (users), their tasks and the organizational and
social context of task performance. In this context, it is no longer sufficient to perform
plain search engine-side analysis of logs and clicks even if such data were abundant;
one needs to learn about the tasks, the information goals, how information is
approached and used, and how access operations are generated. Understanding the
current state of information access in molecular medicine helps to find the needs in
mobilizing health information.
Due to the complexities of the task context in molecular medicine, its study
requires multiple and often tedious means of data collection. Traditional means of
data collection include questionnaires, interviews, diaries, and observation [4]. Log
analysis is a more recent means and very popular in Web information retrieval
Kumpulainen S., Järvelin K., Serola S., Doherty A., Byrne D., Smeaton A. and Jones G. (2009).
Data Collection Methods for Analyzing Task-based Information Access in Molecular Medicine.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mobilizing Health Information to Support Healthcare-related Knowledge Work, pages 49-58
DOI: 10.5220/0001814300490058
research. An even more recent tool is photographic surveillance of the task
performer’s environment through a wearable camera carried by the study subjects. In
addition to analysing traditional means of data collection, the present study analyses a
modern logging system, the PLogger, and a wearable camera, the SenseCam, as tools
for data collection for studies on task-based information access in molecular
The PLogger, developed at the University of Tampere, Finland [5] is a tool that
logs a Web browser's search history on an external database server. It was developed
as a research tool to collect history logs as a time ordered list of URL-addresses. It
allows the subjects to edit their logs before submitting them to the researcher.
The SenseCam, developed by Microsoft Research in Cambridge U.K. [3] is a small
wearable camera that is worn around the neck. This camera passively captures images
from the perspective of the user. Images are taken quite frequently (approximately 3
per minute), thus an extensive visual diary of one’s day is recorded. In a typical day a
user will capture 2,000 images.
Employed together, these data collection methods yield a lot of data for analysis,
but also support triangulation to achieve a comprehensive understanding of
information access in molecular medicine. The present paper examines the strengths
and weaknesses of the traditional and the more novel methods of data collection and
addresses the challenges in their application in the study of task-based information
access. In particular, we focus on how observation, logging and the SenseCam affect
the subjects’ behavior and support triangulation for greater reliability. We draw our
data collection experiences mainly from an empirical study on information access in
molecular medicine [6]. A part of this study was based on Web questionnaires,
interviews, shadowing, logging and use of the SenseCam at an anonymous research
institute in Finland. The following treatise reflects the lessons learned in applying the
data collection methods and seeks to contribute an understanding on the needs for
multiple methods and on the challenges involved in applying them.
The paper is structured as follows. Sections 2-6 discuss the data collection methods
individually and Section 7 discusses triangulation. Conclusions are given in Section 8.
2 Web Questionnaires
To start the empirical study, we distributed a Web questionnaire in summer 2007 to
the respondents to find out about the information environment of the study subjects,
the kinds of tasks they conducted, their publication plans, and difficulties experienced
in information access. The questionnaire was designed in co-operation with a senior
group leader working at the target institute. An invitation and motivation letter was
sent by e-mail to the researchers of the institute, then three reminders followed by
personal emails to some researchers. As often is the case with Web questionnaires, it
was challenging to raise the response rate above 50%.
In general, we may echo the known benefits of questionnaires which are (a)
reaching large groups of people quickly and simultaneously, (b) ease and economy of
collecting the data, (c) obtaining data that is structured and easy to handle, and (d)
supportive of statistical analysis. However, we also experienced the known challenges
of questionnaires, including (a) low response rates due to lack of motivation, (b)
respondents not understanding the rationale behind the questionnaire, (c) respondents
misinterpreting questions, (d) respondents providing unexpected or incomplete
answers to specific questions, and (e) difficulty on getting answers to why questions
in particular.
It is a challenge to try to penetrate into an unfamiliar community – molecular
medicine – as an outsider through a questionnaire. The questions tend to come from
the investigator’s world, resulting in problems of motivation and understanding. The
subjects may have difficulty in correctly remembering difficulties experienced in
information access, and may well present a rationalized view of their task
performance or problems encountered therein – which actually happened in our case.
Their recollections regarding their behavior differed from their real behavior. These
issues hardly surprised us.
Nevertheless, through extensive effort we got an overview and hints on what to
focus on, but certainly did not learn what tasks the respondents perform, nor much
about their information access.
3 Interviews
Interviews can address some of the problems associated with questionnaires. Their
known strengths, in general, include: (a) the possibility of immediate resolution of
ambiguities, (b) interviewing is focused: one need not “see” everything like when
observing, (c) interviewing supports the why questions, (d) the researcher obtains a
personal contact while access to the field is easier than when observing. Interviews
can be more or less structured. In semi-structured interviews the interview guide
keeps one on track but still allows one to collect unlimited qualitative data.
However, interviews are (a) open to bias and problems of personal chemistries, (b)
opinions regarding behavior are not the same as actual behavior, and (c) the
respondents may not correctly remember answers to questions. Further on the
downside, interviews are quite insufficient for learning about task performance /
information access. One rather hears ex post facto accounts of task performance: the
real problems and discomforts are not necessarily reported if remembered.
In our project, to get further insight into the work tasks and information access
after the questionnaire, we did three kinds of semi-structured interviews. Firstly, two
researchers were interviewed to complement the questionnaire (reported in [6]). A
recent critical event (an information access episode) was reviewed during these
interviews. Secondly, the leaders of two research groups were interviewed to find
suitable shadowees. Thirdly, the six selected shadowees were interviewed at the
beginning of the shadowing to find out about their research processes, current tasks
and their perceptions of their information access. These turned out to provide much
insight for the investigator.
4 Observation and Shadowing
The main part of our empirical study was based on shadowing six molecular medicine
researchers for an average of 24 hours per person over periods from three to eight
weeks; logging their Web interaction through the ProxyLogger for four to nine weeks
each; and recording their activities by SenseCam for 10 work days each (with one
subject only for 2 days). After the initial interview, the six researchers were shadowed
when performing their normal tasks at their work places. However, as we wanted to
focus on their information access, the shadowing sessions were agreed with the
shadowees. The investigator followed them closely, clarified any unclear actions
through verbal exchanges and took field notes. Most of the time logging took place
simultaneously and the SenseCam periods partially overlapped with shadowing. In
all, shadowing took place over a period of six months (2007-08).
Shadowing provided very valuable data. It happened in naturalistic settings and
supported the investigator in constructing the shadowees’ normal tasks. They were
performing realistic tasks under familiar conditions and employing their current
practices and orientations. Any problems in task performance could be immediately
observed. When clarification was needed immediate interaction was possible. This
permitted the study of activities that people may be unable (e.g. due to forgetting) or
unwilling to report (failures). Indeed, the interaction of tasks, information goals and
the integrated use of various access tools became understandable. This is not possible
through other means of data collection unless the investigator is a domain specialist.
However, there were problems as well. The investigator, not being a domain
specialist sometimes had difficulty in understanding task performance. This may have
led to misinterpretations and also to verbal exchanges disturbing task performance,
deviating from the normal process. The shadowees certainly were aware of being
shadowed and may have affected behavior and task performance. However, nearly all
shadowees appeared to become comfortable with the situation in a couple of days.
The greatest challenge of shadowing is its time-consumption, both in the act and
afterwards in analyzing the observations. Another issue is frustration: the shadowees
could not always perform their tasks because of problems with tools, or lack of
feedback. There were also interpersonal dependencies between shadowees and others:
if someone else was not delivering her results a shadowee’s task was sometimes
blocked. Last but not least, trust-building and ethics of reporting were also issues in
shadowing. Some shadowees enquired about the use of the results (“Is this some sort
of management control effort?”).
The investigator needed to stay alert and disciplined during the shadowing
sessions, but nonetheless the situations could change so rapidly, that it was difficult to
quickly maintain the field notes. The automatic data collection helped in these cases
to complete the incomplete shadowing data, even when the observer had been present.
Some of the challenges of shadowing could be circumvented by automatic tools
like PLogger and SenseCam. Being automatic, they do not require the investigator’s
presence thus avoiding some of obtrusiveness and facilitating the extension of the
data through much longer collection periods.
5 PLogger
PLogger is a tool for collecting visited http URLs in chronological order and
analyzing them. It consists of two components, the ProxyLogger for logging the
URLs and the LogBrowser for analysis of the logs (Fig. 1). The subjects are able to
edit their logs via LogBrowser (see sample log in Fig. 2) before submitting them to
the investigator. This is an important feature for user acceptance of logging while not
all subjects were sensitive about their logs.
PLogger is installed on a proxy server and the subjects’ browsers are set to direct
all traffic through it. The logs are stored in a relational database (PostgreSQL). When
a subject starts his/her browser, PLogger reminds that logging is starting as well.
While working, the subject may turn it on and off– again a feature increasing user
Fig. 1. PLogger architecture.
Fig. 2. PLogger’s LogBrowser (a subset of columns).
The strengths of PLogger include:
Web interaction logs reveal requested files, search strategies, dwelling time per
page, search keys and parameters.
The participants can easily turn logging on and off and edit their logs before
submitting them. This helps in building trust and gaining acceptance.
Lots of data about Web information access is easily collected.
The logs are stored in a database, which allows them to be queried for various
analytical needs. Ordinary digital screen capture would not support this – providing
only digital video.
It doesn’t require any additional effort on the part of the subject.
In total we collected a log of 24,360 lines of Web interaction for the six subjects
(ranging from 3,130 to 5,760 lines per subject).
Despite its strengths, the PLogger poses several challenges in data collection. First
of all, it was still an experimental tool and therefore had usability problems. In
particular, it sometimes behaved more like a “proxy blocker” – preventing access to
some services either altogether or slowing down access critically. This problem was
circumvented by installing the Plogger server within the research institute’s domain.
These usability issues had interesting consequences on the subjects’ behavior.
Some used another computer (not logged) for certain tasks, while others started
another (non-logged) browser. Some just turned the PLogger off – not due to sensitive
Web use but for convenience of work. We believe that it is of key importance to
control the functioning and use of any logging tools no matter how well tested they
may be. While an advanced logging tool may also provide much functionality – an
investigator using it for the first time, and for one study, may find learning its
effective use overwhelming. Therefore they should be very intuitive to use.
While much of the internationally available research data for molecular medicine is
provided through http, this does not cover all protocols, e.g., direct access between
Unix platforms through ssh. Screen capture as digital video would show this, but the
result is not easily logged in a database. Moreover, because PLogger recorded only
URLs using http, some of the secured services using https were not recorded. Finally
the data presented further challenges. One collects masses of very “dirty data”: there
is a lot of noise, uninformative log records, especially when frame-based Web pages
are accessed. These were hard to filter but resulted in 30% reduction in the amount of
data for further analysis. The logs alone are clearly insufficient for the analysis of
information access: it is impossible to tell what one searches based on the log alone
because the target information and the handle used to locate it may have no obvious
semantic connection that the investigator could figure out. Similar handles are used
for quite different goals – and in the log the investigator only sees the handles. Even
an obvious known item search (e.g., for a homepage) may in fact be an unknown fact
search (for an email address).
6 SenseCam
The SenseCam is a wearable camera that passively captures images from the user’s
perspective. Additionally it captures sensor values such as: temperature, light levels,
movement, and passive infrared information. The battery allows the camera to run all
day, and can then be charged overnight.
In our work the subjects captured SenseCam images totaling a 52 day period
(equating to approximately 72,000 images). To help review this vast collection of data
we segmented the users’ data into distinct events or activities [2], and presented them
through an event-based browser (illustrated in Fig. 3). The calendar allows the
investigator to browse to day of interest. A vertical column then displays each event
for the day. Once an event is selected, all images from the event are shown on the
right of the screen.
Task-observation studies normally require intensive effort, commitment and
resources [1]. The SenseCam presents a novel medium in which to capture
observational data and reduce the burden on both the investigator and the subject(s).
As the SenseCam is a fully automated capture system it removes the implicit need for
an observer to be present at all times. As in this study, subjects may be shadowed
initially for a short period after which they are instrumented with the SenseCam for a
longer period. The SenseCam allowed observation of tasks for an extended period
without the resource commitment normally associated with shadowing, proving itself
to effective in eliciting high-level task details. The SenseCam is additionally non-
intrusive into task performance. It allows the capture of points of interest without
distracting users by temporarily abandoning their current activity.
Fig. 3. SenseCam browser.
SenseCam images, as a visual account of tasks a participant carried out, can be
very useful within post-observation discussions and/or follow-up interviews. Using
our tool (see Fig. 3) the image data can be segmented into discrete ‘events’ and
presented as a grouped set of images. As these images are temporally consistent they
will often ‘storyboard’ the progression of a task. They additionally allow both the
subject and investigator to return to events, and facilitate discussion regarding task
The use of the SenseCam in observational fieldwork is, however, not without its
limitations. While the SenseCam is less intrusive than shadowing, users are still
nevertheless aware of the presence of this device and hence do not act in a completely
natural manner. Although after a few days the user becomes much less conscious of
it. This effect is not limited to the wearer – others in the vicinity reported feeling as if
“under surveillance”. As a result, it was necessary to spend time reassuring the work
group of the benefits offered by the SenseCam recordings.
The review of SenseCam images is almost solely based on a visual analysis of the
subject’s day. Therefore in tasks where the subject is walking between different
scenes (or to a number of distinct areas within a scene), a review of the SenseCam
images is very helpful. However the SenseCam images are not suited to determining
the information need of subjects who spend large amounts of time at the same
desk/PC everyday. Due to the fast paced nature of expert computer-based tasks the
SenseCam will often miss the subtleties, and/or specifics of interaction. As such,
computer-based interactions can only be ‘gisted’ using the SenseCam.
There are other practical problems associated with the SenseCam. These include:
users forgetting to turn the device on early in the morning; leaving the lens cap on;
photos fully or partially obscured by clothing such as a jacket; and up to 40% of the
time the device may capture poor quality or unusable images [1]. Finally we feel that
the SenseCam can’t replace shadowing in its current form as the communication
between shadower and shadowee is essential to understanding the task. However,
even though the SenseCam is currently a prototype and many of its limitations may be
resolved in the future, we believe it can already effectively complement shadowing.
7 Discussion
Task-based information access is a complex phenomenon where context
characteristics (the organization, its culture, and its information environment), the task
performer’s traits (knowledge, experience, personality), and the varying tasks
themselves affect information access. The design of novel information access systems
for molecular medicine should learn from the task performers’ experiences and from
technological possibilities in the domain. Learning from the experiences requires data
collection based on multiple methods and triangulation of the findings because no
single method is reliable and sufficient. Indeed, in the present study we learned that:
Shadowing turned out to be invaluable in understanding the task context and
interpreting the information goals that lead to specific logged actions, or the variety
of activities yielding quite similar SenseCam photos. Shadowing was however very
time-consuming, and thus expensive, and to some degree intrusive and affected by
personalities. It was often impossible to capture quick interactions in information
access just by observing.
Web access logging using the PLogger registered such interactions in detail.
Logging was also possible over extended periods yielding lots of data on
information access in collections of bio-medical data and literature. It revealed that
much access to literature (PubMed) happened through links or automatic queries
from biological databases – while the subjects reported that they used PubMed
directly. It would have been quite difficult to figure out the what and why from the
logs alone, without an understanding on the researchers’ work tasks. Although
PLogger was meant to be non-intrusive, its slowness sometimes caused behavior
that biased the data: PLogger was turned off, another unlogged browser was
launched, or another computer was used. The subjects were working with multiple
unpredictable services which made the predefining of filters for focused logging
difficult. Therefore the logs contained much noise to be filtered out afterwards.
Finally, while the Web is the main channel for information access, it alone does not
cover all digital access.
Photo capture using the SenseCam was very useful in mapping out the daily
activities of the subjects over extended periods to build an understanding of
ordinary working days and events – and anything unforeseen. This guides the
investigator in organising shadowing, in focused interviewing about recent events,
e.g., unlogged information access. However the SenseCam was not very useful
when the subject was just sitting in front of a screen. The number of photos per day
is overwhelming, but automatic event detection [2] was an essential help.
However, tuning the event detection parameters did not always succeed perfectly.
As photos do not speak for themselves and voice was not recorded, interpretation
needs to come from the investigator’s understanding based on other methods.
Sometimes the SenseCam was forgotten on one’s desk or turned off.
As we can see, each method of data collection was incomplete and insufficient and
had potential biases. However, when used together they triangulate quite successfully.
More methods nevertheless mean more work, thus challenging the economics of the
study. While the automatic methods allow extended data collection, they cannot
replace shadowing unless the investigator is thoroughly acquainted with the task
processes (or they are very repetitive). However they indicate what is typical in the
data and thus allow the investigator to extrapolate from a limited sample of
thoroughly analyzed information access episodes.
Automatic experimental data collection tools may have usability problems when
applied in new environments. These include slowing down or entirely blocking web
access (PLogger), and suboptimal event detection or failing to output some days’
worth of photos (SenseCam). Good tools also have many properties that an
investigator does not easily learn about. Good balance between the effort required to
lean to use a device, its functionality and convenience of actual use is thus needed.
In future, it would be interesting to implement these data collection tools in
hospital setting to study the integration of the available information technologies with
the clinical work. Pictorial data (SenseCam) could help to come aware how the
technology should be designed instead of training people to adapt to poorly designed
technology. Further, clinical training could possibly benefit of the use of combination
of shadowing and SenseCam. In clinical training the interns could use the SenseCam
as a powerful tool to recall the learning situations.
8 Conclusions
To better mobilise health related information in molecular medicine requires the study
of researchers’ tasks and information access in the domain. Research into task-based
information access again requires multiple and often tedious means of data collection
for comprehensive understanding. As we pointed out, each particular method is
insufficient and incomplete, and thus triangulation between them is needed to increase
the reliability of findings. We focused on triangulating observation, logging and
SenseCam photographs. These sources yield a lot of data – the strength of the latter
two being automatic collection and the possibility of extending the date beyond what
one shadower can accomplish. However all methods are also intrusive in different
ways thereby introducing biases in the data. Shadowing may disturb, is very tedious
and challenging regarding the shadower’s knowledge but also invaluable for
understanding medical task performance (and interpreting the logs and photos). Logs
give an overview of information access, but may be incomplete and biased in various
ways. Search goals are impossible to interpret from the logs alone. SenseCam photos
and events give a valuable overview and structure for the study subject’s daily
activities. However, the current state of the art reveals no specifics on digital
information access, and human interpretation is always required based on an
understanding of the task processes. As these methods provide a large quantity of
valuable data, one needs good research questions as a life vest to avoid drowning in
them. Careful use of the methods will, however, provide a comprehensive basis for
developing information access in molecular medicine.
This work is supported by Microsoft Research under grant 2007-056, the Irish
Research Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology; by Science Foundation
Ireland under grant 07/CE/I1147; and by the Academy of Finland under grants
#120996 and, #124131, #204978.
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