6 Realization within the Modicas Software Framework
The suggested procedure was realized as plug-in of the surgical planning software
modiCAS-Planning which is a part of the modiCAS-Project. This project realizes the
complete chain of a surgical intervention.
Therefore it is possible to create a planning based on two- or three-dimensional
modalities. Afterwards the surgeon can be supported during the intervention by a mecha-
tronical assistant system.
The planning software is designed as a framework. Further it has a plug-in interface
to allow simple appending of new functions to the system. Additional the software has
an own scripting language to bind the operations of a planning or an intervention in
a workflow. The advantage of this workflow concept is the easy and fast method of
interaction. The user will be guided step by step and there is no need to select the next
function manually. To support the new functions of the plug-ins in a workflow, it is
although possible to extend the scripting language via plug-ins.
The plug-in which was developedto demonstrate the procedure is able to create line
planning-objects for the femoral axis and contour planning-objects for the corticalis
borders, which can be used for further planning steps.
A second plug-in was realized for semi-automatic scaling of radiographies. This
plug-in detects a round calibration body with the procedure suggested in [3]. The sug-
gested algorithm bases on the detection of vectors with opposite directions. If a calibra-
tion body is found, the plug-in creates a circle planning object which will be modified
by the user, if there is any need. After confirmation by the user the image will be scaled
to the correct size.
7 Discussion
The procedure was validated with twenty radiographies from five different X-ray equip-
ments for radiography. These images contain 29 femora which should be detected. The
results have been compared to manual created femoral axis.
It is enough to get some base points of the corticalis borders to compute the femur
axis. The pixel distance between these points depends on the image resolution and the
expected size of the bone. During this validation, the algorithm worked on each 10th
image row. The reason for this is the decreasing computing time which is important in
a semi-automatic assistant function to produce no time of waiting for the user.
It was possible to detect whether the image was a pelvic overview with two femora
or a single sided radiography. There was only one image with a detected quadruple
which doesn’t belong to a femur. Figure 8 shows the result of one of the images.
In the upper part of the femur, where the corticalis becomes smaller, not all quadruples
were found, but this makes no big difference concerning the calculation of the femoral
The detection of the outer corticalis contour was robust. On the inner side there are
5 of 29 femora with inaccuracies in one or two of the detected quadruples. In all of
these cases an inner contour point is moved too much in the direction of the femoral
center axis (Figure 9). Due to the low number of faulty points this has no consequence