like in common multi-touch applications as already
described in section 4.1. By using special extensions
of the standard X3D pointing sensor component, like
the new ”HypersurfaceSensor“ node that is described
in more detail in (Jung et al., 2008), it is thereby easy
to design and implement multi-touch applications.
In this paper we have presented two applications as an
example of how tabletop interfaces and multi-touch
can be used in 3D environments. We have exemplar-
ily explained some concepts of how to interact and
navigate in multi-touch environments, which might
also be useful for other areas like shipbuilding or ve-
hicle construction. We have shown that multi-touch
interaction can be both, interacting with more than
one or two fingers simultaneously, and also working
collaborative in a multi-user scenario. Moreover, we
have also pinpointed some problems concerning blob
detection and tracking and how to overcome them.
Multi-touch techniques are very promising since they
allow people to seamlessly interact with what they see
by simply touching it. It feels natural, and can lead to
more sophisticated interaction principles. Therefore,
new ways of generating immersion are possible.
Future work will focus on a more intuitive interac-
tion for the application’s camera movement function-
ality. Furthermore, we would also like to integrate
generic gesture recognition for e.g. selecting and fix-
ing a blueprint. As discussed, the user then does not
have to keep an almost static position of his fingers
during the navigation process, but can have some kind
of initiation and relaxation phase as described in (Wu
et al., 2006) while working with the application.
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GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications