The method was tested on 10 clinical cases without upper urinary tract
uromechanical obstruction. All patients underwent contrast media injection followed
by fluoroscopic imaging of 2-5 minutes interval. Semi-quantitative densitometry,
based on image normalization, was utilized to obtain information on the amount of
contrast media in the renal pelvis as a function of time. The clearance rate of the
contrast media was estimated in arbitrary units, by exponential fitting of the time-
dependence curves.
In all the investigated clinical cases, the clearance curves of the integrated radio-
density showed a similar kinetic trend. The integrated radio-density of the contrast
media decreased by 6±3% per minute, and area of contrast agent in the renal pelvis
decreased by 5±2% per minute. Exponential fitting of the density measurements
during the first 10 minutes of the test yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.94±0.02
with the clearances curve.
It was concluded that using the measurements during the initial phase of the
examination is sufficient to estimate the overall clearance rate of the injected contrast
material. This method will enable to estimate quantitatively the degree of upper
urinary tract obstruction, using a routine urological modality in clinical environments.
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