Minoru Nakayama and Jun Hoshito
CRADLE (The Center for Research and Development of Educational Technolgy)
Tokyo Institute of Technology, O-okayama 2–12–1, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152–8552, Japan
Web system, Semantic web, Course selection, Learning support, University education.
The authors proposed a support system for university students to create their own course schedules using se-
mantic web technology. The system provides course information, such as syllabus, students’ assessment scores
and reviews, which are RDF based ontology, while participants create their own course schedules. A proto-
type system was developed for course selections of two departments, and its effectiveness was determined.
As a result, the number of courses selected increased significantly, and participants’ subjective responses were
encouraged when they consulted the system.
The university students have to have core courses, but
they can also choose some optional courses which are
basic or advanced. Students seek to learn several dis-
ciplines in response to the needs of society. There-
fore, students seek a variety of information about
courses. There are some restrictions however, such
as the number of optional courses which can be cho-
sen. As a result, the course selection problem can
be defined as an optimization task where the effort
taken can benefit each student at the beginning of ev-
ery academic term. Students are afraid to lose any
course credits despite their academic efforts, so they
exchange opinions about their experiences and write
their impressions of courses using anonymous web
sites (Syushoku, 2002). This suggests that students
have to browse a number of web sites which include
various sources of information.
Some supporting systems have already developed
and considered the validation of curricula (Melia and
Pahl, 2007; Baldoni et al., 2007). Also students’ as-
sessment results and reviews for courses are required
for their satisfaction with courses. For these opera-
tions, semantic web technology (Berners-Lee et al.,
2001; Ossenbruggen et al., 2002) can be a powerful
tool for gathering related documents and reproducing
referable data. Semantic web technology has been ap-
plied to numerous educational tools which are based
on specific ontology (Kasai et al., 2005b; Kasai et al.,
In this paper, we propose a support system for uni-
versity students to create their own course schedules
each term using semantic web technology, where the
effectiveness of the system to promote course selec-
tion is examined while participants review their own
behavior. For this purpose, we have developed a pro-
totype of the system and conducted an evaluation ex-
2.1 Course Selection Support System
The proposed system for course selection support is
illustrated in Figure 1. The procedure for course se-
lection is displayed as a flow chart on the right side of
the figure. In the first step, students set their own plan-
ning policy for course registration, and they survey
course information. During this step, they need pre-
cise information and systematic support. Students re-
view their own course schedules and repeatedly revise
them using the system. To show the appropriate infor-
mation on a web browser, a semantic web system has
been developed. The system consists of the ontology
for university courses and some databases. Here, the
ontology defines the logical relationship between re-
quired data formats and databases (Mizoguchi, 2006).
The databases consist of following data:
Formal course information (syllabus)
Nakayama M. and Hoshito J.
DOI: 10.5220/0001816603890392
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Course assessment
Course ontology
curriculum data
Web sites for
course information
Planning for
course registration
Course selection
Evaluation of
course schedule
Final course schedule
Semantic Web
Figure 1: A diagram of the system.
Class period(1-8)
Control Engineering (3rd term)
Control Engineering (5th term)
Industrial Management (3rd term)
Industrial Management (5th term)
Course name
with assessment score
Color illustration
Red = <= 3.0
Yellow = >3.0 - <6.0
Blue = >6.0
Course Informtion
Student’ s comments
Figure 2: Screen shot of the system.
This is provided by university offices, and in-
cludes course names, information about teaching
staff, academic credit, course content, the require-
ments for students, and an assessment guideline.
Students can browse these on the university’s web
Course assessments
Assessments for each course are from anonymous
evaluations by students. These evaluations are
averaged to allow comparisons of usefulness be-
tween courses.
Student’s reviews
Student’s comments about courses: Impressions,
recommendations and criticisms are noted.
The first type of data can be obtained from the uni-
versity office, and some universities provide these via
their web sites. As the rest of the databases are dis-
tributed across the Internet (Syushoku, 2002), a pro-
cedure for referring to other web sites is required.
Also, since their data formats are not unified, they are
transformed into resources for the semantic web us-
ing RDF (Resource Description Framework) schema
(Kanzaki, 2005). The target information is extracted
from the RDF files using a program with SPARQL
(Simple Protocol And RDF Query Language) (Kan-
zaki, 2005), and is converted to files with XML tags
to facilitate browsing.
2.2 Web Interface of the System
A screen shot of the web interface for a course se-
lection support system using semantic web technol-
ogy is displayed in Figure 2. The left vertical sub-
window shows course information such as the syl-
labus. The horizontal column on the top-right side
of the panel shows class periods (1-8 per day), the
mid-right side shows the names of course available on
Monday, and the bottom-right side of the panel shows
names of course available on Tuesday. Here, this im-
age shows courses for two departments: Control En-
gineering and Industrial Management. This informa-
tion is commonly displayed on systems both with and
without semantic web technology. When the system
uses semantic web technology, review information is
also displayed in the left side vertical window. The
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
mean value of students’ assessment are indicated next
to course names, and the color of the background of
the course name is illustrated using a color to indicate
the level of usefulness, according to students’ evalua-
tions. This mean value is represented by three colors:
red = less than 3.0, yellow = from 3.0 to 6.0, and blue
= higher than 6.0. These color designations, which are
based on peers evaluations, may attract participant’s
attention during the selection of courses. When users
click the right mouse button of a course name, the in-
terface sends a query message to the semantic web
system and displays information about the course.
The system was developed in an integrated devel-
opment environment (eclipse 3.3), using JAVA.
The semantic web function was developed using
a Jena framework. This can work on Windows and
Linux platforms. Therefore, the system can be ac-
cessed using any type of browser.
3.1 Experimental Design
To determine the effectiveness of the semantic web
technology system, the performance of student’s
course schedule creation process is tested during an
experiment. Participants in this experiment were
asked to compare courses of two departments and
then create their own course schedules using the sys-
tem. The participants were 13 undergraduate level
students who were studying in the Control Engineer-
ing department. As seniors, they knew most of the
content of courses in their department. In this ex-
periment, the support system displayed all courses
in the spring term for the Control Engineering, and
Industrial Management departments. If the courses
were recommended for sophomores or junior stu-
dents, these recommendations were clearly displayed
as spring term courses (3rd and 5th terms) in Fig. 2.
Our hypothesis is that students select some In-
dustrial Management courses in addition to courses
in their own department (Control Engineering), since
most students would like to extend the range of their
education to various disciplines when the system
can provide sufficient course information for them to
make informed decisions.
It was not easy to gather enough information about
all of the courses which were displayed on the system
in this experiment. Therefore, the review comments
for some courses surveyed for this experiment used
a reviewing system developed in advance. For the
courses in the Industrial Management department, 8
disparate senior students who were students in that
Total number
of courses
Without Sematic Web
With Semantic Web
0 2 4 6 8 10
Number of courses
Figure 3: Mean number of courses chosen.
department rated all of the courses. Their scores
and review comments were stored in an experimen-
tal database.
3.2 Procedure
All 13 participants were asked to create their own
course schedule twice, once using the system and
once using a system without a semantic web function.
The procedure was as follows:
1. Instruction of the experiment’s aim to partici-
2. Questionnaires about learning attitudes (1st)
3. Creation of a course schedule without a semantic
web function system
4. Break
5. Creation of course schedule with a semantic web
function system
6. Questionnaire about learning attitudes (2nd)
To evaluate system performance, the following met-
rics were gathered and analyzed.
The number of courses selected
The number of courses of each department which
were selected (steps 3 and 5).
Questionnaire about learning attitudes
The participants were asked to rate their own
learning attitudes twice using 6 questionnaires
with 4 point scales, before and after the experi-
ment (steps 2 and 6).
4.1 Effect on Course Selection
The number of courses chosen during each experi-
mental session is summarized in Figure 3. For the first
session (without semantic web), most courses chosen
were related to Control Engineering, the participants’
Mean scale score
1 2 3 4
Interest in
the other department
Voluntary course
Interest in
Industrial Management
Easiness of planning
course schedules
Time devoted to
the other department
Strength of
perceived utility of
taking a course
Figure 4: Mean score for learning attitude questionnaires.
own department. The number of courses for Indus-
trial Management was less than 30% of total courses
When participants could refer to course informa-
tion using a semantic web, the number of courses
chosen for both departments were comparable. This
suggests that the number of courses chosen for Con-
trol Engineering decreased significantly (t(12)=3.4,
p < 0.01), while the number for Industrial Manage-
ment increased significantly (t(12)=3.1, p < 0.01).
The total number of courses chosen were comparable
because there was a restriction for choosing courses.
This suggests that course selection shifts to an
other department’s courses when the semantic web
shows detailed course information.
4.2 Attitude Change of Participants
The response for learning attitude questionnaires is
summarized in Figure 4. At the beginning of the ex-
periment, the means of all responses were distributed
in the neutral range, between 2 and 3 on a 4 points
scale. At the end of the experiment, the means for re-
sponses of 4 out of 6 questionnaires responses were
higher than 3.0. The scores for 4 questionnaires were
significantly higher than the previous scores. There-
fore, this system may encourageparticipants’ involve-
ment, such as is shown in ”Interest in the other depart-
ment” (t(12)=3.4, p < 0.01), ”Voluntary course selec-
tion” (t(12)=3.3, p < 0.01). For ”Interest in Industrial
Management department courses” (t(12)=2.6, p <
0.05) and ”Easiness of planning course schedules”
(t(12)=2.5, p < 0.05), the means for the responses
after the experiment using semantic web technology
were also significantly higher than were the means for
the 1st responses.
This suggests that the system support may affect
student’s attitudes and actions regarding course selec-
tion. The participants had some interest in courses of
the other departments, however, further study of this
will be required.
To determine the effectiveness of a support system,
which can provide course information including stu-
dents’ assessments and reviews, to help university
students create their own course schedules using se-
mantic web technology, a prototype system was de-
veloped for course selection support for two depart-
ments: Control Engineering and Industrial Manage-
In the results, the number of courses in Industrial
Management which participants in the Control Engi-
neering department chose increased significantly, and
subjectiveresponses about their attitudes and interests
were encouraged when they consulted a system which
had semantic web functions.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies