Elisabete Morais, José Adriano Pires
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal
Ramiro Gonçalves
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes, Vila Real, Portugal
Keywords: E-Business, Maturity, Stages of growth, Information Technology.
Abstract: Maturity models describe the maturing of the use of information systems in organizations. They are a useful
framework to describe an organization’s current position as well as a range of possible position in the future
in terms of their e-business maturity. The relationship between Information Technology (IT) and e-business
maturity is examined. We used a model of e-business maturity, Stages Of Growth for e-business (SOGe)
model, to put an organization in a maturity stage. In our survey we presented a set of technologies and we
asked to enterprises which of them are implemented, in development, planned or inexistent. We concluded
that there is a strongly correlation between IT implementation and the e-business maturity.
Whether IT is considered in strategic terms or not, it
is generally accepted that the management efforts
surrounding the technology play a pivotal role in
ensuring its successful use (Booth and Philip, 2005).
The primary issue with any strategic tool is the
degree that its usage benefits the user. Yet, strategic
tools are often employed with little concrete
understanding of the advantages they engender
(Stone et al., 2007). It is popular to consider that the
usage of technology provides high returns, some
authors suggests this is not always true (Macmillan,
1997), (Grover et al., 1998). Technologies can, in
fact, have uncertain, little or no impact on
profitability (O’Sullivan, 1998), calling into question
how such strategic decisions are assessed
(Torkzadeh and Doll, 1999) and the reassessment IT
value (Tallon et al., 2000).
While IT is credited with enhancing productivity
(Anandarajan et al., 2000), it remains less clear to
what degree productivity from using IT is rewarding
in a competitive environment since a variety of
components must be used effectively to ensure
quality usage. As a result, since some time that
theme in IT research focuses on understanding
linkages between IT and its impact on performance
(Griswold, 1998). E-business IT investments have
many potential uses, such as enhancing customer
marketing and sales relationships or facilitating the
acquisition of the input goods to production (Kleist,
Providing a linkage between some IT use and
impacts on e-business maturity is the focus for the
study presented in this paper.
Our purpose in this paper is to know the e-
business maturity of the Portuguese enterprises and
identifying what is the IT used by these enterprises
and which is the correlation between the technology
and e-business maturity.
2.1 Definition of e-Business
The terminology involved within the field of
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
usage on the Internet is vast and contradictory. Two
frequently used terms are e-commerce and e-
business. Kalakota and Whinston (1996) define e-
commerce as the “… buying and selling of
information, products and services via computer
networks”. Laudon and Travel (2006) define e-
commerce as the “use of the Internet and the Web to
transact business”. Others argue that e-business
Morais E., Pires J. and GonÃ
galves R.
DOI: 10.5220/0001817005550558
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
encompasses the entire word of internal and external
electronically based activities, including e-
commerce (Kalakota and Robinson, 2003). In the
scope of this paper we used the definition of e-
business given by Kalakota and Robinson (2003).
2.2 The Stages Concept Maturity
in e-Business
The stages theory provides an insight into the way
IT evolves in organizations, and offers IT
management the possibility of managing this
complex phenomenon (Khandelwal and Ferguson,
Nolan’s stages hypothesis first appeared in the
70’s, bringing with a series of debates and
arguments on the validity and viability of the stages
concept in Information Systems (IS). After the first
model (Nolan, 1973), various models appeared.
More recently, with the emergence of the
Internet and e-commerce, several stages of growth
models were formulated to describe the various
phases involved in moving towards greater
sophistication with the respect to the use and
management of Information Systems/Information
Technology in the new e-commerce environment.
Amongst these are the electronic commerce maturity
model (KPMG, 1997); Grant’s Model (Grant, 1999);
the maturity model of McKay et al., (2000); the
model of Earl (2000); the SOG-e Model (Prananto et
al., 2001); the model of Rayport and Jaworski
(2002); the model of Rao et al. (2003) and the model
of Chan and Swatman (2004).
After comparing the models, we chose the SOGe
Model, in order to explain the e-business maturity in
the context of the Portuguese enterprises.
To compare the models we used the comparative
framework to evaluate e-business stages of growth
models (Morais et al., 2007).
As with all other stages of growth models, the
SOGe model assumes that a normal progression is
from a less mature stage to an increasing
sophistication over time (Prananto et al., 2003).
3.1 Data Collection
A survey technique was used to collect data.
Prior to distribution, a series of pilot tests were
conducted with a group of 10 information system
director enterprises from a range of businesses and a
group of 5 PhD students. After the questionnaire had
been finalized, it was administered to 1000
managing directors of the biggest (according to
amount of business) Portuguese enterprises. A total
of 1000 presentation letters of the questionnaire
were sent by post. This presentation letter and e-mail
referred the website, the login and password for the
survey. The presentation letters of the questionnaire
were distributed in November 2007.
3.2 Sample
Within the cut-off date, set at 3 weeks after the
survey was distributed, there were 208 returned
questionnaires. Of the 208 questionnaires, 40 were
eliminated from the sample, because they were
incompletes. Effectively, 168 usable responses were
included in the sample for further analysis,
representing a good response rate at 16,8%. This is
well above the normal low response rate of 5-10%
for a postal survey (Alreck and Settle, 1985),
(Barnett, 1991).
4.1 Demographics
The sample is characterized by values on several
variables that are displayed in table 1. The
respondents self-reported all the demographic values
that are reported.
Table 1: The demographics for the sample.
7,3% 5,5% 14,6% 22,6%
Education Level
Higher education (%)
Post Graduation
Secondary School (%)
57,6% 29,7% 12,7%
Number of employees
1-50 (%)
51-250 (%) 251-500 (%) 501-1000
28,1% 18,8% 23,1% 18,1%
Yes (%)
No (%)
Within the sample, 50% are directors, 7,3%
general directors, 5,5% administrators, 14,6%
executives and 22,6% have other function in
enterprise. The majority of the cases are responsible
for Information Systems (IS) department. In the
sample we have 40% with less than 250 employees,
condition in Portugal to be SME. But this only
happens when the amount of business is minor than
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
50 000 000 Euros and the active also minor than 43
000 000 Euros. Within the sample, none of them is
SME. 83% indicated the website and 17% do not
4.2 Relationship between IT and
e-Business Maturity
In figure 1 we can see that almost half of the sample
is between stage 5 and 6 and only 26% are in the
two first maturity stages.
e-business maturity
Stag e 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
Figure 1: E-business maturity of the biggest Portuguese
The respondents were questioned about a set of
technologies: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP),
Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply
Chain Management (SCM), Data warehouse,
Business Intelligence (BI), Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI), Business-to-Business (B2B),
Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-
Government (B2G), Workflow, Groupware and
Knowledge Management (KM). The respondents
could choose one of the following options:
implemented, in development, planned or inexistent.
Besides these options the respondents could also add
other technologies used by the companies.
In order to explore the relationship between each
technology and the maturity, we used the Spearman
Correlation test. Both the variables are ordinal, the
maturity is an ordinal variable with values from one
to six (corresponding to the stage one to six) and the
IT is an ordinal variable with values from one to
four (corresponding to implemented, in
development, planned and inexistent, respectively).
The results of the test they are shown in table 2.
Table 2: Spearman Correlation test between IT and
Correlation coefficient -,259(**)
Sig ,001
N 164
Correlation coefficient -,479(**)
Sig ,000
N 158
Correlation coefficient -,458(**)
Sig ,000
N 157
Correlation coefficient -,423(**)
Sig ,000
N 160
Correlation coefficient -,438(**)
Sig ,000
N 155
Correlation coefficient -,381(**)
Sig ,000
N 158
Correlation coefficient -,667(**)
Sig ,000
N 155
Correlation coefficient -,559(**)
Sig ,000
N 148
Correlation coefficient -,491(**)
Sig ,000
N 146
Correlation coefficient -,424(**)
Sig ,000
N 157
Correlation coefficient -,420(**)
Sig ,000
N 147
Correlation coefficient -,428(**)
Sig ,000
N 147
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level
The test results lead us to conclude that in all
technologies the correlation with the maturity is
significant at 1%. That is, the higher the maturity
stage is, the bigger is the probability of the
technology being implemented, and the less the
maturity stage is, the higher is the probability of the
non-existence of the technology.
The strongest correlation is with B2B and the
weakest is with ERP, however, all of them are
significant at the 0,01 level. The maturity and the IT
above referred are not independent.
We also made the correlation between all the
technologies and the enterprise dimension (number
of employees), and through the results of the test we
concluded that the variable number of employees is
not independent from the IT.
Understanding to what degree a strategic tool
benefits the organization is a critical issue (Stone et
al., 2007). Moreover, understanding to what degree a
strategic tool benefits the e-business maturity is also
a crucial matter. We cannot conclude which is the
degree, but with our survey we can conclude that
there is a correlation between some technologies and
the maturity of the e-business, being that some have
an almost perfect correlation.
In the last few years several initiatives have been
taken in Portugal and, at the end of 2005, the
Technological Plan was launched. This plan,
included in a broader plan - the National Action
Program for Growth and Jobs, 2005-2008 - is based
on three main axes: knowledge, technology and
Summing up, considering all the technologies we
can conclude that they are not independent from the
maturity variable, nor of the dimension of the
enterprise. The more employees the enterprise has
and the bigger maturity stage is, the greater is the
probability to have the technologies implemented.
Our survey was implemented in the 1000 biggest
Portuguese enterprises. It would also be interesting
to apply it to SME and for activity sectors.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies