A Semantic Abstraction Layer
Frédéric Hallot
and Wim Mees
Department CISS, Royal Militatary Academy (RMA),Av de la Renaissance, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
STARLab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Pleinlaan 1,1000 Brussels, Belgium
Keywords: Semantic, Abstraction, Interoperability, Ontology, Multilingualism, Layer, Framework, SAL, VLF.
Abstract: In a previous paper, we presented the concept of the Semantic Abstraction Layer (SAL) as a theoretical
abstraction aiming to solve some recurrent design problems related to semantics and multilingualism. In this
paper, after a short recall of what a SAL is, we present the Virtual Language Framework (VLF), which is
our implementation of the SAL concept. We present two approaches for implementing the VLF, one
centralized and the other decentralized. We discuss their advantages and drawbacks and then present our
solution, which combines both strategies. We end with a short description of an ongoing project at the Royal
Military Academy of Belgium where the VLF is used in the context of a disaster management information
Currently the Web is primarily developed by
humans (and web applications) for humans. In the
paper (Berners-Lee, 2001) that originated the
Semantic Web (Daconta, 2003), Tim Berners-Lee
announced the emergence of a new, parallel web that
would be made by the machines for the machines. A
lot of efforts already exists on the Web in order to
help humans understand each other across language
boundaries (Wikipedia, Wordnet, Babelfish, ..., to
cite only a few of them). Unfortunately they are
aimed at human people usage, leaving space for
interpretation, which humans can do, but not
machines, at least not today. The main goal of the
PhD research entitled "Multilingual Semantic Web
Services" (Hallot, 2005) is to search how we could
provide a better comprehension (interoperability)
between applications, programs, computer agents
used (developed) by people having different
cultures, locale, languages. The subject of this thesis
initially focused on the Semantic Web and thus on
ontologies (computer science). We rapidly
discovered though, that semantic interoperability
between applications was a cross-cutting concern
that spanned most domains of computer sciences and
not only ontologies. We pointed out that fact in
(Hallot, 2008) where we developed the concept of
Semantic Abstraction Layer (SAL). The SAL should
provide an indirection layer between every possible
combination of computer applications, files,
schemas, ... and the concepts and relationships they
are working with (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: SAL - An indirection layer (from Hallot, 2008).
The SAL is a theoretical abstraction, pointing the
need for applications to be able to share concepts
without any ambiguity, without the need for a
subjective interpretation. The second important
development of the mentioned PhD thesis will be the
development of the Virtual Language Framework
(VLF). The VLF will provide one implementation of
a SAL. The concept of VLF was briefly presented in
(Hallot, 2008) and will be developed further in this
Hallot F. and Mees W.
VIRTUAL LANGUAGE FRAMEWORK (VLF) - A Semantic Abstraction Layer.
DOI: 10.5220/0001818203930398
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Introduction
Having defined the Semantic Abstraction Layer, it is
now the time to implement it. Our implementation
will be called the Virtual Language Framework
But before beginning, we would like to point out
that it is our intention to formalize the VLF and to
develop it as an open source initiative. The
formalization of the VLF though will not be part of
this paper, but will be the main focus of a later one.
2.2 VLF Goals
The main goal of the VLF should be to promote
semantic interoperability: this means sharing
concepts across companies, organizations, languages
and cultural boundaries. It would also allow user
communities to build an ever growing open,
language and culture independent reference sets of
concepts and relationships.
A second goal, which could be looked upon as a
side-effect of the previous one, consists in
promoting concept reusability: this would allow
companies not having to reinvent the wheel each
time they have to develop new Information Systems
or Computer Applications.
2.3 VLF Basic Requirements
The VLF must be a framework allowing everyone,
every company, organization or even community to
create their own Virtual Language(s) (VL). Every
VL will be shared and open for access to everyone
via web services (SOAP and REST). VL should at
least permit to handle concepts and binary
Taking the basic requirements into account, we
will next discuss possible approaches for defining
and developing the Virtual Language Framework.
2.4 Possible Approaches for
Implementing the VLF
2.4.1 A Centralized Architecture
A first strategy for developing the VLF would be to
implement a centralized architecture, leaving the
whole responsibility of each VL to those who
created it. In this option, we can imagine a VL as
two different sets. A set of Unique Concept ID's
(UCID) and a set of Unique Relationship ID's
(URID) (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: VLF - base sets of a centralized VL.
The VLF should then provide tools (for instance
a web based application) in order to manage all the
data (see Figure 3) which describes and represents
the concepts identified by their UCID.
Figure 3: VLF - Concepts data managed by the VLF.
In a similar fashion, relationships should be
manageable by the VLF. For the time being, we only
intend to implement binary, bidirectional
relationships between concepts that can thus be
followed in both directions (e.g. Imagine a
Relationship that binds the Concept "Professor
Meersman" and the Concept "the Database course".
Readings must be provided in both directions:
Professor Meersman teaches the Database course"
and "The Database course is given by Professor
The dual reading is the reason why we intend to
treat concepts and relationships differently within
the VLF. The restriction of relationships to binary
ones is sufficient as it has been shown in (Halpin,
1995) that n-ary relationships can be non-loss
decomposed in a set of binary ones.
Hence RDF
triples (Daconta, 2003) and DOGMA Lexons
(Jarrar, 2002) exclusively rely on binary
relationships in order to build the fact base of their
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 4: VLF - Application relying on a centralized VLF.
The VLF should provide an external access to
the data regarding concepts and relationships, ideally
through web services (SOAP and REST). This
should allow for the development of applications
that share the same UCID's but each choose their
preferred representations for the concepts based on
the type of application, the locale, restrictions
imposed by the type of user interface (e.g. mobile
phone versus desktop PC) or even the end user's
preference. It is also interesting to note that
representations of concepts should not be confined
to linguistic labels but to all possible multimedia
representations (symbol, picture, movies and even
sounds) (see Figure 4).
A centralized control has several advantages:
It allows companies and organizations to
standardize the concepts and relationships used
in their applications.
It helps to control the integrity of the VL data
and to provide a certain level of quality
It also allows envisaging some access control
(parental control, private data ...).
It finally helps to provide some credibility
according to the authority controlling the
Virtual Language: this allows users to trust
(rely on) the VL data and a certain level of
their quality.
It nevertheless implies several drawbacks:
Defining and maintaining a complete set of
concepts is a titanic work, which means that
only big companies and organizations could
afford to create VL's. Probably neither a
company nor an organization exists that could
handle the translation of the concepts in every
possible locale. Furthermore, what would
happen if the "owner" of the VL lost interest in
the VL but a large community of users still like
to continue using it and having it evolve to fit
future needs?
The proprietary aspect from this centralized
strategy could refrain a lot of actors to embrace
this technology.
Hosting a VL asks a consequent investment in
terms of hardware and bandwidth, growing
with the number of users.
High availability is essential and backups are
Some big companies and organizations which
transcend the linguistic boundaries could be
interested in keeping full control over the VL's they
develop for their own purpose.
But the main goal of the VLF consists in
promoting semantic interoperability and this goal is
in this case not met.
VIRTUAL LANGUAGE FRAMEWORK (VLF) - A Semantic Abstraction Layer
Figure 5: A decentralized strategy.
2.4.2 A Decentralized Architecture
Another possible architecture for the VLF could be a
decentralized one. Indeed, at one hand, the important
costs associated with the centralized architecture
could prevent this to emerge, and at the other hand,
communities have proven the ability to conjointly
manage big quantities of data by letting each user
bring his or her contribution (e.g. Wikepedia, Flickr,
social bookmarking sites,...).
We can imagine the VLF as a Framework
allowing Communities of Interest (COI) to share the
semantic of the concepts in which they have an
interest by creating a peer-to-peer network, where
each member of the community would eventually
define some representation for the concepts and
inherit from the representations defined by all other
users (see Figure 5).
The decentralized control also has several
The community rules: social networking has
shown that a lot of good information can grow
out of virtual communities where a lot of
people each treat a limited amount of
Translations in even very minor languages
(with respect to the number of users on earth)
would happen a soon as some of its users are a
member of the COI. KDE (one of the unix
windowing system) has proven to have more
translation than Microsoft Windows, because it
relies of some small communities that provide
the translations).
High redundancy of the data, which means
high availability and few risks of irreversible
loss of data.
Nevertheless, it has some drawbacks too:
There are some difficulties to bootstrap new
How to know which COI exists? How do you
let know about the concepts for people outside
the COI? This means that some search
mechanism is needed (flooding: limited
horizon filtering the more obscure terms).
How to deal with several COI at the same
It doesn't prevent that a same concept can exist
in different COI, and if so, how is it possible to
discover identical concepts in other COI?
Risk of erroneous interpretations that lead to
bad translation, and therefore how to trust
translations in languages people don't master.
The goal of promoting semantic interoperability
would be achieved, but some big companies or
organizations would be very reluctant to accept
relying on uncontrolled community provided data
for their applications.
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Figure 6: Geo-hazards management tool - A VLF Application.
2.4.3 Solution: A Mixed Architecture
As we have seen in the centralized and as in the
decentralized approach, there are some pro's and
contra's for both architectures. This is why we are
proposing a mixed solution, where the VLF would
allow creating Virtual Languages which are
completely centralized, fully decentralized or offer
an in between data management solution allowing at
the same time some centrally controlled data and at
the same time some delocalized data enrichments.
Although more complex to elaborate, this solution
should allow us to merge the benefits of both
described architectures, and hence to enlarge the
potential field of VLF's users. The formalization of
the mixed architecture of the Virtual Language
Framework will be described in a following paper.
One of the long term goals at the Signal and Image
Center (SIC) from the Royal Military Academy
(RMA) of Belgium consists in the elaboration of a
Crisis Management Information System (CMIS)
(Mertens, 2006) (Mertens, 2007). This goal is
progressively achieved by starting projects whose
objectives are to bring new parts to the CMIS.
One ongoing project in this framework is called
"Development of a Geo-hazards Management tool"
(project number C4-16). In the context of crisis
management, it is important to be able to (geo-)
localize the information and knowledge related to
the phenomenon of interest (Closson, 2005)
(Closson, 2007). In order to collect the information,
a field expert is sent to the region of interest. He
uses a GPS device in order to determine the location
of his measurements and a camera in order to record
evidence of the hazards that will help the decision
makers to acquire a better knowledge of the situation
on the ground. He also takes some notes in order to
further describe the situation and keeps track of the
position and orientation of each picture (Closson,
2005). Currently, the geographer has to compile
manually all the information gathered during one
day, in the evening, at his hotel. The elaboration of
the CMIS tool (see Fig. 6) has two main goals. First
it must help the geographer to integrate all the
information he gets from his different sources
(devices) in real time when he is in the field. Not
only would this make him more productive since it
helps him to save time, but furthermore it avoids
transcription errors and omissions (due to the delay).
Moreover, the use of the VLF in order to
annotate (tag) the geo-hazards should help the expert
to collect, store and manage the information at a
higher abstraction level than the linguistic one.
Indeed, by essence, in many regions of the world, a
crisis management information system will most
often be used by people from different nationalities,
speaking different languages and having a different
cultural background. Although it is convenient to
expect from all collaborators to speak English, the
reality proves frequently that this is far from being
the case. For this CMIS tool, two virtual languages
will be created, one for the Graphical User Interface
and one for the Geo-Hazards terminology.
We initially plan to control the VLF in a
centralized fashion, but over time, one can hope that
the virtual languages would be adopted and
subsequently extended by a user community.
VIRTUAL LANGUAGE FRAMEWORK (VLF) - A Semantic Abstraction Layer
We already think about the future extensions of the
VLF, once the VLF will have reached a certain level
of maturity and use.
A first extension will be the creation of another
framework allowing for the development of
taxonomies based on the VLF. This framework will
logically be called the Virtual Language Taxonomy
Framework (VLTF) and would allow us to develop
taxonomies at a higher level of abstraction than
spoken language, and that would allow to create
some classification for which translations in all
human languages (even latin) would be
straightforward and unambiguous.
Following the same logic, the Virtual Language
Ontology Framework (VLOF) will help to create
ontologies which will completely rely on Virtual
Languages, as well for the concepts as for the
relationships. This means that all the facts (lexons
(Jarrar, 2002) ,(Spyns, 2004)) of the ontologies will
stand at a higher level of abstraction than those from
currently designed ontologies which completely rely
on linguistic labels.
Although a lot of work still needs to be done, there
is conviction at the Royal Military Academy of
Belgium that an efficient use of the VLF will help us
to factor most semantic and linguistic matters out of
most of the projects relying on information
technologies. The definition of the Semantic
Abstraction Layer was a very important first step in
order to point out the semantic problems that a lot of
people within the computer science community are
facing. The elaboration of the Virtual Language
Framework in order to implement the SAL is a
second important step in the direction of semantic
interoperability. The formalization of the Virtual
Language Framework will be the next important step
and will also be published in the form of a paper or
article. It is our wish to open the specifications of the
VLF in an open source context, in order to let the
community collaborate with us in its future
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies