Planning of resource allocation is increasingly
significant for road transport companies due to
tightened EU regulations related to drivers’ work
and rest time legislation, increasing number of
product-specific special requirements and increasing
control by digital systems. Therefore transportation
chains and single operations must be based on
detailed plans, follow-up and information exchange.
Proactive planning is essential also from
environmental and economical perspectives.
Continuously rising fuel costs forms increasingly
significant cost item, which presuppose effective
resource planning and utilisation. Transportation
industry is a significant source of emissions, too.
Climate change discussion emphasise the
clarification of carbon footprint for supply chain
operations and the proactive planning of transport
operations in order to reduce fuel consumption and
Results indicate that road transport companies
are usually not in a genuine partnership position in
supply chain operations. There are a plenty of other
features related to partnership relationship, which
are not discussed here in detail. For example,
cooperation in business planning toward common
target, shared interest in profitability of cooperation,
and reliable and open discussion connection between
supply chain partners are fundamental collaboration
forms that occur relatively seldom in the supply
chain management between industrial or trade
partners and road transport industry in Finland.
Purpose of the study was to examine the logistic
system level factors that affect the operation of road
transports. Attractiveness, competitiveness and
development of road transport industry have been as
a main interest. The main purpose has been to
examine the partnership relationships related to road
transports. Results indicate that there are many
requirements for reorganising the transport industry
in Finland in order to provide wide variety of high
quality logistic services. Changes anticipate a
development towards a genuine partnership position
with trade and industry. A further study of basic
conditions of genuine partnership operations
between road transport companies and its customers
would be needed to define, what kind of elements
are essential, how information exchange and
management should be solved and how the goals for
cooperation could be set. This approach would
provide deeper analysis of the role of road transport
companies in the supply chain management and the
development process towards a genuine partnership
This research work will continue with next phase
studying the future development of road transport
industry specialising in operation models and
availability and qualifications of work force. This
research phase has started in March 2008 and will be
completed at the beginning of 2009.
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