4 Conclusions
The approach described in the paper attempts to use a digital filter to have a “black-
box” model of the heart and the cardiovascular system of a patient. This digital filter
generates the impulse responses which match with periodic ABP signal waveforms
starting with ECG signal impulses. The pole & zero patterns of the modeled digital
system can be displayed in PZ plots. As poles and zeros are critical points on Z plan
to determine the characteristics of a digital system, the PZ plots of the models of
patients are believed to carry important information about the conditions of the car-
diovascular system under monitoring. The visual PZ plot with tunable resolution can
be displayed with original synchronized ABP and ECG signals to assist doctor in
operation monitoring or illness diagnosis. This model also can be used to gain in-
sights about human heart function and cardiovascular system in further modeling.
The resolution has been tested in simulations and the different impacts on PZ plot
have been observed. While some of the plots with very low resolution appear to have
“lost” some information in zeros, the ones with too high resolution tends to “bury”
the information in clogged plots. The regenerated signal waveform from the model is
shown to be close representative of the original raw signal samples.
Further investigation undergoing are in terms of how much sensitivity would the
PZ plots to reveal the subtle irregularities associated with cardiovascular diseases and
the DSP chip implementation of the model and PZ pattern real-time display in mo-
bile/portable blood pressure monitors.
The University of North Florida, in conjunction with the Mayo Clinic at Jacksonville,
has embarked in an effort to apply signal and system theory of digital signal process-
ing to data collected at the St. Luke’s Hospital in order to gain insights into the be-
havior of the heart system. Special thanks to Dr. Tim Shine in the patient data acqui-
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