Jarkko Rantala
Senior Researcher, D. Sc. (Tech.), Department of Business Information Management and Logistics
Tampere University of Technology, P.O. Box 541, 33101 Tampere, Finland
Keywords: e-Business, Supply chain management, Transportation.
Abstract: Information society has been anticipated to have many effects on the demand for transport. The effects of
the information society have been assessed to be relatively complicated, indicating on the one hand a
generative and addictive effect and on the other hand substitution and modification effects. Information
technology and its many applications such as electronic data transfer has accelerated the globalisation and
integration of markets and given rise to more complicated and sophisticated supply chain solutions. Many of
these tendencies are likely to support longer transport distances, higher delivery frequencies, faster
deliveries, and smaller delivery sizes. Electronic business models have strengthened these recent logistics
trends although in principle e-business solutions should lead to cost-effective and environment friendly
supply chains.
The importance of electronic commerce is on the
increase in almost all areas of trade and industry.
The development of information technology has also
influenced the work patterns and structures of
electronic retailing affecting both travel behaviour
and distribution structures. In this research paper the
focus is on e-business solutions, supply chain
solutions and freight transportation part of the whole
research project.
A few decades ago information technology was
anticipated to have a mainly substitutive effect on
the demand for physical transport. Communications
technology was expected to reduce the demand for
passenger travel and make distribution transport
more effective. At the moment there is relatively
little empirical evidence of the substitution effects of
information technology. On the other hand the
information society and its various ICT applications
have been found to have a generating and modifying
effect on the demand for physical transport. (Kärnä,
2001) In general, the information age seems to have
a more diverse and complicated effect on the
demand for physical transport than was suggested at
the beginning of the fast development in information
and communications technology (ICT). Although
empirical findings are to some extent contradictory,
it is very likely that the information society affects
travel patterns and distribution structures, as well as
land use and regional development.
In this study some recent findings of the effects
of the information society on the transport demand
have been collected and analysed with reference to
both the need for personal travel and urban freight
transport. The anticipated changes in travel demand
by 2020 have been examined with three different
social scenarios in Tampere Region (305000
inhabitants) in Finland with a regional traffic model.
The scenarios studied are Virtual Society, Eco-
Society and Experience Society. As a baseline
scenario the study also included a business-as-usual
scenario for a transportation system. These different
scenarios have been utilised as input data for the
transportation generation model, transport system
development and destination choice variables.
From urban freight delivery systems point of
view delivery traffic has a major influence on
congestion and air quality in central urban areas.
Delivery traffic accounts for a relatively small
amount of the total vehicle mileage, but it has a
significant role in the negative effects of transport.
The share of commercial vehicles is on average 10-
20 % of the traffic flow. Delivery traffic in the urban
areas consists mostly of grocery retail, wholesale
Rantala J.
DOI: 10.5220/0001819305630566
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
trade and the construction industry. (Ogden, 1992;
Ministry of Transport and Communications, 1999)
The main rush hours of grocery deliveries are at the
same time as the passenger traffic rush hours,
between 7 and 9 a.m. (Ministry of Transport and
Communications, 1999). An important consequence
of the development of logistics, electronic commerce
and telecommunications is the consolidation options
for deliveries of different suppliers, which can lead
to higher load factors and less vehicle mileage.
Consolidation entails planning the logistics services
to respond to the customer demand and consumers’
consumption habits.
The structure of economic life, urban form, and
the demand for delivery transports has recently
undergone changes which have been anticipated to
continue. The changes are partly due to changes in
the logistics structure, for example JIT (just-in-time)
warehousing and supply chain management
strategies, which have decreased warehousing and
increased delivery frequencies. Electronic commerce
has been anticipated to increase the delivery
frequencies and direct them partly to end-users,
which implies new challenges for delivery planning.
Changes in the operating environment increase the
complexity of delivery models and also shorten their
lifespan (D’Este, 2000).
The supply chains of products have traditionally
been planned to have on direction; the purpose has
been to integrate the process from raw materials
acquisition to the final product delivered to the end-
customer. Several approaches have been developed
for this purpose, for example SCM (Supply Chain
Management), ECR (Efficient Consumer Response),
and the networking strategies attached to these
approaches. Nowadays an assessment of
environmental effects is part of almost all production
processes and many companies have developed
environmental management systems to be able to
evaluate environmental effects comprehensively.
The concept of green logistics includes
environmental impact assessment in each part of the
supply chain and completes the logistical chain with
reverse logistics including recycling and reusing
flows of products, by-products and, for example,
packaging materials. The purpose is to reduce
transport demand with, for example, by planning the
packages and distribution channels and taking the
market area into account in locating the production
facilities. Green logistics is geared towards the
development of environmentally friendly products
and production methods. (Wu and Dunn, 1995)
The increased use of information technology in
logistics and leaner production and warehousing
strategies has increased the customer requirements
for time, precision and flexibility of deliveries.
Growing accuracy and time requirements may
increase the demand for vehicle mileage and lead to
customised deliveries, where a small delivery batch
is transported directly to the customer. Increased
requirements may therefore increase the
environmental effects and costs, especially in the
distribution chain of the retail grocery trade, where
the share of transport-related environmental effects
is already relatively high.
IPCC (2007) defined the increasing demand for
freight transport as one of the most important target
areas in the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions
from transport. The energy consumption of transport
has been predicted to increase, especially in aviation
and shipping. As the globalising markets and
logistical trends promote the increase of
international freight transport demand, information
society applications also affect the energy supply
and climate change objectives.
Changes in the business environment and production
structure affect the demand for goods transports.
Manufacturing industries are mostly transport
intensive business areas, where a cost-effective and
reliable transport system is one of the most
important requirements. Electronic data transfer and
the fast development of information technology have
markedly affected the business environment in the
last ten years. This development offered an
opportunity to use and improve increasingly
effective business control systems and increased the
amount of real-time information and therefore more
dynamic business processes.
As the markets and operations of companies are
becoming more global, production and logistics
structures are planned on a new basis. Production
processes have also become more focused as
companies retain the same number of plants but
increase the degree of plant specialisation.
At the moment there are several potential
business models in e-commerce. Usually companies
use Internet-based services as electronic shops. E-
commerce solutions are used increasingly as
effective marketing channels. Business-to-customer
solutions have attracted a lot of attention in recent
years, but they still have a relatively small, although
increasing, role in the market. The use of business-
to-business solutions are more advanced and trading
between companies has partly moved to the Internet.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Although long term contracts are mostly made in a
traditional way, the physical orders and planning of
supply chains have been transferred into electronic
form. This trend has increased real-time operations
and made business processes more dynamic in
enterprise networks.
Electronic business models have strengthened
the recent logistic trends for smaller delivery
entities, higher delivery frequencies, and more
demanding requirements of punctuality and
reliability in transport chains. Transport distances
have a tendency to increase, partly because e-
business does not usually need as multi-level a
delivery structure as traditional distribution
channels. In principle, e-business solutions should
lead to cost effective supply chains, but usually, due
to the focus on service level by fast deliveries, e-
commerce is increasing the demand for fast freight
transports. If e-commerce is to be a more common
way of shopping among consumers, it may also have
various effects on delivery systems and freight
transport demand in urban areas.
The introduction and growth of e-commerce has
also been seen to increase demand for land use due
to the establishment of new transhipment points in
the form of distribution centres. The information
society also partly supports a shift towards road and
air freight transport modes due to the requirements
for fast delivery times and the extension of the
geographic areas of supply and distribution.
Therefore e-commerce can be anticipated to
reinforce longstanding trends for transport growth.
In this study the transport demand effects of the
information society were studied with a scenario
approach and a regional four-step model in the case
area of Tampere Region in Finland. The changes in
the urban form and travel demand were studied by
using three different social scenarios defined in a
earlier study Changes in urban form and transport
demand in Finnish cities by the year 2020 (Heinonen
et al., 2000). The scenarios applied describe the
possible social conditions and the development
leading to it during the period 2000-2020.
The three scenarios studied were virtual society,
eco-society and experience society. Virtual society is
a scenario for virtual mobility and satellite urban
form. Eco-society is a scenario for environmental
awareness and dense urban form and experience
society is a scenario for car dependence and
fragmented urban form. As a baseline scenario the
study also included a business-as-usual scenario for
travel behaviour, land use and transportation
systems. Demand forecasts were made for 2020.
Consumer preferences also have a leading role in
the demand for deliveries. To some extent ICT can
help manage growth in urban deliveries. In virtual
society the demand for delivery transports is at the
same level as in the baseline scenario due to
increased lorry mileage.
In eco-society distribution structure changes and
demand for delivery transport decreases. In eco-
society business solutions are changing relatively a
lot compared to the other scenarios. Delivery
mileage per inhabitant is smaller than at present and
the energy consumption of deliveries is down by 3.4
% compared to the baseline scenario in 2020.
In experience society delivery demand increase
remarkably, by 25 % compared to the baseline
scenario in 2020. Delivery generation in the
information society can be managed better than in
experience society, where the increase of delivery
demand leads to unsustainable delivery transport
amounts. Increased delivery mileage in this scenario
leads to 9 % greater energy consumption. The
increase in delivery transport demand increases the
congestion on the main street network and thus also
affects the delivery schedules and punctuality. A
marked increase in delivery demand in this scenario
would require considerable infrastructure
The energy consumption of transport in virtual
society and eco-society is smaller than in the
baseline scenario in 2020. in virtual society reduced
travel and only slightly increased delivery transport
demand lead to 1 % lower energy consumption than
in the baseline scenario. In eco-society substantial
investments in public transport supply and changes
in the delivery structures lead to 2 % lower energy
consumption than in the baseline scenario.
The development in experience society is quite
different, as energy consumption as well as the
amount of transport-related exhaust gases is
approximately 10 % greater than in the baseline
scenario. Thus both virtual society and eco-society
comprehend more sustainable development from the
perspective of climate change and energy issues in
the transport sector.
This research indicate that e-business solutions
may have significant effects on freight transport
demand and also supply chain system-wide
planning. E-business solutions contain a lot of
information for effective planning of supply chain
including delivery systems, but the e-business
operators and portals have to just focus on supply
chain operation in addition to advanced ICT system
The next phase of the research process is to
focus more detailed in supply chain planning and
delivery systems in e-business services and
solutions. One basic approach is also to clarify real
customer needs and expectations for deliveries of e-
business and e-commerce, which form the basis for
supply chain management in this business area.
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IPCC. 2007. IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working
Group III. Chapter 5 Transport and its infrastructure.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Kärnä, A. 2001. Dematorialization potential of electronic
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Ogden, K.W. 1992. Urban goods movement: a guide to
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies