Table 6: H
’s trustees depending on view and context.
View Contextual Restriction Trustees
global H4,H7,H1,H2,H6,H3,H5
global activity.type=swimpl. H1,H2,H3
global human.role=dev H4,H7,H1,H2
teracted in the past, while others are out of scope.
Note that the order of trustees for H
’s individual view
and team
’s team view are different, though contex-
tual restrictions are set to take into account only hu-
mans from team
in both cases. This is due to the
fact that H
’s trust in H
is quite high (0.9), while the
trust of other team members in H
is only medium
(0.6 on average), thus on team
’s view H
is ranked
lower than H
In this paper we have discussed the role of trust and
related concepts in service-oriented collaboration en-
vironments. We defined a collaboration model com-
prising of humans and services, and proposed an ap-
proach and a framework to automate trust determi-
nation based on monitoring interactions and utilizing
profile information.
Currently we focus on trust metrics and models
and extend the existing prototype to make it feasible
for supporting real world scenarios in the area of net-
worked enterprises. The challenge is the definition
of suitable metrics which are able to reflect real trust
relationships. After that, the next step will be to per-
form an empirical evaluation and to prove that the se-
lected metrics and models appropriately address the
challenges in automatic trust inference.
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through the IP project COIN (FP7-216256).
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