An Agent Based Model
Guido Boella, Marco Remondino
University of Turin, Department of Computer Science, Cso Svizzera 185, Turin, Italy
Gianluca Tornese
University of Turin, Italy
Keywords: Reputation system, Agent based simulation, Peer to peer network.
Abstract: A compelling problem in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks for file sharing, is the spreading of inauthentic files.
To counter this, reputation management systems (RMS) have been introduced. These systems dynamically
assign to the users a reputation value, considered in the decision to download files from them. RMS are
proven, via simulation, to make P2P networks safe from attacks by malicious peers spreading inauthentic
files. But, in large networks of millions of users, non-malicious users get a benefit from sharing inauthentic
files due to the credit system. In this paper we show, using agent based simulation, that reputation systems
are effective only if there is a widespread cooperation by users in verifying authenticity of files during the
download phase, while the size punishment derived by the reputation systems is less relevant. This was not
evident in previous works since they make several ideal assumptions about the behaviour of peers who have
to verify files to discover inauthentic ones. Agent based simulation allows to study the human factor behind
the behaviour of peers, in particular the advantage of spreading inauthentic files, of not checking as soon as
possible their authenticity during the download, thus unwillingly cooperating to the spreading of files-point.
One of the most compelling problems in peer-to-
peer (P2P) networks for file sharing, at least from
the point of view of users, is the spreading of
inauthentic files; since multimedia files are usually
quite large, downloading the wrong ones causes
waste of time, of storage space and of bandwidth.
The percentage of inauthentic files circulating over a
P2P network is high, especially for those resources
which are recent and most requested.
Some of the reasons of this problem are the
possibility to attack a P2P networks introducing
malicious peers and how users exploits the protocol
with which the current P2P systems reward the users
for uploading files, no matter if they are authentic or
not. Since uploading bandwidth is a limited resource
and the download priority queues are based on a
uploading-credit system to reward the most
collaborative peers on the network, some malicious
users, if they see that a resource is rare or most
wanted, could decide to create an inauthentic file for
it, just to have something to share, thus obtaining
credits. In this way inauthentic files spread very
quickly on the network and those malicious users are
never penalized for their behaviour.
To balance the incentive for sharing inauthentic
files, reputation management systems (RMS) have
been introduced. These systems gather information
from users about the authenticity of files
downloaded by peers and based on this dynamically
assign a reputation to them, used as a value in the
decision to download files from them or not.
Reputation management systems are proven, via
simulation, to make P2P networks safe from attacks
by malicious peer, even when forming coalitions.
If attack to P2P network via inauthentic files is a
relevant problem, it is not the only one. In particular,
in large networks of millions of users attacks are
more difficult but users still have a benefit from
Boella G., Remondino M. and Tornese G.
DOI: 10.5220/0001821200050012
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sharing inauthentic files. RMS have been proved
useful against attacks but it is not clear if they can be
effective against widespread selfish misbehaviour.
The reason is that they make many ideal
assumptions about the behaviour of peers who have
to verify files to discover inauthentic files: this
operation is assumed to be automatic and to have no
cost. Moreover, since in current systems files are
shared before downloading is completed, peers
downloading inauthentic files involuntarily spread
inauthentic files if they are not cooperative enough
to verify their download as soon as possible. In this
paper we address the following research questions:
Which are the factors controlled by users which
determine the correct functioning of reputation
management systems in P2P network?
How to evaluate the role of these factors by
means of agent based simulation? Which factors
have most impact?
In the present work the creation and spreading of
inauthentic files is not considered as an attack, but a
way in which some agents try to raise their credits,
while not possessing the real resource that's being
searched by others. A basic and idealized RMS is
introduced, acting as a positive or negative reward
for the users. We are not interested in simulating
factors like distribution of workload among the
peers, how reputation is calculate, bandwidth issues
and multiple sources downloading, since our focus is
different. Instead, the human factor behind a RMS is
considered, e.g. the decision of creating inauthentic
files and costs and benefits of verifying files.
To test the limits and effectiveness of a RMS
under different user behaviours we use agent based
simulation. A multi agent simulation of a P2P
network is used, employing reactive agents to model
the users. The P2P network is modelled using a
graph with a random distribution for the nodes and
the links. The RMS is decentralized and each agent
has a unique value, valid throughout the whole
system. Each agent has a dynamic set of goals; the
protocol used for searching is a request flooding one,
with a TTL (time to live) set to three.
Under certain conditions, even a simple RMS
can dramatically reduce the number of inauthentic
files over a P2P system and harshly penalize
malicious users, without directly banishing them
from the network (ostracism).
The main goal is to discover the malicious users
and penalize them for their behaviour, while
rewarding the loyal users. By using given values for
positive and negative payoffs, malicious users get
quickly discovered, in the sense that their reputation,
after some simulated turns, gets significantly lower
than that of loyal agents. Besides, the unaware
agents that unwillingly contributed to spread the
inauthentic files (since they didn't check and delete
them when they could do that) do not get penalized
too much by this system, keeping a reputation value
much higher than malicious agents. After few turns
the number of inauthentic files over the P2P network
is dramatically reduced, and so is the index of their
number/total number of requests. This guarantees
that this emerging result is not caused by the
reduction of the number of requests.
This paper is structured as follows. First in
Section “reputation” we discuss reputation
management systems, then in Section “model” we
present the P2P scenario we use. Section “results”
analyzes the parameters and results of simulations.
“Conclusions” discusses the results and future work.
It is well known that selfish peers wish to use file
sharing services while contributing minimal or no
resources themselves: to minimize their cost in
bandwidth and CPU utilization freeholders refuse to
share files in the network. To incentive sharing of
files, credit systems are set up to give more
bandwidth or priorities in waiting queues to users
who share more files.
The credit mechanism, alas, can be exploited by
users who try to get more credits by distributing
highly requested files even if they do not have them,
it is sufficient to replace them with inauthentic
copies. This behaviour can take the form of an
explicit creation of inauthentic files or the
voluntarily or not voluntarily sharing of downloaded
(or still in download) inauthentic files. When a user
is downloading a file after a given amount of time he
can check its authenticity. If she does not verify, or
she does not remove that file, from the perspective
of the system she becomes a malicious user. RMS,
like EigenTrust (Kamvar et al., 2003), try to lower
the problem of inauthentic files by allowing users to
give feedback about the cooperativeness of other
users and the system uses this feedback to compute a
reputation of the different peers in the systems.
In general, a RMS assists agents in choosing a
reliable peer (if possible) to transact with when one
or more have offered the agent a service or resource.
To accomplish this, a RMS collects information on
the transactional behaviour of each peer
(information gathering), scores and ranks the peers
based on expected reliability (scoring/ranking), and
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
allows the system to take actions against malicious
peers while rewarding contributors.
The driving force behind RMS design is to
provide a service that mitigates misbehaviour while
imposing a minimal costs on the well-behaved users.
To that end, it is important to understand the
requirements imposed on system design by each of
the following: among them the behaviour and
expectations of typical good users, and the goals and
attacks of adversaries.
Usability of a systems consists both in providing
an acceptable level of service, and in not demanding
costly behaviours, or at least providing incentives
for such behaviours. However, malicious behaviour
by peer is due not only by the will to attack the
system or to get higher credits, but also by the cost
of verifying the authenticity of files: the user needs a
correct version of the P2P software, has to find a
suitable viewer, to select a not yet verified file, to
wait until it opens, to check the content (sometimes
an embarrassing task) and to signal the
inauthenticity of the file. Since controlling the
authenticity of files is costly, and this operation is a
prerequisite for giving a feedback on the
cooperativity of peers, the RMS is not granted to
function as expected. Most approaches, most notably
EigenTrust (Kamvar et al., 2003), assume that
verification is made automatically upon the start of
download of the file. By looking as we do at the
human factor in dealing with RMS, we can question
their real applicability, a question which remains
unanswered in the simulation based tests made by
the authors. To provide an answer to this question it
is necessary to build a simulation tool aiming at a
more accurate modelling of the users' behaviour
rather than at modelling the RMS in detail.
The P2P network is modelled as an undirected and
non-reflexive graph. Each node is an agent,
representing a P2P user. Agents are reactive: their
behaviour is thus determined a priori, and the
strategies are the result of the stimuli coming from
the environment and of the condition-action rules.
Their behaviour is illustrated in next section.
Formally the multi agent system is defined as MAS
= <Ag; Rel>, with Ag set of nodes and Rel set of
edges. Each edge among two nodes is a link among
the agents and is indicated by the tuple < ai; aj >
with ai and aj belonging to Ag. Each agent features
the following parameters:
– Unique ID (identifier),
– Reputation value (or credits) N(ai),
– Set of agent’s neighbors RP(ai),
– Set of owned resources RO(ai),
– Set of goals (resource identifiers) RD(ai),
– Set of resources being downloaded P(ai),
– Set of pairs < supplier; resource >.
A resource is a tuple <Name, Authenticity>,
where Name is the resource identifier and
Authenticity is a Boolean attribute indicating
whether the resource is authentic or not. The agent
owning the resource, however, does not have access
to this attribute unless he verifies the file.
The resources represent the object being shared
on the P2P network. A number of resources are
introduced in the system at the beginning of the
simulation; they represent both the owned objects
and the agents' goals. For coherence, an owned
resource can't be a goal, for the same agent. The
distribution of the resource is stochastic. During the
simulation, other resources are stochastically
introduced. In this way, each agent in the system has
the same probabilities to own a resource,
independently from her inner nature (malicious or
loyal). In the same way also the corresponding new
goals are distributed to the agents; the difference is
that the distribution probability is constrained by its
being possessed by an agent. Formally R be the set
of all the resources in the system. We have that:
Each agent in the system features a set of
neighbours N(ai), containing all the agents to which
she is directly linked in the graph: Na
j Ag| ;  Rel
. This information
characterizes the information of each agent about the
environment. The implemented protocol is a totally
distributed one, so looking for the resource is
heavily based on the set of neighbours.
In the real word the shared resources often have
big dimensions; after finding the resource, a lot of
time is usually required for the complete download.
In order to simulate this the set of the "resources
being downloaded" (Ris) introduced. These are
described as Ris = <resource ID, completion, check
status>, where ID is the resource identifier,
completion is the percentage already downloaded
and "check status" indicates whether the resource
has been checked for authenticity or not. In
particular, it can be not yet verified, verified and
authentic and verified and inauthentic:
Another information is ID of the provider of a
certain resource, identified by P(ai). Each agent
keeps track of those which are uploading to him, and
Agent Based Model
this information is preserved also after the download
is finished. The real P2P systems allow the same
resource to be download in parallel from many
providers, to improve the performance and to split
the bandwidth load. This simplification should not
affect the aggregate result of the simulation, since
the negative payoff would reach more agents instead
of just one (so the case with multiple provider is a
sub-case of that with a single provider).
3.1 The Reputation Model
In this work we assume a simple idealized model of
reputation, since the objective is not to prove the
effectiveness of a particular reputation algorithm but
to study the effect of users' behaviour on a reputation
system. We use a centralized system which assumes
the correctness of information provided by users,
e.g., it is not possible to give an evaluation of a user
with whom there was no interaction. The reason is
that we focus on the behaviour of common agents
and not on hackers who attack the system by
manipulating the code of the peer application. In the
system there are two reputation thresholds: the first
and higher one, under which it’s impossible to ask
for resources to other agents, the second, lower than
the other, which makes it impossible even to share
the owned files. This guarantees that an agents that
falls under the first one (because she shared too
many inauthentic files), can still regain credits by
sharing authentic ones and come back over the first
threshold. On the contrary, if she continues sharing
inauthentic files, she will fall also under the second
threshold, being de facto excluded from the network,
still being a working link from and to other agents.
3.2 The User Model
Peers are reactive agents replying to requests,
performing requests or verifying files. While upload
is performed each time another agent makes a
request, requesting a file and verification are
performed (in alternative) when it is the turn of the
agent in the simulation. All agents belong to two
disjoint classes: malicious agents and loyal agents.
The classes have different behaviours concerning
uploading, while they have the same behaviour
concerning downloading and verification: malicious
agents are just common agents who exploit for
selfishness the weaknesses of the system. When it is
the turn of another peer, and he requests a file to the
agent, he has to decide whether to comply with the
request and to decide how to comply with it.
- The decision to upload a file is based on the
reputation of the requester: if it is below the
"replying threshold", the requestee denies the upload
(even if the requestee is a malicious agent).
- The "replyTo" method refers to the reply each
agent gives when asked for a resource. When the
agent is faced with a request he cannot comply but
the requester's reputation is above the "replying
threshold", if he belongs to the malicious class, he
has to decide whether to create and upload an
inauthentic file by copying and renaming one of his
other resources. The decision is based depending on
a parameter. If the resource is owned, she sends it to
the requesting agent, after verifying if her reputation
is higher than the "replying threshold". Each agent
performs at each round of simulation two steps:
1) Performing the downloadings in progress. For
each resource being downloaded, the agents check if
the download is finished. If not, the system checks if
the resource is still present in the provider's "sharing
pool". In case it's no longer there, the download is
stopped and is removed from the list of the "owned
resources". Each file is formed by n units; when 2/n
of the file has been downloaded, then the file gets
automatically owned and shared also by the agent
that is downloading it.
2) Making new requests to other peers or
verifying the authenticity of a file downloaded or in
downloading, but not both:
a) When searching for a resource all the
agents within a depth of 3 from the requesting
one are considered. The list is ordered by
reputation. A method is invoked on every agent
with a reputation higher than the "requests
threshold", until the resource is found or the list
reaches the ending point. If the resource is
found, it's put in the "downloading list", the
goal is cancelled, the supplier is recorded and
linked with that specific download in progress
and her reputation is increased according to the
value defined in the simulation parameters. If
no resource is found, the goal is given up.
b) Verification means that a file is
previewed and if the content does not
correspond to its description or filename, this
fact is notified to the reputation system.
Verification phase requires that at least one file
must be in progress and it must be beyond the
2/n threshold described above. An agent has a
given probability to verify instead of looking
for a new file. In case the agent verifies, a
random resource is selected among those “in
download” and not checked. If authentic, the
turn is over. Otherwise, a "punishment" method
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
is invoked, the resource deleted from the
"downloading" and from the "owned " lists and
put among the "goals" once again.
The RMS is based on the "punishment" method
which lowers the supplier's reputation, deletes her
from the "providers" list in order to avoid cyclic
punishment chains, and recursively invokes the
"punishment" method on the punished provider. A
punishment chain is thus created, reaching the
creator of the inauthentic file, and all the aware or
unaware agents that contributed in spreading it.
4.1 Variables and Methodology
The simulation goes on until at least one goal exists
and/or a download is still in progress. A "come-
back" mode is implemented and selectable before
the simulation starts, in order to simulate the real
behaviour of some P2P users who, realizing that
they cannot download anymore (since they have low
credits or, in this case, bad reputation), disconnect
their client, and then connect again, so to start from
the initial pool of credits/reputation. When this mode
is active, at the beginning of each turn all the agents
that are under a given threshold reset it to the initial
value, metaphorically representing the disconnection
and reconnection. This will be discussed later.
In the following table a summary of the most
important parameters for the experiments are given:
Table 1: The main parameters.
In all the experiments, the other relevant
parameters are fixed, while the following ones
Table 2: The scenarios.
A crucial index, defining the wellbeing of the
P2P system, is the ratio among the number of
inauthentic resources and the total number of files
on the network. The total number is increasing more
and more over time, since new resources are
introduced iteratively. Another measure collected is
the average reputation of loyal and malicious agents
at the end of the simulation; in an ideal world, we
expect malicious ones to be penalized for their
behaviour, and loyal ones to be rewarded. The
results were obtained by a batch execution mode for
the simulation. This executes 50 times the
simulation with the same parameters, sampling the
inauthentic/total ratio every 50 steps. This is to
overcome the sampling effect; many variables in the
simulation are stochastic, so this technique gives an
high level of confidence for the produced results. In
2000 turns, we have a total of 40 samples. After all
the executions are over, the average for each time
step is calculated, and represented in a chart. In the
same way, the grand average of the average
reputations for loyal and malicious agents is
calculated, and represented in a bar chart. In figure
1, the chart with the trend of inauthentic/total
resources is represented for the results coming from
experiments 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. The results of
experiment 4 is discussed later.
Figure 1: The trends of the results.
4.2 Evaluation of Results
Experiment 5 depicts the worst case: no negative
payoff is given. The ratio initially grows and, at a
certain point, it gets constant over time, since new
Agent Based Model
resources are stochastically distributed among all the
agents with the same probability. In this way also
malicious agents have new resources to share, and
they will send out inauthentic files only for those
resources they do not own. In the idealized world
modelled in this simulation, since agents are 50
malicious and 50 loyal, and since the ones with
higher reputation are preferred when asking for a
file, it’s straightforward that malicious agents’
reputation fly away, and that an high percentage of
files in the system are inauthentic (about 63%).
Experiment 1 shows how a simple RMS, with quite
a light punishing factor (3) is already sufficient to
lower the percentage of inauthentic files in the
network over time. We can see a positive trend,
reaching about 28% after 2000 time steps, which is
an over 100% improvement compared to the
situation in which there was no punishment for
inauthentic files. In this experiment the verification
percentage is at 30%. This is quite low, since it
means that 70% of the files remain unchecked
forever (downloaded, but never used). In order to
show how much the human factor can influence the
way in which a RMS works, in experiment 2 the
verification percentage has been increased up to
40%, leaving the negative payoff still at 3. The
result is surprisingly good: the inauthentic/total ratio
is dramatically lowered after few turns (less than
10% after 200), reaching less than 1% after 2000
steps. Since 40% of files checked is quite a realistic
percentage for a P2P user, this empirically proves
that even the simple RMS proposed here
dramatically helps in reducing the number of
inauthentic files. In order to assign a quantitative
weight to the human factor, in experiment 3, the
negative payoff is moved from 3 to 4, while bringing
back the verification percentage to 30%. Even with a
higher punishing factor, the ratio is worse than in
experiment 2, meaning that it’s preferable to have a
higher verification rate, compared to a higher
negative payoff. Experiment 6 shows the opposite
trend: the negative payoff is lighter (2), but the
verification rate is again at 40%, as in experiment 2.
The trend is very similar – just a bit worse - to that
of experiment 3. In particular, the ratio of
inauthentic files, after 2000 turns, is about 16%. At
this point, it gets quite interesting to find the “break
even point” among the punishing factor and the
verification rate. After some empirical simulations,
we have that, compared with 40% of verification and
3 negative payoff, if now verification is just at 30%,
the negative payoff must be set to a whopping value
of 8, in order to get a comparable trend in the ratio.
This is done in experiment 4: after 2000 turns,
there’s 1% of inauthentic files with a negative
payoff of 3 and a verification percentage of 40%,
and about 0.7 with 8 and 30% respectively. This
clearly indicates that human factor (the files
verification) is crucial for a RMS to work correctly
and give the desired aggregate results (few
inauthentic files over a P2P network). In particular, a
slightly higher verification rate (from 30% to 40%)
weights about the same of a heavy upgrade of the
punishing factor (from 3 to 8).
Besides considering the ratio of inauthentic files
moving on a P2P network, it’s also crucial to verify
that the proposed RMS algorithm could punish the
agents that maliciously share inauthentic files,
without involving too much unwilling accomplices,
which are loyal users that unconsciously spread the
files created by the former ones. In the agent based
simulation, this can be considered by looking at the
average reputation of the agents, at the end of the
2000 time steps. In the worst case scenario, the
malicious agents, that are not punished for
producing inauthentic files, always upload the file
they are asked for (be it authentic or not). In this
way, they soon gain credits, topping the loyal ones.
Since in the model the users with a higher reputation
are preferred when asking files, this phenomenon
soon triggers an explosive effects: loyal agents are
marginalized, and never get asked for files. This
results in a very low average reputation for loyal
agents (around 70 after 2000 turns) and a very high
average value for malicious agents (more than 2800)
at the same time. In experiment 1 the basic RMS
presented here, changes this result; even with a low
negative payoff (3) the average reputations after
2000 turns, the results are clear: about 700 for loyal
agents and slightly more than 200 for malicious
ones. The algorithm preserves loyal agents, while
punishing malicious ones. In experiment 2, with a
higher verification percentage (human factor), we
see a tremendous improvement for the effectiveness
of the RMS algorithm. The average reputation for
loyal agents, after 2000 steps, reaches almost 1400,
while all the malicious agents go under the lower
threshold (they can’t either download or share
resources), with an average reputation of less than 9
points. Experiment 3 explores the scenario in which
the users just check 30% of the files they download,
but the negative payoff is raised from 3 to 4. The
final figure about average reputations is again very
good. Loyal agents, after 2000 steps, averagely
reach a reputation of over 1200, while malicious
ones stay down at about 40. This again proves the
proposed RMS system to be quite effective, though,
with a low verification rate, not all the malicious
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
agents get under the lower threshold, even if the
negative payoff is 4. In experiment 6 the verification
percentage is again at the more realistic 40%, while
negative payoff is reduced to 2. Even with this low
negative payoff, the results are good: most malicious
agents fall under the lowest threshold, so they can’t
share files and they get an average reputation of
about 100. Loyal agents behave very well and reach
an average reputation of more than 900. Experiment
4 is the one in which we wanted to harshly penalize
inauthentic file sharing (negative payoff is set at 8),
while leaving an high laxity in the verification
percentage (30%). Unlikely what it could have been
expected, this setup does not punish too much loyal
agents that, unwillingly, spread unchecked
inauthentic files. After 2000 turns, all the malicious
agents fall under the lowest threshold, and feature an
average reputation of less than 7 points, while loyal
agents fly at an average of almost 1300 points. The
fact that no loyal agent falls under the “point of no
return” (the lowest threshold) is probably due to the
fact that they do not systematically share inauthentic
files, while malicious agents do. Loyal ones just
share the inauthentic resources they never check.
Malicious agents, on the other side, always send out
inauthentic files when asked for a resource they do
not own, thus being hardly punished by the RMS,
when the negative payoff is more than 3.
4.3 Comeback Mode
It is straightforward to imagine that an agent could
simply disconnect and reconnect to the network, in
order to start from an initial reputation value and
overcome the limits of this RMS. In order to
simulate this, a “comeback mode” (CBM) has been
implemented in the simulation. The agents, when
reaching the lowest threshold, are simply reset to the
initial reputation value (that’s what would happen if
they disconnected and reconnected).
Even with CBM activated, the results are very
similar to those in which this mode is off. They are
actually a bit worse when the negative payoff is low
(3) and so is the verification percentage (30%): the
ratio of inauthentic files in the network is quite high,
at about 41% after 2000 turns versus the 27%
observed in experiment 1, which had the same
parameters, but no CBM. When the verification
percentage is increased to 40%, though, things get
quite better. Now the ratio of inauthentic files has
the same levels as in experiment 2 (less than 1%
after 2000 steps). Also with a lower verification
percentage (again at 30%), but leaving the negative
payoff at 4, the figure is almost identical to the one
with the same parameters, but without a CBM. After
2000 turns, the inauthentic files ratio is about 12%.
The experiments show that malicious agents,
even resetting their own reputation after going below
the lowest threshold, can’t overcome this basic
RMS, if they always produce inauthentic files. This
happens because, even if they reset their reputation
to the initial value, it’s still low compared to the one
reached by loyal agents; if they shared authentic
files, this value would go up in few turns, but since
they again start spreading inauthentic files, they
almost immediately fall under the thresholds again.
4.4 Scaling Issue
Changing the numbers of agents, agent based
models can suffer from scaling issues, meaning that
the results obtained with a certain number of agents
don’t hold when this number changes significantly.
To verify this, two more experiments were carried
on. The number of agents is increased to 150 (three
times the previous value). Coherently, the number of
edges, the initial pool of resources and the number
of resources introduced at each turn are also tripled.
The trend is very similar: with a low negative payoff
(3) and a low verification rate (30%), we have just a
slightly higher ratio of inauthentic files. The same
comparison is carried on with the average final
reputations. Again, the results are very similar, even
if the system with more agents has a slightly worse
aggregate behaviour than the smaller one. Generally
speaking we conclude that the difference is very
low, so the scaling issue is not influencing the
results shown, on a 1:3 basis. In future works this
study will be extended to even more agents.
First of all in this paper we look for the factors
controlled by users determining the effectiveness of
RMSs in P2P network. Two are the critical points:
the decision of sharing inauthentic files and the
decision to verify or not the downloaded files.
While the benefit of not verifying is determined
by the saved time (verifying is incompatible with
making new searches and starting new downloads),
the benefit of spreading inauthentic files must be
confirmed by the simulation. Without the
mechanism for punishing malicious agents,
inauthentic files increase sharply, and at the end of
simulation the reputation of malicious agents is
Agent Based Model
much higher than loyal ones', and this is reached
very soon. Thus, producing inauthentic files is a
worthy strategy, under no enforcement mechanism.
However, the behaviour of malicious agents
strikes back against them: they are not attackers and
have the goal of downloading resources, as well.
Here we assume that if a file is verified, then the
reputation of the uploader is decreased immediately,
due to the lower cost of this action. A more fine
grained model should consider also this human
factor. Analogously we do not consider the
possibility to punish peers without first receiving
and checking a file - a behaviour which should be
prevented by the software itself - as well as we do
not consider the possibility of punishing even if the
file is authentic. As stated in the Introduction, our
goal is to model the behaviour of normal user, not of
hackers attacking the system.
The second question of the work is: how to
evaluate the role of these factors by means of agent
based simulation? Which factors have most impact?
The simulation framework for reputation gives
interesting results: the key factor to lower the
number of inauthentic files in a file sharing P2P
system is the proportion of verifications made by
peer. Even a low figure like 30% sharply limits the
behaviour of malicious agents when we do not
consider the possibility of whitewashing after
comeback. The role of punishment, in terms of
reputation points, has instead a more limited impact.
Surprisingly, even when whitewashing is
allowed, the number of inauthentic files in the
system can be limited if peers verify files 40% of the
times. The same results cannot be achieved by
increasing the figure of the punishment and
decreasing the proportion of verifications.
The moral of our study is that a mechanism for
stimulating users to check the authenticity of files
should be promoted, otherwise the entire file sharing
system is flooded by inauthentic files. In contrast,
usual approaches to RMS (Josang et al., 2007)
consider verification as automatic, thus ignoring the
human factor: since we show that verification has a
sharp effect according to its rate, it cannot be
ignored in simulating the effect of a RMS. Thus, we
identify the conditions when even a simple RMS can
dramatically reduce the number of inauthentic files
over a P2P system and penalize malicious users,
without banishing them from the network, as
proposed in other models based on ostracism. The
proposed model is very simple. The reader must be
aware of several limitations, which are the object of
ongoing work. Resources are not divided in
categories; inauthentic files, in reality, are mostly
found in newer resources. Thus, we are aiming at
using real data to differentiate the kinds of resources,
distinguishing in particular newly requested
resources. At present we distinguish malicious
agents from loyal agents based on their response, but
all the agents have the same behaviour for other
aspects, e.g. they verify with the same proportion. It
could be useful to simulate using different
parameters in each agent of the two classes.
Bandwidth is not considered: thus all downloads
proceeds at the same rate, even if the decision to
upload to a peer is based on his reputation.
Moreover, a peer decides to upload on the basis of
which agent has the highest reputation. It is well
known that this algorithm can create unbalance
among peers, but we abstract here from this
problem, since we are not proposing a new P2P
mechanism but checking the efficacy of a RMS on
the specific problem of inauthentic files. Note,
however, that this strategy has a negative effect
when malicious peers get high reputation, but if the
reputation system is well tuned, malicious agents
should never get high reputation.
Finally, we allow agents to disconnect and
reconnect, but this whitewashing happens without
changing their position on the graph, or behaviour.
The real improvement in our ongoing work,
however, is moving from reactive agents to more
sophisticated ones, able to learn from what is
happening in the network. While in the current
model agents stochastically decide whether to
upload an inauthentic file or not, or to verify or not,
cognitive agents adapt to the circumstances, looking
how many objectives they can achieve using their
current strategy, and looking for new alternatives.
Modelling adaptive agents allows to check for
further vulnerabilities, like what happens when
agents produce inauthentic files at a variable rate
which does not decrease too much their reputation.
Josang A., Ismail R, and Boyd. C., 2007. A survey of trust
and reputation systems for online service provision.
Decis. Support Syst., 43(2): pp 618–644.
Kamvar S. D., Schlosser M. T., and Garcia-Molina H.,
2003. The eigentrust algorithm for reputation
management in p2p networks. In WWW ’03:
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on
World Wide Web, pp 640–651, USA, ACM Press.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies